Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 832

insect and eyes.

What is the purpose of saying this intentionally?

Candy’s thoughts didn’t stop there, it didn’t matter what else, just kill this woman.

She was like a girl standing before the starting point of the track, and the raised double-handed fell suddenly, and the two seemingly ordinary power groups instantly sculpted from the palm of their hands, like the two cars that blasted out horsepower, towards Qi Duo galloped away.

Qiduo expression calms down, the legs and feet instantly gather thoughts, and pushes the body to avoid these two thought groups.

After the group passed over Qiduo’s body, it suddenly turned into a black bar, turned sharply, and hurled back towards Qiduo.

The appearance of the black shadow is fuzzy, it seems that the speed is too fast, or it is overcast.

Those who were placed on the first line of defense died in the hands of Black Shadow, which was split second.

That sudden turn, Qiduo seemed to have expected it, but didn’t see it, it was a sideways avoiding the two shadows.

At the same time, three more black shadows came from the front.

It’s multi-line control!

Qi Duo has [mastered] some of the data of the black shadow, knowing that she cannot use the fleshhy body to block the black shadow, so even if these 3 black shadows are rushed, she still chose to dodge when she just stabilized her figure, and it was finally dangerous. Avoid it again.

one after the other total 5 shadows, after the attack failed, once again retracted within the body of the candy.

Looks at this scene, Qi Duo quits 2 steps backwards, slightly distances away, and then said: “Insect has a body length of 3.2 inches, which is a little longer than cigarettes.”


Listening to Qidu’s inexplicable data, candy brows tightly frowns, I couldn’t help but cast a shadow on my heart.

[Little Darlings! Bite this Very Ugly People! 】

After shouting such a sentence in his heart, the 5 insects with unclear shape came out of the candy’s body again, and rushed towards Qiduo.

But somehow, Speed ​​is a little bit slower than before.

Candy’s eyes changed. If she wasn’t familiar with the Speed ​​of the Little Darlings, I wouldn’t have seen it.

“What’s going on? Was that Very Ugly People woman?”

Candy was surprised.

Qi Duo once again avoided the attack of insect.

Insect’s Speed ​​is too fast, and the terrain restricts most of the space, making it difficult to avoid.

However, Qi Duo is a 3-Star level hunter after all, with not too weak frontal combat ability. Although the opponent’s continuous offense made her a little tired to deal with it, she managed to avoid it.

“There are eleven pairs of compound eyes, one of which is blue and has no visual function.”

Qiduo stabilized her body and, after fighting with the insect, once again stated the physical characteristics of the insect.

Candy heard that he could only speed up the attack.

This time, Speed ​​is lowered again.

Is it…?

Candy was a little alert and realized that the other party’s ability might weaken his ability in the style of [clarify].

By saying the appearance symbol of [Little Darlings], thereby weakening Speed?

So, what are the launch conditions? When have conditions been established?

“3 pairs of cicada wings with wings, snail-shaped mouthparts, and killer.”

Qiduo doesn’t give the candy room to think at all, and once again tells the characteristics of insect.

In essence, Qiduo can’t see the details of the shape of the insert, but she [smells] that the sound of the insect instigating the wings is the listening in the 4th diagnosis of the traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, when the identity of the insect was revealed, she could see the details clearly, which is the hope in the 2 diagnosis.

“This insect is called the line spy, a kind of killer creature in the echoing forest in the northern part of Ezhen.” Qiduo looks at expression slightly ugly candy, calmly said: “but the line spy you control is not real Sniper, but beasts? “

4 Ask during the consultation.

The shape of hope, the sound of hearing, the root of asking.

The last is cut!

After being told by Qi Duo, Candy’s lovely face was covered with clouds.

If you only know the details, this is nothing, the fear is that the Little Darlings have been weakened by the trump card.

“do not care!”

Candy came up fiercely and controlled 4 lines to attack Qi Duo.

The bottom line was exhausted, and Speed ​​was about 40% slower in the beginning.

Since Qi Duo can avoid 100% Speed ​​of the line, it can avoid 60% Speed, which is not a problem at all.

But at this time, Qi Duo did not hide at all, but when the online speed was slowed down, quickly took off the white gloves, and then caught them with bare hands.

This is the last step of her ability to exert her effects, and the last step of the 4th diagnosis. She needs to touch the [diagnosed object] with her hands, which is the cut.

Seeing Qi Duo catching the line with his bare hands, Candy couldn’t think of it. He controlled the last line that used [Hidden] to eliminate the shape to attack from behind Qi Duo, and the target pointed directly at the heart.

“It’s definitely a beast, and the diagnosis is over.” At this moment, Qi Duo said suddenly.

Including the line that stabbed at Qiduo’s back, all of them turned into green light points in vain, and quickly retracted into the inside of the candy.

That’s the normal scene when Emitter Mind Power people recover their mind.

However, the candy not at all took the initiative to withdraw the mind power, but the line was forced to return to power within the body, and was stained with a green halo.

At the same time, Candy’s face changed dramatically.

“I can’t use it anymore.”

I saw that the air covering the candy body gradually retracted within the body.

The fine pores invisible by the naked eye are forcibly closed.

“what have you done?”

Candy both shocked and angry.

“I have no obligation to explain to you.”

Qi Duo put on white gloves again and rushed to the candy.

Without the help of mental ability, even if Candy is the elite killer of the Black Rock family, they cannot catch the many attacks.

The punch of strikes directly on the abdomen instantly lost candy’s resistance and fell to the ground in pain.

Qi Duo looks at the candy falling on the ground, raising his hand, preparing to smash the candy with a palm, his face suddenly changed.

I saw Candy’s face instantly become cyan-green, and a lot of white foam came out of his mouth.


Qi Duo quickly checked the status of the candy, and came to the conclusion that the candy had been taken with poison.

Within a moment, Candy suffocated, the end was very ruthless and decisive.

Immediately, there was a muffled sound.

The communicator placed somewhere was automatically destroyed, further dissolving the body.

Looks at this scene, Qi Duo can not help but bit his thumb.

They set up a puppet while keeping Netero President safe.

The purpose is to catch the killer alive, and then collect intelligence.

Originally this was a must-win situation, but the corpses on the ground were telling Qi Duo clearly that although the operation of Heiyan was doomed to fail, the association could not please it.

“It’s so difficult to catch live. Do you want to cancel the original plan?”

Qi Duo’s eyes hesitated.

Should high-risk operations continue, or will annihilation be carried out directly?

Frequent sounds began to be heard in various places in the hospital.

In the night, the bloody taste gradually began.


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