Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 871

In previous lives, Luo’s definition of adventure was naive and not strict enough. uctxt. com

Every time I venture into a dangerous place, there is a potential risk that cannot be ignored, not to say that the laughing and playing nature of the ticket can be tolerated.

So, the team that once carried happy laughter and cheerful voices is facing a disaster.

His teammate died in an accident, and the team fell apart, leaving him alone.

Despite this, Luo still clearly understood the fundamental difference between the team and the solo.

When he first traveled to the dark continent, he took only Bishkee and Tonpa, where they encountered a dangerous number of times, but each time they could survive the danger in supporting each other.

This is the importance of the team.

The blueprint for the second team to the Dark Continent is not clear enough at this time.

But one thing is quite certain, that is the combination of Nobu and Lao Bai.

The four-dimensional apartment and the fool’s means, once combined, the two will become an unparalleled logistics system.

Therefore, Luo must pull Old Bai on board.

It is Luo’s persuasion to use his best methods to evoke old Bai’s interest.

This is something Kim cannot do, because Kim has never been to the Dark Continent.

The unknown tobacco mentioned by Luo was shaken by the old white not at all, but it really attracted interest.

After all, he is also a professional hunter and has his own pursuit.

After a long silence, Old White said, “I think about it.”

How many times did he forcefully refuse Kim in these 2 days, and this time, he could not do so. (The fastest update of uc book league)

However, he would not easily agree to get on board, for many reasons.

The point is that not everyone can be as wavy as Kim. They can put down their families without pressure and pursue a dangerous future.

It is difficult for Lao Bai to do this, and he is older than Luo and Jin, and lacks the vigor and chasing spirit of youngster.

“it is good.”

Luo responded, and he knew very well that he couldn’t eat hot tofu. Besides, he had plenty of time, so he was not in a hurry.

Furthermore, Lao Bai’s reply is a good sign.

After a while, 2 of them left the room, one after the other.

Luo went to Netero’s room, and Lao Bai went down the stairs to the first floor.

When he came to the room, Luo saw it.

Netero looks at the window, Qiduo looks at Netero, the air is very quiet.

Luo felt that the atmosphere was strange, and closed the door with his backhand.

When the door was closed, Netero was still staring out the window, his gaze was still, and Qiduo turned his head and looked towards Luo standing in front of the door, breaking the quiet atmosphere in the room.

“I need to know more about chimeric eggs.” Qi Duo got up, her tone was serious.

“Say here?” Luo glanced at Netero.

Qi Duo heard the words and glanced at Netero, hesitated for a moment, facing Luo shook the head.

Seeing this, Luo thought about it, and then looked at Netero. After a while, he said nothing and opened the door and went out.

Qi Duo looks at the open door, and then looks towards Netero, hesitantly said: “President …”

“Go, I’m not that vulnerable. ()”

Netero suddenly interrupted Qi Duo’s words.

His tone was very bland and he could not hear the slightest emotion, but the content of the words shocked Qiduo spiritually and saved him a lot of worry.


Qi Duo gave a reply, then ran out of the room and took the door.

When only Netero was left in the room, Netero’s eyes finally moved, and he slowly landed on the closed door.

After a long time, he sighed deeply: “It’s a complete defeat.”

Compared to the battle with Ant King, the battle with Luo was the complete defeat in all aspects.

Both Strength and skill were completely suppressed by Luo.

Netero has never been the kind of person who would be knocked down by a failure. According to his urine, wherever he falls, he absolutely has to get up. This is actually similar to Uvogin.

But after this battle, as Luo had envisioned, Netero lost his mind.

He wasn’t Uvogin after all, and had the youth of Peak.

He is old and no longer suitable to be a chaser, or in other words, has no strength to chase.

In fact, Netero didn’t know that even if it was Uvogin who did not give up, he had given up chasing Luo long ago.

Some people just don’t make sense.

You tm just installed an electric motor, but also can’t run the magic scuff legs.

Opened up, is there any wood?

Qi Duo followed Luo to leave the room, and went to the other side of the corridor and to the other side of the stairway.

2 people stood in front of the window, the moonlight passed through the window, and fell on their body.

“At that time, a general attack was launched on the palace. The enemy was very strong, so there was no extra effort to pay attention to the eggs of Chimera Ants. Basically all the information was detected by Tonpa with Mind Power …”

Luo went straight to the topic, sorted out the information he had, and then uttered it sentence by sentence.

Qi Duo is like a loyal listener. When Luo narrated the information, although she had a lot of doubts in the middle, she never interrupted Luo’s words.

About 30% of the time, Luo ended the narrative.

Qiduo looked slightly dignified, still not throwing out doubts, but whispered, “Where did Paris Stone hide those eggs? What’s the purpose?”

“Wasn’t it easy to know where he hid his eggs?” Luo wondered.


Qi Duo 愣愣 looks at Luo.

Luo as it should be by rights said: “To transport that many eggs, a lot of spaceships need to be used. Even if the operation did not leave a detailed record in writing, just ask the pilot or maintenance crew. Keep up with spaceship today. “

Qi Duo’s head plummeted, as if her head had been hit by an invisible boulder.

“Also, there is no need to complicate this matter, even considering the timing of the removal of eggs.”

Luo listened to the sound of insects and leaves rustling from the wind outside the window.

“What you should think about is not the original intention and purpose of Paris to transport the eggs, but what he can do with the eggs now.”


Qiduo slowly raised her head and glanced for a while.

Later, she thought of a possibility, and a coolness rose suddenly from her back: “Is it …”

Luo looks at Qiduo, with a slightly flustered expression, saying, “You seem to think of the worst result.”

Qi Duo gritted her teeth: “Yes, if the eggs have hatched and appeared in front of the public and caused harm to the public, then the advantages that have been created so hard will be lost …

“No wonder Parry Stone hasn’t moved. The guy has been watching the show!”

Having said that, Qiduo clenched his fists and stared at Luo, saying, “Why isn’t this important information …”

At half the point, she consciously stopped talking, took a deep breath, lowered her head and apologized to Luo: “I’m sorry.”

She never liked to blame after the fact, but Chimera Ants’s egg information was so important in the turmoil within the association that it collapsed the advantage they had hardly built overnight.

Because of this, she couldn’t help complaining, but halfway through the complaining, she immediately responded and apologized.

2500 eggs, if it really is like Luo said, each one naturally understands Mind Power …!

“I found the whereabouts of those eggs and immediately told me.”

Lou’s voice sounded in his ear, a sense of erratic drifting away.

Qi Duo looked up, and there was also a silhouette of Luo.

She turned sharply, just as Luo’s clothes, Kakuzu, disappeared at the stairs.

Without hesitation, he immediately took out his cell phone, informed all the central staff of the Jianpai party, and was preparing to hold an emergency meeting.

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