Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 656

Kurapika’s eyes became red as blood, and the dots of fluorescent light inside, like countless souls of the past, framed Machi thoroughly at that moment.

From weak to strong aura, suddenly set off in his whole body.

Joy, madness, anger, sadness, fear, hatred, intent, loyalty, excitement, suspicion, joy, shame, awareness, these emotions from human beings can affect mind more or less.

Will increase and decrease.

It will become stronger and weaker.

But it is worth noting that after using Strength outside its own scope, it often produces severe repercussions.

Kurapika has just learned to control her mind, followed by hours of exercise. At this point, both spiritual and physical, have reached their limits.

However, driven by the anger and hatred, he still released the aura, even more than before.

The cause of this violation is not only emotional, but also related to Kurta Clan’s red-eyed Bloodline.

However, Kurapika, just after cultivation, is like a dry lake. At this moment, the behavior is like forcing a hole through the ground, attracting a lot of groundwater.

If you let Kurapika continue, you will not be able to use mental energy for at least a week, and you will even lose your body.

“Is this red-eyed …”

Luo looks at Kurapika The air field above the standard erupted with an arrow at the end of its flight, and she had a clearer understanding of the red eyes. Then she controlled her strength and slapped her palm on the back of Kurapika .

Kurapika’s body trembled, her eyelids drooping slowly, hiding the crimson rays of light, and then falling softly to the ground.

Luo took 2 steps forward and helped Kurapika.

Machi set aside the wooden box, looked towards Luo, and said, “Just stun him like this, aren’t you afraid of losing his trust?”

“His trust in me should not be so cheap.”

Luo put Kurapika on the ground, took off the body coat, covered Kurapika’s body, and then sat on the rock by the stream.

In order to prevent Kurapika from overdrawing his body and affecting the subsequent practice, Luo verified that some of his red-eye information was impossibly allowing Kurapika to release his mind freely.

Machi came over and sat beside Luo.

She nestled on Luo’s shoulders, looking at Kurapika lying flat on the floor, and said, “Are you understood long ago? Kurta Clan has a fish that escaped the net.”

“That’s right.” Luo responded without much explanation.

Machi was silent, rubbing his cheek lightly against Luo’s shoulder.

Luo suddenly pulled Machi into his arms, neither of them spoke, listening to the sound of the stream quietly.

At night, the bugs disturbed the ears.

The moonlight fell in the river, with ripples of silver light.

Machi went back, leaving only Luo and Kurapika by the river.

Luo sits on the rock, while Kurapika lies on the flat ground.


With a groan, Kurapika woke up, and the coat covering his body was slammed into the air.

He got up with fierce movements, split the second to see the situation around him, and finally, like an injured beast, stared at Luo sitting on the rock.

“Where did that woman go?”

A cold voice squeezed out of Kurapika’s mouth.

Facing Kurapika’s inexplicable eyes, Luo supported his cheek with the back of his hand, and said indifferently: “Go back, also, she has the name Machi, my woman.”

Kurapika expression trembled, his eyes flashing blankly, and gritted his teeth: “Who the hell are you? What is the relationship with Phantom Troupe?”

Luo didn’t answer, but opened the lid of the lunch box next to her and said, “Let’s eat first and explain to you as you eat.”

Luo who looks at serene, but Kurapika stopped still, and Kakuzu peripheral vision caught a glimpse of the coat that fell to the ground, took a deep breath, and calmed the inner vibration.

There was a complicated expression on his face, and after a moment of hesitation, he walked towards Luo.

In the style of Phantom Troupe, killing is as simple as drinking water.

If Luo wanted to hurt him, if Luo was Phantom Troupe’s man, he wouldn’t have to bother.

Subsequently, Kurapika silently ate the medicated meals that had been completely cooled, while listening to Luo’s abrupt explanation.

After listening to Luo’s narrative, Kurapika’s hanging heart slowly settled down.

He understood 2 points is enough.

First, Luo’s relationship with the brigade was the enemy. Second, Machi was now separated from the brigade and was not involved in the slaughter of his fellow men.

From this point of view, this is why Luo knew Phantom Troupe’s intelligence?

The reason why I can easily believe Luo’s words lies in the joints I just figured out.

The medicated meal in the lunch box gradually became less.

Luo looks at the moonlight in the stream and said, “Continue after you finish.”


Kurapika’s ambiguous complied, picking up food and putting it in his mouth, Paulie’s movements became noticeably faster, making that cheek bulge high, and the lips were full of vegetable juice.

Original, who paid special attention to the image, in this brief moment, in order to squeeze more time, he has ignored it.

After a while, Kurapika swallowed the last meal, and as soon as possible, the dish was cold, but after entering the stomach, it was like hot coals, which gradually eased the body.

“This is a medicated diet, which is quite good for your physical fitness.” It seems to see Kurapika’s doubts, Luo explained it, then took out the towel from the black cat space and passed it.

Kurapika startedled. After a while, he quietly took over the towel, wiped the stain on Kakuzu’s mouth, and whispered, “Thank you … Master.”

Luo couldn’t help looking towards Kurapika, bowing her head, said with a smile: “What did you call me just now? I didn’t hear clearly.”

Kurapika’s face lightly red, opened his mouth, and struggled for a moment before saying, “Master.”

“Don’t you just finish your meal? It sounds like a mosquito.” Luo continued to ridicule.

Kurapika seemed to be out of the way, and finally shouted at a sound higher than normal: “Master!”

“Good.” Luo nodded.

“…” Kurapika.

After that, Kurapika continued to practice.

The night was getting dark. After hours passed, Kurapika’s mental energy was exhausted between the opening and closing of the pores, and the body ushered in the state of exhaustion 2 times in one day.

“Okay, continue tomorrow morning.”

Luo stopped Kurapika, then walked to the edge of the woods, raised his hand, took Allah out of the space, and waved the sword into the woods.

In that moment, more than ten trees were cut and cut off.

Luo withdrew Allah, opened the field, processed the big tree into wooden stakes, and quickly assembled into a wood house.

Kurapika looked aside, shocked.

He has mastered most of Mind Power’s knowledge and still cannot understand how Luo did it.

After the wood house was completed, Luo took off his body coat again and threw it to Kurapika, saying, “Without a quilt tonight, you can make use of it. Don’t reject it. In your current state, the cold is easy to enter the body. I I don’t want to see you catch a cold tomorrow. “

Kurapika wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Luo’s preemptive words.


He squeezed the coat slightly harder and whispered.

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