Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 758

The flowerbed was large, and a small leaf was as large as a large bed in the eyes of Jin and Shaiapouf.

Many types of Insect are scattered throughout the flowerbed, some in the flower stamens, some on the leaves, some on the rhizomes, some on the ground, and some in the air.

In these Insects, even the smallest aphids are larger than Jin and Shaiapouf, and the aphids are the largest in Insects, and they are eating the green leaves.

Shaiapouf opened his wings and flew into the air, looking down at the gold below.

Thanks to Kim’s scoring skills, this completely calmed him down. Otherwise, his mentality is likely to be lost in this game.

“It’s very cautious to pull away directly, but this behavior is meaningless.”

King Jin calmly cast his eyes on Shaiapouf, turned directly, and exposed his back to Shaiapouf.

Such a good opportunity, Shaiapouf did not attack, because one of the rules of the game is that the essential damage between players is invalid. Only phenomenological damage can make the opponents lose hp.

In short, any damage means owned by the player itself will be invalidated. If you want to hurt the enemy, you can only use the phenomenal substances in the flower garden to constitute the damage.

This rule was verified by Shaiapouf when flying into the air.

He punched Jin with a lot of energy in his life. Not only did it not cause damage, but Jin’s body did not shake a point, but the energy he released was not consumed at all, but returned to within the body.

“Do you think I don’t know what game this is?”

Looks at Kim who turned away, and Shaiapouf deliberately accentuated the voice over the 2 words of the game.

Hearing Shaiapouf’s words, Jin stopped and looked back towards Shaiapouf in the air, silent.

Shaiapouf is sneaked, saying: “Your ability is to build a game space. If you want to win, you can only follow rules of the game. Although this game is realistic, it is a worm brand!”

Jin Wenyan was quite surprised and said: “It turned out that you know, it’s an extremely unpopular game, and it’s hard to find a complete copy on the market today. I was also a coincidence and learned from a collection of hardcore players This game. “

“That’s because you look down on me too much.” Shaiapouf coldly snorted said, “This was your hole card, but you easily showed the method of raising cards in front of me, so that I can see the details of this game, This will also be your failure! “

I like thinking and reading.

This is the advantage of Direct 3 Guard Shaiapouf.

He occasionally appreciates his innate intelligence, can immerse himself in thinking, can easily extract knowledge from countless books, and can easily get answers when facing difficult problems.

For example, now that he likes to read books, he knows the origin of the Dao Insect card.

Therefore, he bluntly said that Kim picked the wrong target.

This peculiar ability is most suitable for Yupi’s body, but he has chosen himself.


Jin Wenyan immediately smiled happily and said earnestly: “It seems that I did not at all pick the wrong person.”

What is the meaning of the crushing game? It is only interesting to play evenly matched games. In that case, you can get full spiritual enjoyment after victory.

Hearing Jin’s words, Shaiapouf’s eyes dropped slightly.

“You will know that Dao Insect is indeed a game that I did not expect. However, it is my obligation to use the card game against the ladybug just in front of you, and it can only be regarded as a hint.”

King said, his eyes moved slightly, looking at a huge bee passing by in the sky, with a flash of memory in his eyes.

Sure enough, this idea is so interesting, even if some memories are left behind in the dusty Kakuzu, at some point, the idea can be clearly realized.

“Presumably, you already have clearer rules in your head?”

Gold looks at Shaiapouf, raised his index finger and clicked on his temple.

Shaiapouf was silent for a long while, and Jun Xiu’s face uttered a shy expression in vain.

“You know, the disadvantage of your ability!”

Kim was simply Kaidou: “I don’t know.”

“That is I can use abilities, but you can’t! Ha ha ha!”

Shaiapouf smiled wildly, his body suddenly broke down, and turned into a villain of 100.

This is Shaiapouf’s ability, called the Lord of the Flies.

There are 100 clone villains, just like the harmony of time synchronization, meanwhile, “This is also one of your failures!”

Tone barely fell, and the 100 villains scattered and flew all around, and he will raise a number of powerful and effective worm cards in a short time.

Shaiapouf there is still one The failure is not explained, that is the mp value, in this space, it is equivalent to the potential energy.

Each Insect in the flower garden is an object that can be [chip raised]. It is turned into a card and stored within the body, and it is summoned out when you want to use it.

However, no matter whether it is a card or a card, it will consume the relative value of mind, and according to the value of Insect’s ability, the conditions and difficulty of raising and playing cards will increase accordingly.

Therefore, in order to form a reasonable and efficient deck, and to take into account the mp value consumed when using Worm, you must have a basic overall view and long-term vision.

Originally, the mp value of the two players is the same, but this is not a true worm game, so before the game starts, the two players are not on the same starting line.

Even if there is no 30% of the amount of energy to send before the start, the amount of gold is lower than Shaiapouf, so the start of this game is in itself beneficial to Shaiapouf.

This is also the price of mandatory invitations, and one of the constraints of this Mind Power.

And the shortcomings that Shaiapouf said are indeed obvious.

The players that King can invite are limited to Mind Power players, and creating this space of thought comes from King’s ability.

In other words, the enemy player can still use the Mind Power developed by himself, but Kim cannot, because he used Mind Power to create this match.

But there is one thing Shaiapouf didn’t realize.

Kim not at all said that he only had one ability, and …

“There are many cards, not the winning method.”

Jin calmly murmured into the huge haystack.

First, destroy the fly bug card with the [Revelation] ability. In this way, you can avoid the other party relying on the mp value, and you can use the fly bug card unbridled, so as to obtain the bug card you raised.

Not raising, but destroying, is the most crucial step to victory.

Because raising and playing cards consumes mp values, under the premise that the mp values ​​of the two sides are not equal, Jin can choose not many methods.

However, he will still find a way to win step by step from the limited methods.

At the same time, several of Kate were in a hard fight.

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