Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 700

That’s it … Chrollo.

Luo was thinking like this, without any strange feelings, heading for the vault where the auction items were stored.

He stepped out of the 100 meters, but saw Ai Li several people deng deng downstairs and came to him.

“Is the matter resolved?” Ellie asked.

Luo glanced back at the night outside the door, slightly nodded.

“Go back then, I’m hungry and want to have supper.” Ellie said.

“Not urgent.”

Luo instead looked towards the stairs to the negative first floor.

Although there is no shortage of money, you can still clean up the auctions of Criminal Syndicate before leaving.

The profits you get later depend on whether you want Kurapika or not. If you don’t, donate all.

Moreover, there is still one Pakunoda outside.

With the strength of Kurapika, it should not take too long.

The sound of the alarm bell was approaching.

The members of the Criminal Syndicate in Yorknew City were almost dead, so it was the police’s turn.

At the main entrance of the cemetery building.

Pakunoda looked indignant, holding a revolver and firing six shots at his temple.

In each Bullets in that gun, master’s memory and experience are stored.

As long as you pull Bullets into within the body, you will gain these memories and experiences, and your strength will increase.

A series of 6 is 6 kinds of memories and experiences, which is equivalent to injecting 6 incomplete personality into the split second in the head.

Not to mention the increase in strength, its repercussions cannot be ignored.

From this point of view, Pakunoda was completely cut out. Even if she killed Kurapika with obsession and temporary strength, she would later become an idiot because she could not completely digest the memory.

Moreover, even after enhancement, it may not be possible to kill Kurapika.

Kurapika, bathed in blood, stood still just like that.

On that handsome face, half of the blood was stained.

“There is still one.”

He looked at Pakunoda, who was shrouded in killing intent, and shook his arm gently.


The sound is like floating hair, nowhere to fall

Cemetery building.

Luo led Ellie to the huge vault.

He extended the hand and patted it on the round vault door, and silently, the vault door fell to the ground.

What caught my eye was the many auction items sorted in order and stacked neatly.

Luo walked in first, glanced over, and quickly found a few auction items carrying the idea.

He walked over and directly absorbed the thoughts on the auction items, increased the poor amount of thoughts, and then found red eyes from many collections.

He stooped and picked up red eyes.

No matter how many times you look at it, this pair of fiery red eyes left in the glass tissue fluid is far less bright than those of Kurapika’s pair of fiery red eyes.

In those eyes, there was no anger, only the breath of death.

It is one of these incomplete 7 beauty, but it can sell for more than 1 billion.

It’s no surprise in this world that even feces fossils and skin fragments are collected.

Ellie and Sarah also wandered in many collections.

Both of them are not short of money. Special is Ellie, whose net worth is no less than that of the Luo Ling Museum.

It means that if the two of them really want an auction item in Yorknew, no one can grab them.

“There are no ancient books.” Sa Ling thought in disappointment.

“No puppet,” Ellie thought in disappointment.

Little Jin stood at the door of the vault, as if she had assumed the role of letting go.

Si Ji is an ancient jewellery in the quiet looks at collection, exuding a strong ancient style.

Noting the eyes of Sergey, Ellie followed, looked at the jewellery, went directly to pick them up, and then handed them to Sweezy.

Si Ji Ji looked at the jewelry, and after a few moments of silence, reached out to take over.

Seeing this, Ellie said with a slight smile: “This auction is dedicated to Criminal Syndicate. Although there are many types of collections, there are not many commodities such as jewelry.”

“If you like this kind of vintage jewelry, I’ll go back and see if there is any jewelry in the Nanpis auction catalogue, and if so, buy it all.”

Si Ji Ji heard, gentle nodded.

When Luo heard Allie’s words, she glanced back at Shuangji, who realized that when she looked at Luo, she looked like she was saying: Do you have any opinions?


Luo quietly retracted his gaze and collected the auction items in the vault into Black Cat Space.

In the end, only the flaming eyes and the piece of jewelry on the neck of Stanley remained.

The entire group left the vault and headed towards the gate.

The alarm bells are getting closer. I think it is because the miserable situation of Criminal Syndicate has caused police to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

As for the people who called the police, most of them were a few Criminal Syndicate members who had escaped a while ago.

When I came to the gate, I saw Kurapika coming in.

His body was full of blood, but not at all.

“All dead?”

Luo looks at Kurapika, asked.

Kurapika was slightly nodded, then stared at Luo’s red eyes.

Seeing Clansman’s eyes, Kurapika’s eyes, which had just turned brown, were red again.

Luo walked slowly, passing the red eyes.

Kurapika took the red eyes, lowered her head, and hugged her arms silently.

The arm unconsciously put a little energy on it, and was afraid that it might break the glass jar, so it relaxed quickly.

During this process, the eyes seemed a little warm.

He couldn’t tell who the Master of these eyes was.

Maybe it’s his father and mother, or maybe anyone in the clan.

Perhaps these are not important anymore, what is important is to recover all the clansman’s eyes that have flowed out in the peripheral vision of the next life.

Luo looks at Kurapika, who was holding red fire eyes and bowing her head, and heard the alarm bell outside was very close. After thinking about it, she walked out of the cemetery building.

Immediately upon exiting the gate, Chrollo’s corpse was stranded, and Pakunoda exuding a lot of blood from her chest.

They are all dead.

Luo walked over and collected the bodies of Chrollo and Pakunoda into the space. As for the peeling off of Lev’s body, after being used twice, it was already blurred.

Looking up at the sky, the top floor of the cemetery building was still burning with flames.

Through the fire, you can see the dark clouds rolling in the sky, it seems it is going to rain.

Luo thought about it, and moved away from the direction of the alarm bell. There was a avenue.

He took out the firestone, removed a part of it, and set up a fire wall on the avenue.

More than a dozen police cars came here and braked sharply.

The police looked at the wall of unburned fire, all with a grimace.

After setting up the fire wall, Luo recovered the corpses of the brigade members into the black cat space at the fastest speed.

At this time, the sky was brewing for a while, and suddenly it was pouring rain.

It seems that the weather forecast is not accurate.

Luo looks at the raindrops of beans falling from the sky, thinking silently in my heart.

When the police saw the rain, they didn’t plan to detour.

What they didn’t expect was that no matter how heavy the rain was, the flame wall was not extinguished.

On the other hand, looked towards the cemetery building, the top floor that was originally burning and emitting a lot of smoke, has been poured out by the rain.

The person in charge of commanding and dispatching the police at the scene looks at the fire wall that is strong and indestructible in the heavy rain, and suddenly a urge to close up

ps: It is not clear that the original party who did not read the comics is that Kurapika’s parents were among the people who were killed by Kurta Clan.

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