Gourmet master of the Pokemon world

#126 - The Pokémon on the plateau are currently working

Poliwrath (Fishery Overseer Leader)

Delphox (Pending)

Greninja (Pending)

Chesnaught (Orchard Guardian)

Fletchling, Fletchinder, Talonflame Family (Nibel Plateau Sky Guardians)

Swablu, Altaria, Altaria Family (Nibel Plateau Sky Guardians)

Bellsprout × 3, Victreebel × 2 Family (Orchard Guardian)

Litwick, Gulpin, Litleo, Pancham, Skitty, Scraggy, Stunky, Spritzee, Linoone, Helioptile, Cinccino Family (Cleaners)

Ralts (Petilil Home Staff)

Gardevoir \u0026 Gallade Couple (Diancie Cafeteria Staff)

Espurr, Meowstic (Petilil Home Staff)

Dugtrio Brothers (Vegetable Growing Experts)

Castform (Watering Expert)

Drilbur (Nibel Plateau Land Guardian)

Oricorio (Nibel Plateau Land Guardian \u0026 Angie's Land Mount)

Murkrow, Honchkrow (Nibel Plateau Night Guardians)

Fuecoco (Pig Herder)

Buneary (Cow Herder)

Pachirisu (Sheep Herder)

Sawsbuck (Chicken Herder)

Diggersby (Chicken Herder)

Flabébé (Fruit Farmer)

Chespin (Orchard Guardian)

Ducklett Couple with Leeks (Leek Planters)

Oddish × 2, Shroomish × 2, Paras × 2 (Fruit Farmers)

Alolan Geodude × 21 (Spare Flesh, Free to Give Away)

Female and Male Lechonk (Treasure Hunting Masters)

Teary Charcadet, Well-behaved Charcadet (Pig Knights)

Oricorio Sisters (Edible Oil Producers)

Scovillain × 3, Capsakid × 2 (Spicy Seasoning Producers)

Nacli × 2, Garganacl (Rock Salt Producers)

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