Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 777

When Meru Aim attacked, he threw the rain on behind, and when Luo countered, he directly cut out a sword qi that opened the curtain of rain.

It was that sword qi that gave Meru Aim a sense of crisis, and it was inevitable.

As a result, Meru Aim opened her palm decisively and forcibly held the sword qi that had been cut off.

With a sound like glass breaking, sword qi burst into the palm of his hand, ruthlessly blocked Meru Aim’s momentum and pushed his body out.

However, Meru Aim not at all lost his balance and landed backwards steadily. There was a superficial mark on the right palm, and blood leaked out.

At that moment, Meruem had a strange feeling.

This was just a sword qi that cut through the skin of the palm, but at the time it gave him a very dangerous feeling. It was also a contradiction that was difficult to describe with words.

Just like the slowness and extremeness of Netero’s clasping, the slash by the human in front of him seems like formidable power is not great, but it contains a sense of danger that cannot be underestimated.

It’s too late to identify the contradictions, or to think about the feelings.

As soon as Meru Aim stood still, a silhouette smashed into the rain, and on the long knife covered in rust and other stains, a white light cannot be ignored.

Once the idea of ​​hard blocking and then quickly counterattack occurred, it suddenly disappeared for an inexplicable moment, a sense of crisis like acupuncture.

“Can’t resist?”

Meru Aimbrows slightly wrinkle, seems to have a sense of incomprehension, and at this time the long knife cuts through the rain and splits it. Before thinking too much, he chooses to jump backwards and avoid the rusty knife. Prestige.

The so-called liuyanyan is in the military qi chess, with the right and left bows to form a pinch, forcing the opponent to defensively evade the front edge instead of actively attacking.


Meru Aim’s heels stepped in a shallow layer of standing water to blast the jellyfish-shaped water splash.

Immediately afterwards, the front part of the foot was fiercely pressed to the ground, walking with force, and the whole body charged forward violently.

He followed his own judgment, avoiding first and then fighting back.

The right hand arm was covered with abundant energy, like a long spear, crossed the downward rusting knife and pierced Luo’s head forward.

At this moment, General White Jade emerged from Luo behind, and the huge long sword cut in front of Meru Aim’s body.

At that moment, the long knife that had been realized actually looked like a baseball bat.

The appearance of golden Avalokitesvara emerged from Meru Aim’s mind.

He flew backwards, smashed countless raindrops, and immediately re-embedded in the rock mountain. After a while, the surface of the rock mountain shattered, and large pieces of rubble fell to the ground, splashing water.

In the battle with Netero, Meru Aim was able to immediately adjust his attitude to counterattack after being hit with a single palm, but it was impossible to do so by General White Jade.

The reason is that General White Jade cut off Meru Aim’s sword and simply slashed it, but with the sword qi shot out.

And that sword qi suppressed Meru Aim, so Meru Aim couldn’t adjust his posture freely in the air.

Mei Luai was pushed into the rock by sword qi, and her vision was lost together. As a precaution, Luo not at all hurriedly pursued, just standing in place and watching the big rock that collapsed.

The battle with Neferpitou gave Luo an approximate reference value, that is, General White jade’s beating cannot break the defense of Meru Aim, and only Allah with the characteristics of the hand of God can cut off their defense.

“If the opponent is Ant King, even if you take the opportunity to remove his right hand arm, you can’t be careless for a moment.” Luo thought silently, and the rain kept sliding over his face.

The current Meru Aim lacks an arm. If only the power of the hand of God can break the defense of Ant King, then one strike certain kill cannot be achieved, but only slowly.

Therefore, what Luo is going to do is not to cut Fei Meru’s head, but the lower-risk arm, then the legs, and finally the lore.


At this moment, the rocky mountain suddenly cracked, and even with heavy rain, there was still a burst of smoke and dust.

Meru Aim runs through a long dragon from the smoke and descends from high to the direction where Luo is.

Luo had a cold face, Allah slanted to his side, and the blade was not far from the ground.


Accurately captured the trajectory of Meru Aim’s fall, and concluded that he was not rushing towards himself.

“One meter, or two meters?”

For an extremely short time, Luo determined that Meru Aim’s landing point was between one and two meters in front of him.

Based on this judgment, the fighting thoughts turned quickly, and it was urgently necessary to clearly understand Meru Aim’s next step in a short time.


A sudden thunder blasted from the clouds.

Meru Ai landed, shaking rain and gravel, splashing on Luo.

This is the motivation for Meru Aim to choose a place.

Luo, however, calmly backed up 2 steps. According to the previous fighting habits, he would habitually open the field and block out the gravel and rain that were enough to knock the ordinary person’s head, but he did not at all.

The reason is that because the opponent is Meruem, Luo would rather take gravel damage than weaken the defense on the surface.

Leaving the rubble on the body, Luo’s eyes stared at Meru Aim’s movements, staying awake.

Upon seeing Melody’s appearance, her feet hit the ground, and Speed ​​broke out instantly.

He also does not expect this kind of blind-eye trick to be effective, and it will still be a direct attack in the end.

Looks at Meru Aim, Luo seems to see the shadow of the guard directly.

In essence, it is similar to Neferpitou and Yupi. There are no moves similar to Martial Art, and there is no skill. It just uses Speed ​​and physical fitness to make the most direct and rough attacks.

But … what’s the difference.

Luo waved his sword to face Meru Aime, but left a little force subconsciously.

Facing Luo’s rusted knife, Ant King behind’s tail slammed on the ground, forcibly changed his trajectory, crossed to the right, and avoided the knife.

One shot failed, and Meru Aim chose the direction of Luo’s dead Kakuzu.


Luo’s heart was beating slightly, summoning General White Jade in the back, and slashing towards Meru Aim on the right.

However, Meru Ai suffered a loss and was well prepared for it. She actually waved her tail again in the ultra-high-speed operation.

This time, instead of slamming the ground to change the direction, it directly blocked a knife cut by General White Jade, and at the same time reached out the right hand, and wanted to take off Luo’s head directly.

That was a fairly accurate choice, and it was determined that there was no threat to General White Jade’s attack, so not at all chose to use the tail to change the direction again, but to resist General White Jade.

In this way, there is plenty of room for attack.

It’s a pity that Allah, who had been subconsciously cut off by Allah, had already returned to defense when Merueim drove his tail to block General White jade’s long knife.

Therefore, in front of the opportunity that has a good chance, the strong sense of crisis made Meru Aim give up the attack.

Unable to know whether this choice was correct, Meru Aim followed the intent.

Such a decision also made this brief confrontation the result of the separation of the two sides.

In the smallest room of the 4-dimensional apartment, Nick was wrapped around his mind, covering his left eye with one hand, and holding the grass in the other, and stuffed it into his mouth from time to time, then chewed with keen interest pleasure.

Taking a closer look, you will be surprised to see that Ant King and Luo are fighting on the pupil of his right eye.

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