Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 752

The rain did decrease with the speed seen by naked eye, but the dark clouds in the sky were still heavy and showed no signs of dispersing.

Along with thunderous sounds, occasionally electric light lit up from thick clouds.

In that cluster of dark clouds, a ray of light was shuttled.

It wasn’t a thunderbolt, but a Chinese dragon made up of mental force, walking through the clouds, half-hidden in shape.

On closer inspection, we can see that there are two old men standing on the dragon body, namely Zeno and Netero.

That Nianlong is a move released by Zeno.

Nianlong carried 2 people, hiding in the clouds, heading directly above the palace.

On the ground, rain drops splashed numerous ripples.

Theentire group, headed by Luo, smashed water sprays during the course, and the palace in his eyes was getting closer.

When he came to the city wall outside the palace, Chimera Ants inside the palace knew nothing. If Neferpitou’s circle was still there, he would have detected the movement of the Chimera Ants crusade.


Luo shouted.

Tonpa heard that and rushed to the front.

【Predict future】

The radar thought circle was released from within the body like a shock wave, covering the palace and passing directly through many buildings.

That split second, Tonpa’s mind came up with all the information inside the palace.

In the palace courtyard closest to them, stood a Chimera Ants, on a large open space, planted 5 large trees, each tree was filled with 500 eggs, each egg There are curled up humans.

These eggs are the foresight of the meat tree garden plan, and the sources are mainly selected from the people in Peking and the existing national army.

Once the eggs hatch, the creatures inside are the food of Ant King and the soldiers.

Tonpa’s thoughts were a little startled, and he was clearly divided. He didn’t gather extra energy on the flesh tree, and directly sorted out the exact location of Ant King and the immediate guard.

“Humans? And three more …”

Tonpa brows slightly wrinkle, his mission is not to think, but to report the information quickly and accurately to the rest of the team.

So, after the investigation, he quickly withdrew the circle of thought and reported the information to the others in the shortest style.

“Up ahead two hundred meters, a Chimera Ants.”

“On the third floor of the Throne Hall, Ant King and 3 direct guards, there is still one human.”

“On the top of the side tower, a direct guard.”

Tonpa reported these messages to Luo in a verbal style.

He claimed to reduce intelligence information in order to pursue speed and efficiency in transmitting information.

The information that was reduced was: the flesh tree in the compound, and a human under the palace, also the body of Digo that was made into a puppet.

He believes that this information will not affect the speed attack plan, and he firmly believes in his own judgment.

After delivering the information immediately, he turned around and left, while taking out his cell phone, notifying Netero in the cloud with the same information in a text style.

From this moment on, his mission was completed. He who was not in charge of fighting was naturally away from this dangerous place.

Before launching the quick attack, everyone in the crusade remembered the Terrain Map of the palace, so after hearing the information passed by Tonpa, immediately resolved the exact location and dispersed separately, marching into the palace.

Although Tonpa’s radar thought circle can detect the position of the target in a short time, it will also be immediately detected by the target during the exploration process.

The Chimera Ants inside the palace seemed to have been needled.

This is the second time.

Shaiapouf complexion at the top of the tower was slightly changed, as if driven by instinct, and looked sharply towards the entrance ahead.

Then he saw several humans, with teams coming from the left and right.

That split second, he only had 4 words in his mind to protect the king.

At the same time, Yupi, who was standing outside the corridor, turned out of the building and headed high. He didn’t understand the circle and could only use the naked eye to confirm the position of the enemy.

Inside the palace, wheat seemed to be aware of nothing, focusing on the game on the chessboard.

Ant King and Neferpitou also noticed the radar reading circle, but their reactions were different.

Neferpitou, like the other two direct guards, had the first idea to protect the king, and the second idea was to expel the enemy.

However, while the toy repairer was treating Ant King, her battle strength was weakened to the lowest point, which caused a moment of panic.

It wasn’t panic because of the crisis, but she couldn’t fight while fulfilling her escort duties.

Compared to the fierce response of the three direct guards, Ant King was too calm, or in his eyes, only the chess game and the wheat sitting across the board.

Neferpitou looks at Calm and even can be said to be an extremely focused Ant King, for some reason, there is an unknown hunch in his heart.

She deeply remembered that at first Ant King was stimulated by this thought circle, then broke out, and then the majesty of Wang Zhi was violated, and Rin killed the intent of the human who released the thought circle.

However, the circle of thoughts hit for the second time and penetrated the king’s body, but the king did not respond to this, and all his thoughts fell on the chessboard.

The emphasis is not on a grade at all.

Has the victory or defeat of military ritual chess become so important in Wang’s mind?

“Your Majesty ……”

Neferpitou opened his mouth and finally fell silent, his head tilted at looks and extended dozens of surgical instruments from the doll’s chest.

“Hurry up, hurry up.”

She needs to heal the king’s arm with the fastest speed, and then go outside to kill enemies one by one.

Entrance to the palace compound.

Selina did not disobey Neferpitou’s orders, and stood obediently in the rain.

In vain, as if there were 10000 needles piercing the back at the same time, a huge shadow struck from behind, and instantly covered the whole heart.

The golden hairline on Selina’s face suddenly swelled and swelled. She noticed an extremely strong crisis. Then, following the guidelines of crisis awareness, she turned sharply, and released her mind to cover her body, preparing to attack. .

However, just when she turned around, there were already two silhouettes of humans passing by Kakuzu peripheral vision, one from the left and one from the right.

At a glance, Selena’s heart stopped.

When the retina bundled the human figure into its head, the two humans were gone.

One human had his left arm missing, and the other had a white scarf around his head.

[When was it close …]

[Why didn’t you kill me? 】

[Is it that I am not threatened? 】

Selena stood stupidly in place, and the unresolved fear kept slamming her heart.

She thought about the picture just now. In the extremely short pause, she was extremely sure of one thing, that is, the silhouette of her counterpart was never reflected in her eyes.

His proud body and Strength are insignificant in those two human eyes.

So, in the face of more important things, the two humans didn’t even want to waste another second to step on her ant.

She turned hard and looked away at Luo and Jin who were gone.

It was still raining, but it was drizzle.

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