Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 849

It’s very unlikely that the message from the killer body is the main message behind the scenes.

However, Qiduo made a special trip and explanation asked for more important information.

“What information.”

Luo sat on the sofa, facing Qi Duo squarely.

Sa Ling, they are not far away, doing their own business, not paying attention to this side.

“It was commissioned by the military to the Black Rock, but it was not clear who it was,” Qiduo said.

“Where’s the military?”

“There is only one country on the mainland of Ajan.” Qi Duo said solemnly.

“Kartin,” Luo interfaces.

6 Of the continents, only the Ajan continent is special. The entire continent has only one large country. Unlike other continents, there are many large and small countries.

Just like Poisonous Insect, after countless years and wars, it has stood out from countless countries and eventually became the only great power, the Kart Empire.

So, why did the military characters of Kartin give Black Rock a commission to kill Netero?

In the absence of key information, Qiduo can never guess the reason.

But Luo was different. Paris Stone had revealed some information to him that time, so his split second thought a lot.

The two did not speak for a moment and fell into silence.

Luo knew something, but he didn’t plan to tell Qi Duo.

“Which side is the dominant Netero thing?” After the silence, Luo directly teleported the topic.


Qi Duo always felt that it was disrespectful for Luo to call the President’s name directly. Over time, she was used to it.

“is it.”

Luo groaned and said, “Heiyan made a lot of noise that night. Maybe you can use this to attack the hawks to gain an advantage.”

“You mean getting married?”


“Since the killer has nothing to do with the hawks, it is too shameless to use this method against them.” Qi Duo shook the head.

Luo stared at Qiduo with a weird look, and began to wonder if Qiduo could help Netero in this matter. After all, a fair attitude is not suitable for use here.

Nevertheless, he believes that this can be said to be a dead-headed character, and it is also worthy of praise, so not at all convinces Qidao.

“The decision is yours. In short, if there is anything I need to help, just let me know.”

Luo narrowed her eyes and gave a slight smile to Qi Duo.

Qi Duo’s changes in the eyes, her mind has always been delicate, as if she noticed the reason for Luo’s short-term change, and immediately heard Luo’s guarantee, she was silent for a while.

This feeling is very strange, just like Luo’s grand pats on his shoulders, begging others to rely on him casually.

But getting the help of Luo’s thick thigh is a situation that every member of the prudent group would like to hear.

“Thank you very much.” Qi thanked so much.

Luo was also very polite and once again thanked the hunters for the 3-Star level.

Every star hunter is a very rare network of contacts. Trying to make a good deal can only be beneficial.

After sending away Qiduo, Luo suddenly idled, thinking of coming to the association for a while, but did not visit Sambika, so he sent a text message to Sambica.

At this point in time, it is estimated that Sambika is working, and the mobile phone is placed in the locker room, and he should not see this text message.

A day passed quickly, Luo didn’t pay attention to the situation inside the association, and Qi Duo did not bring any news, everything seemed calm and tranquil.

Luo didn’t know what he could help in this incident for the time being. In 2 days, he would leave here, go to Whale Island and Jinhui, and wait for Biande’s arrival.

Of course, if something happens, he will also immediately come back.

That night, Nob suddenly visited.

He was not alone, accompanied by Nick.

As Nob and Nick entered, asked them to sit on the sofa.

After Luo also sat down, he smiled at Nick, as if looking at a coolie.

If Tonpa were here, he would be very sympathetic to Nick, as if he had seen himself before.

Feeling Luo’s gaze, Nick felt his heart was bleeding.

“You stay here for the time being, so it’s up to you.”

Luo decided directly to Nick’s stay and did not give Nick a chance to object at all.

The situation is stronger than others, and Nick can only accept it in the face and clamp his tail honestly.

“Nob, are you interested in the dark continent?” Luo suddenly looked towards Nob, throwing a question.

Nob heard the word startled, and Luo asked too suddenly, so he couldn’t answer in a short time.

To talk about the dark continent, he only knows one-sided information. To say that he is interested, it is a bit far-fetched, but to say that he is not interested, he is a little curious about the dark continent.

Seeing Nob seemed to be hesitant to answer, Luo smiled.

In his opinion, all reactions were interested except for being out of direct interest.

“Come with me, go to the dark continent!”

Luo didn’t give Nob any room to think, and he extended his hand directly to Nob.

Nob’s eyes widened slowly, as if bright rays of light emerged from Luo’s behind.

Follow Luo to the dark continent, why … can’t refuse!

“it is good.”

Nobu agreed, without knowing exactly what he was doing for the Dark Continent.

Seeing Nob promised, Luo’s eyes brightened, and he even got up excitedly.

That sudden action scared Nick and Nob.

“It’s very good. Your thoughts are unique and unmatched. With you, the success rate of exploring the dark continent can increase at least 50%.” Luo stared at Nob, his tone very excited.

Seeing Luo was so excited for his ability, at that moment, Nob seemed to find a reason to go to the dark continent.

My own ideas are unique and unmatched for the exploration of the dark continent. It is of incomparable importance, and most importantly, you can follow Luo.

Nick stayed at the Luo Ling Museum, while Nobu left half an hour later.

Honestly, Luo didn’t expect Nob to agree so easily, after all, the danger coefficient of the dark continent is terrifying.

Now that Nobu has joined, as long as Kim is persuaded to join Lao Bai, the framework of the logistics system is basically completed. What is missing afterwards is the toxin antibody expert.

Once the logistics system is complete, the process of exploring the dark continent will be much easier.

Luo threw Nick to Sabo, who laughed and blossomed, and the feeling was to find a coolie.

After that, Luo returned to the room to accompany Machi.

Not long after, a call from Ikushobe told Luo to leave the room and go to Kurapika.

Ikushobe has found out who the last red-eyed holders were.

Donich, Yonko son of Kart.

The information brought by Ikushobe included a photo.

Luo is hesitant to show this photo to Kurapika.

Moreover, the last batch of eyes would actually be at Yonko in Kart, and it always seemed too coincidental that several lines converged on Kart.

Send a killer.

Beyond’s partner.

The last is the eyes.

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