In fact, he beat Gu ningyue in the mouth.

After reconciliation, Yin's parents came to the hospital.

Asked Yin Meijiu's attending doctor, and Xiaoqiao and Gu ningyue learned that they were coming and came to the office.

When Gu ningyue wants to go in, she is pulled by Xiaoqiao. Gu ningyue understands that this is to listen to what they say.

"Doctor, how is my daughter Yin Meijiu?" asked Yin's mother.

"The situation is not very good. The fractures in other parts of the injured have recovered slowly. Only the legs are crushed. It is difficult to stand up in the future, but everything is not absolute. You can go to a hospital abroad or in the capital," the doctor said.

"If you go to other hospitals, how much will it cost?" Yin's mother asked again.

"Well, it's hard to say. It depends. However, your daughter's situation, the reconstruction of a course of treatment will cost hundreds of thousands. This may have to be done several times." the doctor added.

"Will it be all right then?" asked Yin's mother.

"Not necessarily." the doctor shook his head.

Yin's mother and father came out of the doctor's office. Gu ningyue and Xiaoqiao had escaped, so they didn't see them. They came to the stairs.

"Old man, it's not my mother's cruelty. We can't cure this disease. Didn't you listen to the doctor? It's just that the money is spent, it won't be better." Yin's mother said.

Gu ningyue sneered in the dark. When can't he say it? He just said not necessarily!

Sometimes people are like this. They are obviously afraid of spending money, but because they make their conscience better and distort the doctor's words, they will not necessarily become affirmation!

In fact, the hospital is an ordinary minor operation. The doctor will tell you not necessarily, leaving a 20% chance of failure. This is to prevent some emergencies, such as patients' allergy to anesthetics, hidden diseases and so on.

Some people who are unwilling to spend money directly turn this uncertainty into affirmation. Keeping money, I looked at my relatives suffering with peace of mind, and said righteously: it's not that I don't treat you. The doctors say it can't be cured.

Yin's mother is like this now. She deceives herself and others!

"But if you don't give Jiujiu treatment, she's still so young. What should I do?" Yin's father said reluctantly.

"I think it's OK. Anyway, it can't be cured. After a period of time, Jiujiu is almost done, we'll take her home, and then we'll take care of her. When we can't take care of her, we'll send her to a sanatorium. The sanatorium is only more than 1000 yuan a month, and it's also in charge of food and drink. More than 20000 a year is enough. Jiujiu is alive to 60. It's only more than 40 years, less than a million. Besides , I heard that the disabled people's country still has subsidies, and then I'll pay her an old-age insurance. When we're 50 years old, we'll go, and her own old-age money will be able to support herself. "Yin's mother thought about it and said.

"Well, isn't Jiujiu unable to get married and have children?"

"What else? I can't stand up. Who wants her? Alas, we parents can think about her." Yin's mother said directly.

Secretly, Gu ningyue and Xiaoqiao smiled angrily. She was really a good mother. How well this arrangement was arranged. Yin Meijiu was only in her twenties and let her provide for the elderly.

"Auntie, you don't have to calculate the age of ninety-nine to sixty and don't pay any endowment insurance. I tell you, ninety-nine knows she can't stand up and has to commit suicide the next day. Even if you don't let her commit suicide, she will die. She will live for three years at most. When she dies, the money will be enough for you and your son's daughter-in-law." Xiaoqiao couldn't help but come forward and said.

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