Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 689

as the saying goes, brave to death, starve to timidity.

A few Criminal Syndicate gangsters saw Luo draw away the attention of those evil stars, and in addition to their fear, they tried to escape.

Their eyes stared at the elevator and the staircase, struggling.

Anyway, someone who can be a Boss thinks that if they are dead horizontally and vertically, no matter what, they have to jump around.

The struggle in his eyes gradually disappeared, turning to brutality.

There is no gaze or communication.

There are 4 people, no less than a second before and after, all moved towards the stairs.

They chose the stairs because they didn’t have to wait for the elevator to open the door, they could run straight down.

Feitan and Phinks noticed the behavior of the members of the Criminal Syndicate, but they didn’t bother. They should also say that the two of them did not have the energy to control the members of the Criminal Syndicate.

Luo is here, giving them plenty of pressure.

The 4 Criminal Syndicate Boss successfully ran into the staircase, and if the person who was about to suffocate breathed oxygen, his face was showing a vibrant ruddy color, and he ran wild in the corridor, not even the elevator.

In the observatory, I saw 4 colleagues running away successfully, and the others were immediately moving, cautiously observing the evil stars in the field.

No matter what, there is only a chance to survive if you break out.

The rest of the people suddenly moved desperately and moved towards the entrance of the stairs.

Da Zuo Nin picked up Neon with a soft leg, followed by Nostrade, followed closely in the line, and the melody was behind them.

Before running into the entrance of the stairway, Melody took a special look at Luo, and found that the other person did not see them at all.

From the sudden appearance, to the people who hurt Phantom Troupe, from beginning to end, they did not even look at the group of silent lambs forced into Kakuzu.

After the Criminal Syndicate’s people ran out, only Luo, Feitan, and Phinks were left in the observation hall, as well as the corpse and the skin peeled off by the flying hairs.

Feitan’s right hand had a broken arm, a rib was broken, and Phinks had a hole in the palm of his left hand.

Of the two, Feitan suffered a serious injury, but in the past combat history, this injury was not much.

After all the members of the Criminal Syndicate ran out, the black power of the Feitan body once again manifested the red spiked fireproof clothing, covering Feitan’s body tightly, revealing only a pair of eyes.

Seeing this, Phinks said nothing, and kicked the side load-bearing post.

Many pieces of gravel wrapped in thought, and flew towards Luo.

At the same time, Phinks shattered the floor and fell to the next level.

Luo eyes Kakuzu peripheral vision and saw Phinks’s move. Then he took Allah out of the black cat space and waved to the right.

Nianli spray room, the flying gravel is photographed to the right by an invisible giant palm, all turned into a powder-like.

Immediately afterwards, Feitan’s voice was heard.

“Miscellaneous, GuLu is ashamed, Carmatieu.”

That is a weird syllable, which sounds awkward. It roughly means: this time, it will definitely burn you!

Before he could finish speaking, a small black and red sun condensed in front of his chest.


Seeing this, Luo immediately took a step forward, and wanted to cut off the small sun that was concentrated with super heat before Feitan completely released his big move.

However, to Luo’s surprise, Feitan not at all throws the little sun into the air, and does not need a pause like [chanting], but … releases directly in front of him.

Suddenly, a terrifying heat swept across with dazzling red light.

“Is it improvement based on demand?”

Luo moved his thoughts, stopped, and calmly looked at the hot red light carrying high temperature assaults the senses.

The work of split second, high-temperature red light fills the entire floor, carpets and corpses spread on the ground, ignites a flame in one second, and then turns into coke.


The terrible heat even caused a local explosion, and one after another flames flew from all around the observatory.

The load-bearing columns were burned and melted to reveal the thick steel bars inside. Within a short time, even the steel bars gradually turned into liquid.

A huge crack crawled through the ceiling, and soon, a large slab of stone was split and hit the floor, shaking the entire floor.

The hot temperature flooded the entire floor, and in the center of the [Sun], Feitan’s exposed eyes were filled with coldness.

He couldn’t wait to see Luo screaming in the hot roast before turning it into a coke.

However, the imaginary scene not at all happened, which could bake all living things into the red light of coke, and saw Luo expressionless standing there, nothing happened.

As if, the inscrutable red light is not the fire in purgatory, but the land of warmth and tenderness in the red light district.

“How can it be!”

Feitan is incredible.

Why … Luo will do nothing?

The bottom.

Phinks does not take the stairs or the elevator, and directly opens the road by violent means, shattering the floors of floors, away from the terrible high temperature that keeps eroding from upstairs.

“That guy is dead.”

Phinks’s face was indifferent.

Feitan’s trick is too terrifying. Any creature can’t bear it for ten seconds in the face of that high temperature. Where the pain in the ass is, it doesn’t distinguish between the enemy and me.

If it weren’t enough to understand Feitan, I would have put my life on it.

Thinking of this, Phinks popped a few blue tendons on his forehead.

That wasn’t tacit cooperation, or even not being notified in advance, but that Feitan’s big move did not take his safety into account at all.

At the same time, more than 30 members of the Criminal Syndicate who had escaped have reached the middle floor of the building, and suddenly heard the roar from the building. In addition to the terror, the whole building shook a few times, making their heartbeat accelerate again. .

The four Criminal Syndicate bosses who ran away first came to the lobby on the first floor, and the target was moved towards the main entrance. The route was the closest.

However, they took a few steps and stopped, because in the hall on the first floor, in addition to the corpses and blood everywhere, three women and a baby emerged out of thin air.

These three women are Saling them.

Seeing them, the four Criminal Syndicate gangsters turned pale.

Although Saling and his team seem to have no deterrent, it is inevitable that they will be Phantom Troupe’s accomplices, so the other party may be a monster-level existence.

Most importantly, the firearms were stowed before they came in.

For a moment, the eyes of the four Criminal Syndicate bosses Kakuzu peripheral vision involuntarily glanced at the firearm next to the body.

Sa Ling just looked at it coldly, leaving the four Criminal Syndicate big men dead.

“Let’s go and see.”

Looking back, Sa Ling crossed the corpse and walked towards the corridor.


Ellie complied, and followed along with Sister Ji and Little Jin.

When Saling’s entire group passed by, the four Criminal Syndicate brothers couldn’t stand it anymore, and fled towards the gate.

Sarah not at all ignored the behavior of the four Criminal Syndicate bosses.

A moment later, a scream came suddenly from the gate.

The Salinentire group, who came to the entrance of the corridor, suddenly stopped, turned and looked towards the door.

They are both Mind Power, and they feel an uncontrollable anger field in that direction.

After a while, a thin man appeared in front of Saling and the others, but was a flying hair.

At this moment, Fei Maoer was wounded, his forehead was swollen, and dry blood was on his eyes, nostrils, mouth, and ears.

When he saw Saling, a few flutters of hair, and then the gas field of the body surged up.

He likes women with beautiful faces.

When in anger, it is most necessary to peel a few women.

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