Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 893

v5 is of course very anxious.

Every person in charge who can reach the dark continent can’t expect the Carkin Congress to make a declaration of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

It was a manifestation of wantonness and irresponsibility, and stirred up an unprecedented earthquake in the people.

In the faintly-lighted Conference Hall in the 5-Layer ferry terminal, there was a sudden sound of slamming the table.

“Without restrictions, anyone can go to the dark continent? Ka Jinguo is too blind!”

In the Conference Hall, there was a u-shaped table with ten or five people.

The up ahead of the u-shaped table is a rather large projection screen with a [real] World map projected on it.

There is a young Sven man with glasses standing next to the screen. In front of him is a podium with paper sheets full of detailed reports.

Shooting the table was a middle-aged man in a suit with a brandy nose. His eyes were open, exuding undisguised anger.

Everyone else, even the youth standing on the podium, looked calmly at him.

The people who can sit here are people in high positions in the country, who are quite capable, and come from different countries.

The reason why they can gather here in a short time is because they all hold important positions in the ferry terminal and each department holds its position.

Among the ten or fifteen people, there are positions representing the wills of the prime ministers of the five major powers. In other words, this small meeting is not simple.

The immediate request to Kakin was just a tentative test.

“We are sitting here to find a solution, not a meaningless evaluation.” Someone looked at brandy nose and said something nonchalantly.

Brandy nose took a look at the person and calmed down, saying, “I didn’t mean to interrupt the meeting, please continue.”

The crowd said nothing.

The Sven youth in front of the podium saw that the continuation of the stitches had just been interrupted.

His tone was gentle and powerful, and his words were clear-cut.

But what he said is a known fact to everyone here.

It’s just that everyone is patient and waiting for the youth to finish the content.

Later, a white-haired man with a wrinkled forehead said, “What we want to hear is not the content that can only slightly reduce the total number of ferry volunteers, but the official way to stop Ka Jinguo from acting alone method.”

The youth was lightly nodded, saying, “I see. I ask you to look at the threats between nations in the basic treaties of the Charter of the United Nations. Items 7 to 9 clearly stipulate that a positive attitude towards dangerous and even unknown threats is strictly prohibited. . “

“Under judging the danger level that may threaten national security, the UN Charter allows other countries to intervene or stop using coercive means, including military.”

A flat-headed man tapped on the desktop with a pen and said, “We all know what you said, including the previous speech.”

A person next to him took the conversation, and said indifferently: “Of course, Ka Jin State is the same, and things have become so big that negotiations alone are not enough to make Ka Jin State back down.”

The Sven youth was paused and calmly said, “My speech is indeed too roundabout, and I apologize to all of you here, in fact, I want to confirm whether you have realized that the conventional methods available at present are extremely limited.”

“And the only means are clearly inclined to military action.”

A dark-skinned middle-aged woman said, “So, say what you think.”

The Sven youth looked at the middle-aged woman. He knew that the solution these people wanted was not violence such as military intervention. In short, it was to solve the matter at the least cost.

This is what the country requires.

However, for the correct answer, he has long known.

Being able to stand here under the age of 30 with real materials.

The youth looked around at everyone present and said calmly: “If you want to solve the current dilemma peacefully, you must include Carkin in v5.”

As soon as this word came out, everyone looked towards his eyes, and a slight change arose, covered by the dim light in the room.

No one raised a question and waited for the youth to say something.

“Reconstruct an international organization called v6, and five other countries will assist Carkin’s ferry operation behind the scenes, and must not show the attitude of absorbing the other party as a last resort.”

“It is to show Calkin that we have been waiting for the last representative of the six continents to be calm and ready to sail.”

“In this way, the name of King Kakin will be written into the annals of history as a pioneer of the New World, but in contrast, Kakin must sign a written agreement with the remaining five countries to share all the benefits.”

“The specific distribution needs to be negotiated on the premise that v6 can be formally established.”

The crowd was silent, and the youth did not speak anymore, and the entire Conference Hall was completely silent.

After a while, the brandy nose man who only showed an overreaction did not say anything, but asked another question to be solved: “We all know that the survival rate of exploring the dark continent is only 0.04%, so ordinary people participate in exploring the dark continent. The action is to kill. “

“If you implement it according to the method you said, the consequences of the death of countless people on the road of exploration will also need to be borne by v5.”

The young man looked towards brandy nose, and hurriedly said the follow-up plan: “There are many uninhabited islands in the non-interference sea area near the border and coastline that can accommodate a large number of immigrants. Then, as long as it is defined as a dark continent, let the ferry Volunteers can just land on the island. “

“As for the actual ferry, in order to avoid the potential risks of the disaster, as long as Carkin is willing to accept the conditions that ferries must participate in strict selection, they can leave it to them.”

“After all, we have all encountered nails on the journey to the dark continent, and we are very firm in our consensus that we will no longer take risks, and we absolutely cannot give in.”

That’s it …

brandy nose man is slightly nodded.

According to the method of the youth, there is an area that has not touched the dark sea. Throwing the people who have not understood the complete truth there can fundamentally solve this alternative gold rush caused by Kajin.


He looked again towards the youth, but someone asked him one step at a time again: “Do you think the Carkin Congress agreed to this condition on the basis of agreeing to join?”

“Give them enough freedom, then they have no reason to refuse,” said the youth.

“Then there is still one question. Given the freedom, you must keep your eyes open and keep an eye on?”

The youth looked towards the speaker, Kaidou: “At present, we have issued a commission to the association to arrest Bijand. Once the arrest is successful, we will ask the association to further persuade Bijand, if the association can make Bijand agree Conditions, the problem will be solved. “

“What if the Hunters Association fails?”

“If the Hunters Association is also incompetent, and it is also unsuccessful to negotiate directly with King Kakin, then only the troops of the Permit Office can be dispatched to participate in the cruise for surveillance purposes.”

After listening to the youth’s speech, everyone in this room showed a contemplative expression.

Sort out the pros and cons, and then … v6?


In the hallway of the association, Qiduo called Luo.

“Luo, why refuse?”

Qi Duo looks at Luo’s back, frowning lightly.

She said that the reason for this was certainly not to confess failure, but to Luo’s refusal to participate in the capture of Bijand at the end of the meeting, and Netero held a tacit attitude to this.

In Qiduo’s view, Luo and Jin are the most important talents in such operations. With their help, they can at least reduce the risk of traveling to the dark continent by more than half.

However, not only did Luo refuse, but Jin couldn’t even get on the ship, which is the reason why she refused, she didn’t know the reason.

Luo looked back at Qi Duo and said seriously: “I have no reason to answer your question. In fact, if Old Man doesn’t make such a decision, I kind of hope to work with you.”

After that, without the slightest hesitation left.

Actually, he regrets it.

One of the original intentions of joining the 2 Earthly Branches was to draw powerful members of the Earthly Branches into the team.

As a positive battle strength, Porter White, Ge Er, who can provide immune sera in real time, Pyoern, who translates ancient words, Qi Qi, who knows a lot of medicine, can relieve the pressure on his teammates.

These all are rare talents, but unfortunately they will only board the Netero ship.

Qi Duo looks at Luo who left, and can no longer speak the second sentence.

She couldn’t understand, Special was a trace of regret left when Luo looked back.

Do not understand.

What are Luo and President 2 thinking?

Idol may not realize that she didn’t know when she became dependent on Luo.

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