Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 853

Machi is indeed reluctant to talk about this topic, and I’m afraid she has never thought of such a thing so far.

Luo also chose to stop and bypass this topic directly.

The proposal he just made did not go through the brain at all, and it was a feeling of passing time.

Not to mention having a child, just getting married, he dare not think about it.

Now he is a footless bird and can only fly in the air.

Maybe one day in the future, his unexplored heart of exploration will come to an end. At that time, he may choose to land.

Now, his eyes are the vast and vast continent, and he will not think of getting married until he finishes exploring.

He used to spit gold many times before, but now he wants to come. Now all those pits have become the pits he dug, and then he jumped in.

Stopped this rather sensitive topic at the moment, and the two of them were silent for a while, walking on the street illuminated by street lights.

Although the lights were bright, pedestrians were barely visible on the street, and they were deserted.

Embracing Luo and Machi looked like an ordinary couple to outsiders.

In fact, neither of them is an ordinary person.

With less than two hundred meters away from the Association Building, Luo suddenly said, “Machi, I’m going to the place the day after tomorrow.”

“Where?” Machi asked calmly.

“Meet a friend.”

Didn’t say where to go, it just explained the motivation.

Machi knew Luo didn’t want to elaborate, but she asked, “I can’t follow?”

Luo looks at her, silently nodded.

Machi staggered her eyes and stopped talking.

Looking at Machi’s reaction, Luo couldn’t help thinking about what would happen when he was going to the dark continent.

He impossibly asked Machi to follow, then …

I felt nodded and didn’t want to think about it.

He suddenly wanted to interview Kim. How did he get to know Young Gon’s mother when he walked less than half of the journey, and gave birth to Young Gon.

Without a word, 2 returned to the association.

Machi went straight back to the room, and Luo threw the packed drinks and snacks to Bisji, who was after the show, and he returned to the room.

The next morning, Luo took Kurapika to the airport.

Until then, he still didn’t get a word of help from Kurapika.

In this way, Luo looks at the spaceship to the Ajan land.

It wasn’t until the spaceship disappeared into the blue sky and white clouds that Luo turned to leave.

After returning to the Association Building, Luo and Sabo discussed the process of publishing the book.

“I remember that the company had cooperated with the” New Start “publisher? What kind of company was that?” Luo was sitting at Sabo’s desk, eating a bag of potato chips in his hand.

crack crack.

The sound of chewing potato chips kept Sabo eyebrow Kakuzu shaking. He glanced at the potato chips in Luo’s hand and said, “The type of production of that publishing house is quite mixed, but the reputation is first in the industry. So, you really To publish a book? “

“You thought I was kidding?” Luo asked.

Sabo is simply nodded.

Luo put down the potato chips and said, “Then you are understood now, I’m not kidding.”

Knowing that Luo was serious, Sabo didn’t confuse himself. He found a schedule from the file pile and looked at it, saying, “Twelve days remain before the publication of the next issue of antiquarian books. People at the starting point will come to Qiadan. Before that, you have to prepare the original. “

The collaboration between Luo Ling Museum and New Starting Point is to compile various antiquities into books, with various illustrations and historical sources, and then publish them.

With this layer of partnership, plus Luo’s status as a two-star hunter, the new starting point should pour more resources into his book.

“That’s up to you.” Luo pats Sabo’s back.

Sabo tilted his head towards him, saying, “It’s nothing, the key is to prepare your manuscript in advance.”

“no problem.”

Luo smiled at Sabo.

After solving the book publishing channels, it didn’t take long for Doumenren to visit.

“Luo, President is looking for you.”

Bean noodles are humane.

It’s all in the same building.

Luo talked to Machi, and followed Doumen to leave the Luo Ling Museum.

Ascending the elevator and coming to the floor where Netero is, it is still the Japanese-style quiet room.

On the tatami there is a low table with 2 cups of hot tea.

Netero sat inside, facing the door.

Luo took off his shoes, stepped on a tatami, and sat at the table with his knees crossed. He said, “You look busy.”


Netero responded calmly.

Luo looks at Netero. I felt a little distressed at the appearance of Doumen who had sent him here and hurried back to the office area.

“looking for me?”

Luo took a sip of hot tea.

“It’s not a major event.” Netero twisted his neck and said, “These two days are a bit tight, and I want to find someone loose.”


2 people looked at each other and said nothing.

After a while, Luo asked, “Is there anything else?”


“Well, then I am gone.”

After speaking, Luo would get up.

“Hmm.” Netero sighed at the sight.

Luo’s movements were not affected at all, and he walked off the tatami.

“Oh!” Netero sighed again.

Luo naturally came to the porch in front of the door and put on shoes.

“Oh !!” Netero’s sighing tone became even higher, becoming a hint of red fruit.

Luo’s hand reaching toward the door stopped in midair, and he looked back towards Netero, saying, “Come to the Wudouguan at 8 tomorrow morning.”

Speaking, without looking at Netero’s response, he opened the door and left.

The day passed quickly, and there seemed to be no pressure on Qiduo and Doumianren, not at all asked him for help.

Luo eyes look at at the time of 5 days, so they are going to take a tomorrow morning flight to Whale Island to meet with Jin, and there they are waiting for Beyond.

Bisji, Machi and Bruna have been impossibly staying in the Luo Ling Museum. Before leaving, Luo entrusts Machi and Bruna to Bisji again.

When he was away, Machi was by his side, and he was more at ease.

Early the next morning, Luo bid farewell to Machi and alone came to the airport.

It is still early, but there are still many people in the airport.

With a 2-star hunter license, even if the seats are so scarce, Luo still got a VIP room and then sat on a chair in the waiting area to calm the flow of people in the hall.

After waiting for a long time, the treasure finder function of white smoke font sounded automatically.

Luo was a little surprised and looked in the direction suggested by the treasure hunter.

Among the crowd, he saw the melody.

At the same time, spiritual Netero came to Wudou Pavilion as scheduled.

Then he saw Uvogin and Nobunaga, and Uvogin and Nobunaga also saw Netero.


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