Gu ningyue didn't know the psychology of these people, otherwise he would have hit the wall. After she ran out, she first came to the payment window, took out her bag and opened it. It was more than 100! How is that enough?

"Doctor, can you scan the code?" Gu ningyue asked.

"Yes, down there." the cashier nodded.

"OK. Doctor, please help me find out how much this hospital bed costs." Gu ningyue hurriedly gave the bed number out.

"This needs to pay 3000 yuan," said the doctor inside.

"OK." Gu ningyue nodded and opened his mobile phone to scan the code, but he was stopped by a pair of big hands. She looked up and saw that it was Lu Sicheng.

"Don't sweep, I have here." Lu Sicheng took out three thousand and put them in the window.

"No, I'll scan the yard myself." Gu ningyue said, taking the money and putting it in Lu Sicheng's hand.

"I have it here, just use it." Lu Sicheng put the money back again.

Gu ningyue was already bored. He was even more upset when he got rid of him. He picked up the money and threw it at him: "I said no, you don't need it. You have great money. You have no place to spend money. If you have nothing, go outside."

With that, Gu ningyue turned and took out his mobile phone. After scanning the code and making the payment, without looking at Lu Sicheng, he turned and left.

Lu Sicheng frowned and didn't take care of the scattered money. He quickly caught up with her and grabbed her arm: "Gu ningyue, if you have any dissatisfaction, just say, I don't like such a disorderly temper!"

Gu ningyue shook off his hand and said, "you don't like it. Do I make you like it? Do I play with my temper? Do I just play with my temper when I don't want your money? Do we have to continue when a high-ranking president like you comes to US civilians? Otherwise, it's unforgivable?"

Lu Sicheng stopped, looked at Gu ningyue's angry appearance and red eyes, and sighed helplessly: "Gu ningyue, I don't know how you think so! But I never meant that."

"No? Ha ha, no, one shot is 200000!" Gu ningyue said with a sneer.

"A lot of 200000? I just took out the money I want to buy clothes. Your brother called me brother-in-law. I can't say it." Lu Sicheng explained helplessly.

Gu ningyue smiled: "yes, 200000 is only money for you to buy clothes, but you know for me, it's a wealth to accumulate for a long time. Yes, you didn't do anything. You just took out the money you bought clothes and gave it to me. It's my family who have never seen the world. They grovel and beg for you."

Gu ningyue roared the last word, turned and strode away.

Lu Sicheng was at a loss in his eyes. He stood silent for a long time. At the last moment, he shook his hand and quickly caught up with Gu ningyue. Out of the hospital, he looked around and couldn't find Gu ningyue. He felt a gasp in his heart. He couldn't see anyone so soon. Was there an accident.

Lu Sicheng immediately ran around looking for it. Ten minutes later, he returned to the door of the hospital. There was no one around. It seems that he wants to find Gu's father, ask for his home address, and see if Gu ningyue has gone back! When he was about to enter the hospital, Yu Guang saw a beautiful shadow.

He immediately stopped, turned his head and looked. In a corner of the fountain not far away, Gu ningyue sat timidly and looked very sad. Lu shuddered and hurried over. Approaching, he heard her cry again.

"Why are you crying?" he came to her and asked softly.

Gu ningyue heard his voice, stopped crying, raised his head and looked at him dimly.

"Tell me, why are you crying? Is it because of me?" Lu Sicheng squatted down and looked at her face to face.

Gu ningyue raised her hand and wiped her tears, lowered her head and didn't speak.

"Gu ningyue, tell me why? I really don't know what I did wrong? Is it because of the 200000?" Lu Sicheng asked.

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