Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 773

When King gave a hint and played a hole card, Shaiapouf saw his failure.

But when that moment really came, it couldn’t be accepted anyway.

He clearly had such a big advantage, but he lost to this human.

The failure of the little bee to polish the blood volume one by one could not find any excuses or reasons.

What’s more, the price after the defeat is the loss of potential energy, which also means that you have lost the weapon to perform your escort duties.

unable to withstand a single blow, unable to withstand a single blow!

Shaiapouf’s face was ashes.

Not only failed, but also misconduct.

Gold looks at Shaiapouf, who was full of despair, and said, “It’s a really exciting game, so, are you happy?”

Shaiapouf suddenly looked up, revealing a mad look, and immediately frozen.

The split second when he looked up, he realized that his neck was cut and there was no gold in his sight.

Although it can’t be captured, it may be divide light flashed, he vaguely feels that Kim is behind himself.

It’s just that it doesn’t make sense to turn your head to verify whether Kim is behind.

Yes, everything is meaningless.

[I’m about to die. 】

[Dead with remorse and self-blame. 】

[This is not what I want! 】

Just then, Jin’s voice, like a spring breeze, came to Shaiapouf’s ears.

“I am very happy, but unfortunately there is no second game.”

After listening to the last byte, the luster in Shaiapouf’s eyes faded like a tide, welcoming a dark and cold death.

His head fell to the ground and Shaiapouf died completely.

The reason was not that there was no mental protection and his head was cut off, but that Jin cut his head and injected the mental power to break his brain.

Even if Chimera Ants life strength is strong enough, in this case, consciousness can continue to persist for a second, which is great.

King didn’t take a closer look at Shaiapouf’s body, moved towards where Kate had previously fought.

The game that entered the mind space was playful. There was no fatal factor, but it had to withstand neuropathic pain.

But because the failure of that game was a loss of potential energy, in essence, it was still life-threatening.

After all, for Mind Power, losing potential energy is equivalent to losing the barrier, and this defeat is not selected by Jin, but randomly selected.

In that case, if the gold loses, it will lose any turning point and then die in the hands of Shaiapouf.

“If you can, I really want to play with him again.”

Jin Xiji thought.

An enemy who can play with himself is hard to find.

Obviously, Shaiapouf absolutely meets this requirement.

It’s a pity.

After all, in the case of being able to kill the enemy, he impossibly gives the enemy a chance.

Armed with trivial regret, King found 3 of Kate.

Seeing King’s arrival, the three of Kate knew that King had also killed a direct guard.

Like Luo, he is a reliable teammate with 10000 points.

Unconsciously, the 3 people can only be so emotional.

Later, King learned about the situation from Kate, including the removal of 2 direct guards, and then went to Netero and Ant King for information.

Looking at the south, Jin suddenly said, “You are just waiting for the medical team to come here, I’ll look for them.”

Before the battle began, a medical team was arranged to stand by in Peking.

Nobu was seriously injured and should not be easily moved. He could only wait for medical troops to come to the scene to deal with the injuries first, and then teleportation to a safe place.

Morel looks at Kim, hesitating for a moment, then said: “Maybe, from a human standpoint, we don’t need to …”

Before he had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Kim.

“I know what you want to say, but there are things that I and Luo can not interfere with, and we have won this human war against Chimera Ants.”

When Jin finished, he left the place.

we won……?

Morel froze for a moment, then silently looks at the departure of Jin. As a member of the team, he can’t seem to see farther like Luo and Jin.

And what he wanted to say was to make Luo and Jin not to pay too much attention to morality. It would be the best result if they could besieged and killed Ant King.

This suggestion was also contrary to his original intention, but after confronting the 3rd Guard, Morel deeply realized the horror of Chimera Ants.

In view of that horror and potential threat, in order to win this victory, my own feelings are nothing at all.

Nob and Kate are also silent looks at the departure of Kim.

In any case, having Luo and King plus Netero President is enough to reassure them.

The sky is full of clouds, and the rolling speed gradually becomes faster, wind and rain are coming.

Gold walked on the wet rocky ground.

He knew Netero’s character and style, so he knew Netero would not let him and Luo get involved in that fight.

However, he guessed that Netero would definitely stay behind.

As for what backhand, Kim is not clear.

I can only guess that it is enough to wipe the buttocks.

In other words, even if Netero loses, it will definitely drag Ant King into the water.

“What will happen?”

Jin looks at the distance, thinking silently


Ant King’s attack has not been effective, and every charge will be returned by Netero.

The loss of a left arm caused Ant King’s left offense to be less aggressive, which alleviated Netero’s defensive pressure to some extent.

When it comes to defense, Netero is constantly attacking.

In this fierce offensive and defensive battle, in fact, both sides are attacking, but there is always a clear positioning between attack and defense between collisions.

And Ant King’s brave spirit made the onlookers naturally think he was the attacking side, and Netero who was forced out of the palm was reduced to the defensive side.

Within a minute, it was impossible to count how many tricks each of the two had made, and only naked eyes could be used to capture the numerous sparks generated by the collision.

Into 100 on 1000?

Perhaps not at all exaggerated.

In that kind of attack and defense, the strength of both sides and spiritual have continued to rise.

That is a kind of improvement that is confined to fierce battles, but also a tug of war and race that is a must for life. Whoever has the advantage first has the chance to win.

As a non-stop attacker, Ant King doesn’t know how many palms to take every second.

Although the damage is very small, it can still accumulate a lot of damage.

Just like an iron pestle, what Netero wants to do is to maintain this offensive until it kills Ant King.

However, a tendency to move so small that it is not easy to detect, not even a subtle action called habit, has become the weak spot of Netero.

In fact, it cannot be called a weak spot, but Netero is facing Ant King, which causes the insignificant weak spot to be infinitely enlarged.

Ant King got a glimpse of the weak spot, but he was not in a hurry, just as if he had to defeat the surrounding defense before eating the handsome, it was a kind of cannibalization process to lay a winning opportunity.

Ten moves, 100 moves, 1000 moves?

It is not expected that the enemy’s back road will be cut off after a few moves, but Ant King has a feeling that it is a unique Sensor trained on a chessboard. He knows that the moment is coming soon.


A broken arm flew into the air, and dazzling blood poured.

Netero’s face was astonished, just now, his left arm was cut off by Ant King, which meant that the 100-style Guanyin’s offensive was broken.


Ant King shook off the blood on the palm of the right hand.

The so-called general is to push the opponent’s handsome into the dead end on the chessboard. No matter how the opponent struggles, the next step can directly eat the handsome.

Ant King tore off Netero’s left arm, not because he was deliberately sympathetic, but because he could only do so to the extent that he had one left arm missing.

It’s just that Netero has no left arm, which is equivalent to being handsome and helpless, so Ant King has 100% confidence to kill Netero in the next minute.

He just had to admit that he belittled Netero before the war.

Only after fighting did he realize some kind of power built with skill.

“Next, I will kill you.”

Ant King pointed at Netero’s heart and said in a bland tone.

Hearing Ant King’s announcement, Netero’s heart went blank.

There was no time to think about it, he almost instinctively raised his single palm and lay in front of him.

The final version of the 100-style Guanyin!

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