Gourmet: Re-Engraving Extinct Famous Dishes Starting From Dragon Scales

Chapter 69: The King Of Flowers, The Best Soup! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Oh my god! It's so beautiful."

"Don't you remember the crystal lamps when you were young, the kind with flowers."

"This is ten thousand times more beautiful than a crystal lamp!"

"The degree of restoration is really high, and the texture of the petals is clearly visible."

"Using seafood to make peony, the national flower, is worthy of the name [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance]!"

"Screenshot screenshot! Share it with Moments later."

There was a burst of boiling in the barrage.

No matter the new audience or the old audience, they are all shocked and amazing.

"Everyone knows how to eat this [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance] flower?"

As soon as Jiang Feng opened his mouth, the audience was surprised and looked forward to it again.

"have no idea."

"Eat directly?"

"Who would be willing to eat such a beautiful peony flower?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid it will break if I hold it in my hand."

"Should I pick it off one by one and put it in my mouth?"

"I know how to eat, mail it to me, and I will demonstrate it to you."

"In the front, I heard your abacus here."

No one knows how to eat this flower,

Even if these flowers are really placed in front of the audience,

I am afraid that the vast majority of viewers will not have the heart to eat this seafood peony, which can be called a 'work of art'.

At this time,

Jiang Feng didn't say a word, and boiled water beside him.

After a while, the water boiled.

Jiang Feng poured a glass of boiling water and set it aside.

When the audience saw Jiang Feng's action, they immediately thought of what Jiang Feng just mentioned: "It solidifies when it is cold, and melts when it is hot.

Could it be...

A bold guess arose in the hearts of the audience.

And at this time,

Jiang Feng held the seafood peony on his right palm, and quietly admired the beauty of the seafood peony through the light.

"Did everyone see it?"

"This is one of the wonderful food cultures of our Dragon Kingdom."

"While pursuing the ultimate delicacy, it is also possible to make the food so dreamy and poetic.

"Turning a bowl of soup into a work of art."

"This way [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance], every step has infused the wisdom and painstaking efforts of our ancestors in the Dragon Kingdom."

"From how the soup turns from turbid to clear, and from how the soup turns from liquid to solid, finally a bowl of soup is presented in front of diners in the form of a flower.

Every sentence and every comment of Jiang Feng has been highly recognized by the audience.

What he said was the voice of the audience.

It's just that the audience can't express it perfectly like him.

"Well said."

Chef Lin applauded.

At this moment, listening to Jiang Feng's words, a sense of pride suddenly rose in his heart.

This is the wisdom of our Dragon Kingdom ancestors,

It is far from being comparable to the cuisines of other countries.

Kyoto, Siheyuan.

Elder Jiang's drowsiness was swept away, and he looked at Jiang Feng energetically.

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, his heart was full of waves.

Surprised, admired, ashamed...

A variety of emotions were born in his heart.

It is not only the seafood peonies in Jiang Feng's hands that arouse these emotions, but also the passion for Longguo cuisine in Jiang Feng's eyes.

The ancestors who created these wonderful delicacies are certainly respectable,

But like Jiang Feng, who spared no effort to spare a lot of money to find replicas of extinct delicacies, he is also worthy of admiration!

in the live room,

All kinds of amazing bullet screens floated by.

Countless viewers were moved by Jiang Feng's words, and couldn't help but start swiping gifts.

Sea of ​​flowers, super fire, sports car, castle, star train...  

Numerous gifts emerge one after another, crazily swiping the screen!

But Jiang Feng didn't care about these gifts,

so beautiful!

After carefully looking at this white jade-like peony, he looked at the live broadcast camera again.

"Next, I will teach you how to taste this [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance]."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he brought the glass of boiling water he just poured out in front of him.

next second,

He gently put the seafood peony in.

The seafood peony floats on the hot water, and the white jade-like flower body complements the clear boiled water.

Suddenly, it is like a fairyland in full bloom, like poetry and picturesque.

for a moment,

The audience is almost insane.

This beautiful scene did not last long.

The seafood peony begins to melt when heated.

Starting from the bottom in contact with the water surface, the solid seafood melts in the water little by little, creating a fresh water pattern.

Watery and milky.

Soon, the whole seafood peony completely melted into the boiling water.

The rich and delicious seafood soup turns this glass of boiled water into tea soup.


"This is the ultimate [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance]."

