Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 842

As soon as Luo and Kurapika entered the Association Building, they saw Doumen people rushing out of the elevator.

Coincidentally, when Luo met, Doumian suddenly stopped and opened his eyes, eagerly asking, “Luo, has the President really recovered?”

“Um.” Luo looked at the sweat on Domen’s head.

“very good !”

Doumian almost excited to cry.

“Are you going now?” Luo suddenly asked.

“Yeah.” Doumen Kaidou.

“I’ll be there later,” Luo said with a glance at Kurapika.

“Ah?” Doumian people stunned.

After a while, a group of 3 people came to the office area of ​​the association.

Doumianren filled with a grin on his face and filled out an execution notification form for promotion of one-star Title for Kurapika, and helped Luo and Kurapika enter the identity information of master and disciple authentication.

He felt that such a thing could be done tomorrow, but Luo’s “choose a day is worse than hit the day” made him speechless.

Then he took out to greet Netero’s reason, and ended up being told by Luo’s words, “If you don’t pass, they will come.”


Doudou people filled it out, put out a breath lightly, and said, “OK.”

“Tough work.” Luo said with a smile.

“Then I will go first.”

Doudou people jumped out of the chair in a state of anger.

“Okay, you go.” Luo didn’t care.

Regarding Luo’s heartlessness, Doumian could only sigh in his heart and ran to the stairs.

Luo watched Doumen leave the office area and immediately looked towards Kurapika, saying, “Live straight tonight?”

“Okay.” Kurapika nodded.

Luo laughed, heading for the exit, Kurapika followed closely behind.

Just then, the sound of the door opening came not far from behind.

Luo and Kurapika subconsciously stopped and looked back towards the direction of the sound, only to see Paris Stone come out of the office.

Most of them didn’t make a sound, and used it absolutely, so when they came, they didn’t notice that Parleystone was in the office.


Paris Stone greeted as usual, and immediately looked at Luo, said with a slight smile: “Chat?”

Luo thought of the remaining doubts before, and said to Kurapika, “You go up first.”

Kurapika glanced at Paris Stone, nodded, and turned away towards the exit.

Paris Stone looks at Kurapika who left until Kurapika walked out of the office area, which turned to looked towards Luo, said with a smile: “You disciple are very good.”

Luo didn’t catch the words of Paris Stone, went straight to the topic, and said, “Chat?”

“About the killer.” Paris Stone took an office chair with his hand and motioned to Luo to sit down, indicating that the matter was unclear and it took some time.

Luo tilted her head slightly, and looked at the nearby chair, but said, “Stand on.”

The underlying meaning is that I don’t want to listen to too much useless nonsense, just say it quickly.

Pariston shrugged, found a relatively close chair, sat down, and said, “The killer who attacked the President has nothing to do with us. If we want the President to die, we will not send a killer, but a self-manipulator, ensuring 100 % Success rate. “

“But you know who sent it,” Luo expressionless said.

Despite his preference for Paris Stone, he did not fully believe it.

Paris Stone chuckled and said, “Ah, that’s true. That person is a partner of Bijand. At the moment, I can only tell you this.”

Seeing that Paris Stone simply acknowledged and said his identity, Luo flashed a strange color in his eyes, indifferently said: “Why tell me this?”

“Benjamin wants to see you,” said Paris Stone.

Luo thought about it and said, “OK, let him come to me.”

Paused, he continued: “Did you finish talking?”

The smile on Parriston’s face remained the same, and suddenly a question was raised: “Why do you want to go to the dark continent?”

This question was thrown to him by Luo, and now he throws it back.


Luo raised his index finger and clicked on his temple.

After that, turn around and leave.

Paris Stone watched Luo leave with a smile, then took out his cell phone and dialed Biyande’s number.

A few moments later, Beyond was switched on.

“President is back,” said Paris Stone.

A sigh of annoyance from Yang De was immediately heard from the other end of the mobile phone. Then, just listening to Yang De said: “This time has become more troublesome.”

“Is there pressure?” Asked Pariston.

“Yes, the deadline is one month.”

“What are you going to do?”

“no idea.”

“It shouldn’t be difficult if you want.”

“Which one do you mean?”

“Remove constraints.”

Another meaning of this sentence is to kill Netero.

“If that was the way to go, I would walk over without the slightest hesitation.” Bi Yangde said seriously.

“This is the best result,” Parleystone said immediately, “I already told Luo that you want to see him.”

“How did Luo reply?”

“Let you go to him.”


There was a louder laughter than Yang De on the phone.

It should be so. After all, he asked to see Luo, and naturally he visited him.

“So be it.”

After a while, Bi Yangde hung up the phone directly.

In the office, Paris Stone put away his mobile phone, got up from his chair, sorted out his clothes, and then moved towards the exit.

Like Doumen, he was going to welcome the return of Netero, and most of the others in the Earthly Land passed.

On the other side, Luo took the elevator to the tenth and sixth floors.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Luo received the message from the blonde, and the content was to schedule the meeting time and place.

Luo responded to gold directly with [whale island] and [5 days later].

The reason why the site is located on Whale Island is to try to solve the Fire Element in the active volcano on Whale Island, and then peel off the [lichen] laying near the volcano.

Jin originally planned to leave Whale Island tomorrow morning, but Luo set the meeting place at Whale Island.

Nevertheless, King decided to leave tomorrow morning and wait until the agreed time.

Luo stowed her phone and walked towards the Luo Ling Museum.

A few steps came to the gate and pushed straight into the door.

Some desks and sundries should be there, and many shelves are still there, but there are more books.

The sofa in the reception area was almost full of people, that is, Bu Hayu was as fat as a hill, and he could only sit on the ground.

Luo glanced over, greeted everyone, and then met Machi, who was sitting on the sofa.

The eyes of 2 people are woven together like silk.

“Luo, you’re back.”

The earliest voice was Uvogin.

And he was the first one to move. He strode forward and wrapped his arm around Luo’s neck.

Then Bruna, who hadn’t seen Luo for a long time, missed her and moved Uvogin directly, crawling on Luo’s shoulder.

Because of Luo’s arrival, the whole company suddenly became very noisy.

Only Kurapika and Menqi sat quietly on the couch, and looked at the crowd and chat with Luo Shujiu.

As it happens, both of them are superstars of the association, but one is Bounty Hunter and the other is a food hunter.

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