Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 781

That Strength seems to run through the entire system.

Nick was soaked with sweat. At this moment, there was no picture in his right eye, because when Luo rolled up countless Uzumaki, his Small Fox beast was crushed.

It was a thought product that was applied to the rules. It is not seen by others and can be immune to any kind of damage during the activation of the ability.

However, when Luo broke out of that Strength, the Strength of Rule seemed to be broken.

When the Mind Power disappeared after the Small Fox beast collapsed, Nick oozed a cold sweat in just one second.

“Monster, downright monster!”

Nick put down his left hand that was not just shaking, raised his right hand that was also shaking, and gently pressed it over his right eye.

The faint sheen came out of the right eye and stuck to the index finger. After a while, it turned into a glass marble with a red miniature Small Fox curled up.

All the pictures that were viewed from [Invisible Object] after it was launched are stored in this glass marble. Just like the nature of the movie, Nick can edit this image glass marble, delete the stage and even delete it directly .

“Always, always feel like hot potato.”

Nick looks at glass marbles, bit his teeth, still decides not to destroy it.

Now he is still fish on other people’s chopping board. Regardless of whether the hole card is useful or not, it will be kept first. Maybe it will be used at that time. If it is not used, it can be destroyed by top secret.

Packing the marbles cautiously, Nick fell to the ground like a force.

At this moment, he could not see the situation of Luo and Meru Aim, but he knew Meru Aim would be finished.

Closing his eyes hard, Nick forced himself to sham.

But the picture just kept coming up in my mind.

That shrouded in golden energy was as strong as the god Luo.

The melody with a glow of purple black and horror.

You should know that watching Kakuzu with Small Fox’s beast watching is a close experience of Luo’s power and a positive sense to meet Meru Aim’s aura of terror appetite.


Nick suddenly stretched out double-handed and held his head firmly.

He didn’t want to recall the pictures just now, but those pictures seemed to be rude, and they kept appearing. There was no way to suppress them.

Definitely will have nightmares …!

Nick mourned in his heart.

The scene is very impactful, such as the lingering of the cheekbones

Meruaim had no resistance.

Little Uzumaki of various natures pressed his body into a local space.

The strength released by each small Uzumaki is endless, all squeezed into Meru Aim’s body.

Keep rolling, Speed ​​is getting faster.

The skin worn by the Netero 100-style Guanyin is like the skin of an inferior cowhide sofa, which was cracked first, and then torn apart piece by piece.

After about ten seconds left, Meruyem fell from the air and fell to the ground.

After a moment, he got up and swayed to the left and right sides like Qiu 1000.

Compared to the damage to the body, the more serious is the dizziness.

Barely looking towards Luo, I suddenly felt the pressure from my body, and I was under ten thousand meters of the sea.

However, it was Luo who covered the realm with Meru Aim’s body, forming an invisible air chain, binding Meru Aim’s body.

Before using the automatic mode, Luo had to make good use of every thought, so he didn’t dare to use the field rashly, but now it is different.

The apparent surge in energy saved him from worrying.

Now, he can summon General White Jade while opening the field, and even if he wants to, he can use 6 different types of Mind Power at the same time.

In the field of use alone, formidable power, accuracy, and control have increased unimaginable.


Luo raised his index finger and whispered to himself.

Within the realm, Meruaim’s body soared, like a tennis ball, constantly ejecting in the realm, and every ejection could bring him harm.

But the control of this time lasted for less than 5 seconds, because Meruem forcibly broke the realm of the field with a short burst.

After all, Meru Aim’s apparent energy is not weak. It is not difficult to find the right way to break free from the constraints of the field.

Meru Ai receded backwards, and there were multiple bloodstains on her surface.

“What is that ability?”

“I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all.”

The lack of moves and the lack of knowledge of Mind Power finally made Meruem aware of some importance.

In his cognition, Netero’s golden Avalokitesvara is an area that cannot be covered by common sense. He believes that it is unique, so after defeating Netero, he doesn’t care.

And Luo came to him, and broke out Energy not weaker than his own life.

From that moment, the importance of moves and skills became apparent.

I didn’t care before because I could achieve single man subduing ten, but when the enemy has mastered the subtle skills, he can get Strength that is not weaker than himself …

“You can’t escape.”

Luo opened his right hand and held a hand in the void.

The retreating Meru Aim flashed in front of Luo inexplicably, at that time still maintaining the backward movement.

This weird and unclear phenomenon made Meru Aim, who was lacking in knowledge, stupefied.

Obviously pulling back, how can Teleport suddenly come to the front.

Is this also a power effect?

Luo pulled Meilu Aimu back and forth, and a rusty knife flashed in the palm of his open palm, and then he slashed it forward.

A strong sense of crisis strikes Meru Aim’s soul, and between that moment, he shakes his tail to shake the ground, driving the body to eject backwards.

Normally, Luo’s knife will definitely fail, but now he has the blessing of doubled air volume, and Speed ​​has also been improved.


Hit it.

Meruaim’s body flew out, but the stout needle tail was cut off.

“Am I … will I die here?”

Fly out of Meru Aim, seeing Luo take a step forward, he immediately slashed again.

On that rusty knife, it seemed to tremble with countless shadows, and instantly cut his tail into countless thin slices.


Meru Aim stepped on the rocky ground, slipped out, and pulled out two water waves.

The next moment, suddenly Teleport came to Luo.

That was the extreme of Emitter, and Merueim didn’t understand the principle at all, but he was forced to flash over, and raised his right hand to hit it.

Luo’s body moved to one side, avoiding this fist, and then slashed on Meru Aim’s right shoulder.

A light sound.

Meru Aim’s amazing defense was easily broken by the rusty knife, and the entire right hand arm was so easily cut off.

The absolute advantage on Speed ​​is manifested in this brief moment vividly and thoroughly.

“I will die here.”

A second ago was a question of self-confidence, and after a second, it was an unwilling self-determination.

At the moment when his arm was cut off, Meru Aim seemed to be seeing his death, and then, in his mind, the appearance of wheat sitting in front of the chessboard appeared.

How can I die here …

But there was no resistance.

The chopped right hand arm stepped on the tail of the needle, and it was sliced ​​into thin slices in an instant.

This is followed by the left leg and then the hind leg.

For the first time since she was born, Meruem experienced what it means to be powerless.

Just like the human food in front of him …

Only, let anyone slaughter.


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