Jiang Feng picked up the water glass and stirred it gently with a spoon to make the seafood and white water completely blend together.




this moment,

Hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room were hungry.

Xindongdong Gourmet Academy,

Because it was too late, the students had already returned to the dormitory under the organization of the teacher.



They still hid under the covers and watched.

Watching the seafood peonies melt into the boiling water, they were very hungry.

Stomach growled.


"It's time to watch the up master eat and drink spicy food again."

"Ah, it's about to be beaten again."

"I really want to have a sip."

"Damn, I'll go down and drink some water, and look at plums to quench my thirst.

"Help me get a drink too."

in the live room,

The audience is salivating.

But at the same time they are also suffering.

"Watching up to cook is enjoyable, watching up to comment on food is enjoyable, listening to up science is also very enjoyable. Only watching up and eating alone is more uncomfortable than killing me."

"I'm so hungry and crying."

"Just slapped my husband and asked him why he can't cook this dish."

"Now I finally understand what it means to keep a woman, you must first keep her stomach, and now I have been kept by up.

"Up, let me have a sip, the little girl is willing to promise with her body."

"Stay aside a little bit. Up! My good sister in the lower bunk is about to go through menopause, and her only wish is to take a sip of [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance]. Can you satisfy him?"

"Give it to my brother, I won't repay you for making weeds in the next life.

The audience can only use the barrage to express their desire.

as they howl,

A mechanical prompt flashed in Jiang Feng's mind:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully reproducing the ninth famous extinct dish - "National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance"]

【The system is distributing rewards...】

[Ding! The contract of "Aishida Kitchenware Company Shares" worth 100 million dragon coins has been stored in the host's bedroom. 】

Aishida Kitchenware Co., Ltd.......

Jiang Feng is impressed with this company.

Among the domestic kitchenware companies, only four have been successfully listed.

Aceda is the largest of these four companies.

Many common kitchen utensils on the market are owned by Aishida.

not bad.

After Jiang Feng thought for a while, he refocused on the cup of [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance] in his hand.

He scooped up a spoonful with a spoon and put it in his mouth.

The rich seafood delicacy bloomed in his mouth, and the warm and delicious taste almost stretched his whole body.

The hot soup flows into the throat and flows to the limbs and bones.

It seems that every cell of the body is enjoying the deliciousness.

I can't finish my mouthful,

Jiang Feng took another sip, with endless aftertaste.

"The color is as light as tea soup, and it seems tasteless, but it is actually a cup of delicious seafood broth.

"Taste one bite, and the umami taste can touch the root of the tongue."

"In terms of shape and color, it is indeed the king of flowers; in terms of taste, it is indeed the best soup."

Every comment by Jiang Feng strongly stimulated the taste buds of the audience.

Many spectators received a glass of water in the middle of the night,

While watching the live broadcast, drink water and smack your tongue, taste this cup of [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance] in the form of brain supplement.

After Jiang Feng finished drinking and put down the cup, he looked at the live camera again.

"Everyone, have you learned it yet?"

The corners of the audience's mouths twitched.

"Learning is useless, learning is useless."

"Anyway, the brain has learned it, and the hands have not learned it until tomorrow.

"This dish looks quite simple, it should work."

"No matter what, you have to try tomorrow."

"Well, I hope to see good news from everyone yesterday evening

"see you tomorrow."

Jiang Feng turned off the live broadcast.

He drank another cup of 【National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance】.

"It smells so good."

Jiang Feng sighed while drinking.

Don't look at this is the ninth famous extinct dish he has reappeared,

But the taste of each extinct famous dish has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is extremely delicious.

Take a bite and feel very comfortable.

"It was not in vain that I cooked for hours."

As Jiang Feng said, he drank another cup.

Only then did he clean up the desktop with satisfaction.

Before leaving at last,

He found another instrument from the warehouse.

This is the smart water dispenser that the system rewarded him a year ago.

It is specially used to add water to some dishes that need to be cooked for a long time and need to be watered from time to time.


Now you can definitely buy similar timed water filling online, but it is definitely not smart and safe that the system rewards.

He put the instrument on the side of the pot where the best two-headed abalone and 100-year-old ginseng were steaming.

Adjust the time and add water every half an hour.

Only then did he leave the warehouse and go home to rest.

on the road,

He edited tonight's live broadcast into two videos with one click.

One is named: [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance].

