Gourmet master of the Pokemon world

#402 - Nibel Plateau Pokémon Division

Poliwrath (Fishery Warden)

Delphox (Convenience Store Clerk)

Greninja (General Store Clerk)

Chesnaught, Chespin (Orchard Guard)

Fletchinder, Talonflame, Staraptor Family (Sky Guard + Gym)

Altaria Family of Three (Sky Guard + Gym)

Vileplume × 5 Family (Orchard Guard)

Florges (Orchard Guard)

Chandelure, Swalot, Pyroar, Pangoro, Delcatty, Scraggy, Skuntank, Aromatisse, Linoone, Heliolisk, Cinccino Family (Secret Fortress Janitors)

Gardevoir, Gallade (Diancie Cafeteria Servers)

Maushold, Male Meowstic, Female Meowstic (Happiny Home Servers)

Dugtrio Brothers (Vegetable Garden)

Castform (Watering Squad Leader)

Whiscash Brothers (Pond Warden, Sludge Cleanup)

Wooper × 2 (Water Quality Purification)

Gogoat Herd (Goat Milk Production)

Miltank (Milk Production)

Azurill, Marill, Azumarill Group (Fishery Warden)

Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Politoed Group (Fishery Warden)

Beedrill 20 (Honey Making + Gym)

Watchog Brothers (Guard + Gym)

Hippowdon Mother and Child (Guard + Gym)

Aggron (Guard + Gym)

Excadrill (Guard + Gym)

Espathra (Guard + Gym)

Tyrunt (Guard + Gym)

Murkrow, Honchkrow (Night Guard + Gym)

Feraligatr (Pig Farming + Gym)

Buneary (Cattle Herding)

Pachirisu (Sheep Herding)

Sawsbuck (Chicken Raising)

Diggersby (Chicken Raising)

Lovebird Leek Duck Couple (Vegetable Garden: Green Onion Cultivation)

Vileplume, Bellossom, Breloom × 2, Parasect × 2, Shiinotic (Mushroom Cultivation)

Alolan Exeggutor × 21 (Excess Fat)

Seaking, Gyarados, Feebas (Lake Nibel Warden + Gym)

Male and Female Lechonk (Treasure Hunting Masters)

Ceruledge, Armarouge (Pig Knights)

Arboliva Sisters (Cooking Oil Production)

Capsakid × 5 Family (Spicy Seasoning Production)

Garganacl, Naclstack × 2 (Rock Salt Production)

Golurk × 2 (Physical Labor + Gym)

Ursaluna, Obstagoon (Physical Labor + Gym)

Mismagius (Bar Server)

Sneasel (Bar Server)

Shuckle (Brewing Assistant)

Tropius (Banana Fruit Production)

Vespiquen, Combee (Nectar Collection)

Cutiefly, Ribombee (Nectar Collection)

Solrock (Sunlight Gathering)

Volcarona (Sunlight Gathering)

Lunatone (Moonlight Gathering)

Goodra, Goomy × 2 (Rice Paddy Management)

Gothita, Wobbuffet, Girafarig (Dessert Shop Salesperson)

Lucario (Inteleon Sous Chef)

Riolu (Gengar Sous Chef)

Cramorant × 2 (Fishing)

Alcremie 63, Slurpuff (Magearna Sous Chef)

Alolan Persian (Gym)

Houndoom (Gym)

Salamence (Gym)

Lilligant (Gym Chief Physician)

Flabébé, Floette × 3 (Gym Nurse)

Fidough (Wheat Cultivation)

Male and Female Basculegion (Gym)

Infernape (Gym Dorm Manager)

Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon (Gym Dorm Manager)

Zorua and Zoroark (Gym Convenience Store Clerk)

Sableye (Gym)

Misdreavus (Gym)

Heracross (Gym)

Applin × 3 (Berry Ripening)

Wooloo, Ariados × 2, Cottonee (Diancie's Textile Partners)

Note: Non-Gym Pokémon may occasionally participate in Gym challenges.

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