Xiaoqiao thought of what Lu Sicheng had just said and was silent.

Maybe Lu Sicheng's method is right. Tiantian needs such people to educate her.

The other side.

After Lu Sicheng watched Xiaoqiao being pulled away by cockroaches, he noticed Tiantian's expression and caught her clearly. After Xiaoqiao was pulled away, Tiantian looked disappointed.

Well, the child is smart and knows to take advantage of the love of others.

It's really easy for such a smart person to learn bad without good guidance.

Simply learning bad is a big deal to ruin your life.

But how old is it? This is a brain smarter than her peers. If she does it badly, the next few people will be her opponents.

"Sweet, keep crying." Lu Sicheng said with a smile.

When Tiantian heard him speak, boredom flashed in her eyes.

Ha, this child, I know I hate him.

"Sweet, don't you cry? Well, answer my question." Lu Sicheng asked again.

Sweet toots her little mouth and doesn't cry, but people don't talk, don't talk, right.

"Very good!" Lu Sicheng nodded, then stopped talking. He walked aimlessly with Tian Tian in his arms until noon. Lu Sicheng found a KFC, called a family bucket and ate it regardless.

Sweet toots her mouth and is greedy in her eyes, but she doesn't want to let her take care of what this person wants to eat. This person is the villain who robbed her mother.

With a cold hum, Tian Tian turned his head and ignored Lu Sicheng.

Lu Sicheng didn't care. He ate slowly. He ate as much as he wanted.

Tiantian was still a child and began to spit. She looked at Lu Sicheng and saw that the other party didn't look at her. She was depressed and turned away from him.

Finally, Tiantian really couldn't help it. She looked at Lu Sicheng and saw that he didn't care about himself. This time, she didn't support hard and didn't want any face. She burst into tears.

"Don't cry," said Lu Sicheng in a deep voice.

Tiantian doesn't care about this. It's just one word: cry!

The more he cried, the more serious he became. Some parents around him were disgusted and stood up to accuse Lu Sicheng.

"How did you become a father?"

"What's the child crying like!"

"Yes, girls should be pampered..."

"Now this young man..."

Now people regard children as everything. Seeing Lu Sicheng's criticism, Lu, even Lu Sicheng, began to be unable to resist. After paying the bill, he picked up Tiantian and left.

I found a hotel and entered the guest room with sweet crying in the strange eyes of the waiter.

"Stop crying, little ancestor!"

Lu Sicheng could not coax, scare, beat or scold.

For the first time, Lu Sicheng felt that today's children were demons. Whoever said that children were angels, he was anxious with who.

"Little ancestor, is uncle wrong?"

"My God, my uncle is going to buy KFC now... No, let's sell a KFC store“

"Baby, I'll kneel down for you. Can you stop crying?"

My mother! "Ancestors, grandma, baby, uncle know you have a large lung capacity, so we won't cry."

Lu Sicheng was helpless. He couldn't carry sweet on his back. He learned from snakes and horses. Finally, he made the ancestor laugh.

He was tired and panting. As soon as he stopped, the ancestor began to cry again.

Lu Sicheng couldn't help teasing again. He jumped like a big God, jumping here and there until the ancestor fell asleep.

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