The other name is: [Dripping Guanyin (1/3)]

After the two videos were posted on the Internet, they immediately became very popular.

They have rushed to the top of the hot broadcast list of the beep station, and the top of the hot search list of major platforms.

#国色天香! Have you ever seen such a peony?【Hot】#

#散水观音, the ingredients are worth millions, the top food you have never seen【Hot】#

Two hot searches caused a great sensation...

In the comment area, netizens were very excited.

"What a beautiful peony."

"Before clicking in: How beautiful can a beautiful flower be? After clicking in: Damn it! Beep! Please accept my knee!"

"You can turn seafood into a flower, you have a great talent!"

"The 100-year-old ginseng is thrown into the pot like this..."

"What kind of inhumane operation is this?"

"Just this abalone is worth an Audi?"

"Kneel to the boss."

"Let's just say, I've already traveled to Jiangnan, where can I meet @食品小锋?"

"@美食小风, Tiezi, brothers came to Jiangnan to look for you, please give them some soup, please."


not only that.

that night,

The mobile phones of the major flower shop owners rang.

It's all about booking peonies.


Most of the peonies in the flower shops in Longguo were wiped out.


called the dealer,

Dealers are amazed!

The demand soared thousands of times, so they contacted Huayi in surprise and joy.

When dealers and flower growers were puzzled why so many people suddenly wanted to buy peonies,

They found the truth online.

turn out to be.....…

They are all bought to make seafood peonies!

These customers may not need so many peonies alone, or even one is enough.


The demand of millions of customers across the country is gathered together, which is a demand of over ten million!

The peony flower market was emptied in an instant!

"The influence of this gourmet little maple...is too great!"

"Last time, because I made a dish with tuberose, the usually hard-to-sell tuberose was sold out."

"Now it has boosted the demand for peony, the national flower."

"It's awesome."

Numerous dealers and flower shop owners clicked their tongues.

that night,

Distributors searched for flower growers all over the night to buy peonies, and delivered them to flower shops of all sizes early the next morning.

When the flower shops are just opening,

Swept away by the flock of customers.

The flower shop owners were all grinning from ear to ear.


A mother and son want to buy peony flowers and make a bowl of 【National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance】.

But the mother walked slowly, and the son died of anxiety.

"Mom, can we hurry up. My classmates have already bought flowers, but our family didn't buy them. We won't be able to buy them in a while. Last time, our family didn't buy tuberose." The son urged

"Oh, why worry. Do you think peony flowers are the same as evening primrose? Evening primrose is a rare species, so it's normal to sell quickly. Peony is the national flower. Which store can have no peony

The sales volume is huge. Don't worry, it will never be sold out.

Mother looked calm.

Soon, the mother and son arrived at the nearest flower shop.

"Boss, buy two peony flowers." Mom said.

"Peony? It's sold out."

"Sold out?"


2.8 The boss pointed to an open space nearby: "It was sold out before eight o'clock in the morning."

"It's okay, let's go to another house to see."

The mother looked embarrassed and took her son to another flower shop.


They ran to more than a dozen flower shops in a row, and all the peonies were sold out.

"Come on, let's go to the next one."

"I don't believe you can't buy peonies."

This mother still wants to go around.

But he was dragged down by his son in despondency.

"Mom, don't bother. Look at the news on the Internet. The peonies are all sold out."

"How can it be."

Mom didn't believe it, so she turned on her phone and took a look.


There is one on the hot search:

#Peony, Pin Xin【Boiling】#

Really sold out!

Mom looked in disbelief, and clicked in to check.

Only then did I discover that

It turns out that it is not the flowering season of peonies at all.

The most abundant flowering season of peonies is in May.

It's been two months now.

So now most of the peonies are planted in gardens, and the flowers there are not for sale.

real peony fields for sale,

There may be only a few million plants in the whole country.

Millions of plants would definitely be enough to sell in previous years, and they couldn't even be sold out.

But the wave of buying peonies started by Jiang Feng has covered millions of young people.

Coupled with the crazy rumors on major social platforms last night, more and more people want to do [National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance].

Such a few peonies are not enough to sell!

Now some people want to buy it at a premium of ten times or dozens of times on the Internet.


The mother looked astonished and embarrassed.

She didn't expect Gourmet Xiaofeng's influence to be so great.


The son sighed helplessly.

This time, there is no chance to imitate the extinct famous dishes. .

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