Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 901

Donich is the 4th prince of Carkin, and he also has another identity, that is, a collector of human organs.

His hobbies are quite special, often letting his subordinates look for women and then seducing them to where he is.

Later, he will put on the mask of Zhi Shu Da Li and talk with the prey sent to his eyes.

If the content of the prey reaches the passing line, he will enjoy the painful screams of the prey, and then with the most serious attitude, carefully peel off the human skin of the prey body.

This is a noble draw.

Take human skin with connotation, tattoo it, and then frame it.

If the prey’s knowledge is lacking, the process of his skinning will appear rough. Even so, he will still peel the human skin completely and then completely destroy it.

Just as the bathroom Kakuzu fell on the two bloody female corpses, the shattered human skin was scattered all over the place.

The traces of violence showed the dissatisfaction of the perpetrators at the time.

And the perpetrator, not far away, naturally cleansed the blood contaminated by the body.


Donich turned off the sprinkler switch, took off the towel from the shelf, wiped his hair a few times, then picked up the mobile phone on the washstand and dialed his phone.

“I said, Mark, you should at least ask them if they know what the capital and king of the Kakin Kingdom are. This is the lowest line as a human being.”

“But the woman you sent to, in addition to fashion in your head, is going to bed. Peeling these things is different from peeling pigs or monkeys?”

“What I am looking for is a comprehensive art created by a youngster with a bright future under extreme conditions. Understand?”

“Send another woman, as soon as possible.”

Donich hung up the phone, left the phone at hand, and then ignored the two bloody corpses not far away, and stood in front of the sink to clean up his makeup.

Regardless of the nature of the hunting items being sent over, they must be solemnly greeted.

This is the sense of ceremony.

After a while, Donich came to the dressing room and waited.

Tomorrow is the sailing ceremony, and Luo art will not be accepted in the next few months.

“So, don’t send another inferior product at the end.” Donich said to himself indifferently.

After half an hour, the door knocked.

Donich rose, and the apathy on his face suddenly turned into a mild, close smile.

Opening the door, there was a tall, blond man in a yellow suit outside.

He was Mark and bowed to Donich immediately.

Beside Mark, there was a beautiful woman with fluttering hair, which seemed a bit restrictive.

Donich looked towards woman, said with a slight smile: “Welcome, please come in.”

Talking, in the sight Kakuzu that the woman saw, Donich moved towards the blonde man outside the door was lightly nodded.

Then there were only women from Donich and Mark in the room.

Donich invited the woman to sit on the sofa, and then looked at the woman carefully.

Black’s long hair fell from the shawl, and Liu Haiqi’s facial features were exquisite. The lipstick applied on his lips was his favorite Gamor No. 5, also a perfume, and his favorite card Luo La Collector’s Edition.

“This woman…”

Donich’s first impression of a woman was very good, but he thought it was a bit of a coincidence.

Lipstick, perfume, dress …

These are all to his taste.

Thinking so, Donich didn’t move his face calmly, said with a slight smile: “What wine do you like to drink? I’ll get it for you.”

Before talking, you must use wine to cheer you up. This is the prelude.

“No need.”

The woman suddenly changed her boudoir-like attitude, and her tone was cold.

When he spoke the first word, he was still a female voice, but when the last word was spoken, he became a male voice.

Donich still had a mild smile on his face, but he still had a high formidable power pistol with a muffler barrel in his hand, which could easily smash his head with a round of Bullets.


without the slightest hesitation.

Just because the first impression is good, he has a little bit of vigilance, and when the prey says “No more”, he doesn’t want to know the identity and purpose of the other party. The gun crashed the other side.

However, Bullets stopped in midair.


Donich pumps shrank, and I saw a chain suddenly appear in the air. The formidable power enough to smash the human skull, Bullets, was stuck on one of the chains.

The strange phenomenon not at all caused any pause in Donich’s thoughts.

A dangerous figure coming at him.

If you don’t kill, you will be in danger.

So Donich snapped the trigger at the fastest Speed.

All Bullets in the magazine were moved towards the stranger who was dressed as a woman in front of him.

However, an unbelievable scene happened to Donich, only to see the man in front of him shake his lower arm, and then all the Bullets were locked in the mouth of the chain link.

Later, the chains that could easily block Bullets did not give him any chance. He wrapped around like a snake, carrying his body with his mouth, and was tangled into a mule.

The person who uses the chain is Kurapika, a man dressed as a woman.

He stared at the calm Donich with a cold look, coldly said: “The last bastard.”

In front of this prince of Kajin, was the bastard who finally held the eyes of clansman.

Find your eyes and everything is over.

Donich thought that Kurapika was the killer sent by the first prince Benjamin, but hearing Kurapika’s words directly overthrew speculation.

“My mouth is closed and I have lost the opportunity to negotiate. If the man in front of me is fierce enough, my chance of survival is almost zero, which is a disaster.” Even in danger, Donich was still very calm.

He tried to make a wu wu sound, conveying to Kurapika that he needed to speak.

Kurapika ignored Donich’s intention to speak, and dragged Donich directly to the suite room.

One, two, three …

Eventually, in one of the largest bedrooms, an assortment of collections was seen.

The number is far better than the collections you saw in the video.

Seeing a row of fiery red eyes and a glass bottle filled with a skull, Kurapika suddenly exasperated.

The edge of the pupil in his eyes exuded a deep red light, and even the contact lenses could not be covered up.

Feeling such angry anger at a close distance, Rao is Donich’s temperament, which is different from ordinary people, and can’t help but feel cold, and feels a deep sense of crisis.

“I am the one who will succeed Carkin’s throne. How can I die here …!”

Port city, bar.

Luo looks at the two women in front of her, helplessly said, “Why are you here?”

The caller was Ellie and Stokey.

Their arrival attracted many wolves’ eyes around them.

Most of them are headed for Sergei, only a few of them are stunning and admiring, more purely **.

“The report is going to be a mess.” Ellie embraced Luo’s arm, and her well-developed bulge clung tightly to Luo’s arm.

Luo unconsciously draws his arm, but it attracts Ellie’s fierce resistance, and the eye offensive that you cry to show you again.

He sighed softly, and stood aside with a cold look, and then looked towards Ellie, sighing: “It’s the association’s business? Just call or send a message.”

“I just want to report in person!”

Ellie made a naughty grimace at Luo.

On the other hand, Kim was observing Strange Ji.

It feels very strong, not average.

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