Gu ningyue looked at him helplessly.

"My Mr. Lu, don't you know, won't you ask?"

Lu Sicheng was more innocent: "I think you're in a bad mood!"

"How about that?".

"I'm afraid you don't want to talk to me and drive me out of the car." Lu Sicheng said very seriously.

"Please, this is your car, and you drive," Gu ningyue reminded.

Lu Sicheng was silent and nodded, "you're right. Where does your family live?"

"In Yijing community!" Gu ningyue sighed.


"Yijing community!" Gu ningyue thought he didn't hear it and said it again.

"Er..." Lu Sicheng bit his lips and looked at Gu ningyue: "the community has just passed."


Gu ningyue doesn't want to talk to him. This product is the president. Has the family lost it.

Lu Si Chengyu swept the angry little woman on one side, and the corners of his mouth raised an evil radian.

Send it back so quickly. Seeing her angry, she will drive herself out. It's hard not to see your daughter-in-law.

It's good to drive and look at my daughter-in-law. When I'm hungry, I can have dinner together.

As for the fact that his mother-in-law wanted to eat stewed chicken, he had told his secretary to do it.


There was a discordant sound and the car stopped.

"Ah!" Gu ningyue swung forward. If she didn't use her seat belt, she might hit the glass.

Lu Sicheng, who was beside her, was also average.

"What's the matter?" Gu ningyue looked back at him and asked.

"The tire burst." Lu Sicheng said helplessly.

"A flat tire? Is there a mistake? I have to go to the hospital at night." Gu ningyue said anxiously immediately.

"It doesn't matter. I'll call and ask my secretary to deliver food to the hospital." Lu Sicheng said immediately.

"But I have to clean up and change my mother's clothes," Gu ningyue said again. It's terrible this time. If she doesn't go, her mother will scold her to death.

"It doesn't matter. I'll ask her to prepare it together." Lu Sicheng said again immediately.

"Oh, that's good!" Gu ningyue subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.


"How does it feel like we're not having a flat tire, but on a picnic?"

Lu Si smiled: "anyway, we can't go back. Let's take it as a picnic."

Gu ningyue shrugged. That's the only way.

Lu Sicheng's car broke down on the highway in the outer ring of the city, and the roadside is very close to the river.

Gu ningyue got out of the car and wondered what Lu Sicheng was. When he came home from the hospital, he could drive to the outer ring. How did he drive?

If Lu Sicheng knew her question, he would directly tell her three words: intentional!

After calling the Secretary, Lu turned to Gu ningyue and asked, "what do you want to eat?"

"Hmm? Everything is good." the girl was still thinking about how Lu Sicheng got to the outer ring.

"Oh!" why did you stay again? Lu Sicheng looked at the little woman around him, reluctantly shook his head, picked up the phone, made a call, and then hung up.

About ten minutes or so, a black car came, and then a man with glasses got off.

The man with glasses bent over to see Gu ningyue. When he saw her, his face was stiff. Then he waved to Lu Sicheng. Lu Sicheng was stunned and got out of the car and walked to one side with him.

"I said, isn't she getting married?" asked the man with glasses.

"It's already done." Lu Sicheng said indifferently.

The glasses man was stunned when he heard the speech.

After being stunned, the look of the glasses was adored.

"Boss, you don't lose. You were our boss at school."

Lu Sicheng smiled: "I don't have any ability to accept your four monkeys."

Glasses nodded approvingly, but soon he said discontentedly, "boss, you're not interesting enough. Why didn't you call us for such a fun thing as stealing a kiss."

Stealing a kiss? Lu Sicheng was stunned: "what's the wedding?"

"Isn't that girl married? Why don't you bring her here?" the glasses asked puzzled.

Lu Sicheng looked at him like an idiot and said, "that's my daughter-in-law. We handled the certificate yesterday."

"Oh, certificate processing... No, what?" he asked as soon as his glasses shrunk his head.

"Marriage certificate." Lu Sicheng said again lightly.

"Marriage certificate? Isn't that girl getting married? Didn't you still drink and cry with us? Why suddenly you got a marriage certificate... It's unscientific..." poor glasses were completely covered.

"Have you brought what you asked?" asked Lu Sicheng.

"Oh, yes." the glasses are still in the circle.

"Then give it to me, and then you go." Lu Sicheng wants to go to the world with Gu ningyue. Although the world between them was very thorough last night, the other party was drunk. He took advantage of people's danger and had no mood.

"In the car," said the glasses.

"Well, I'll take it myself." Lu Sicheng said, walked to the car, took out two blankets and a food box, went back to his car, and then took things twice.

Well, he came to Gu ningyue's window and said, "Yueyue, my friend sent me something. Do you want to take your mobile phone back directly to recharge him?"

Gu ningyue was stunned, and then took out his mobile phone. He really didn't have much electricity. He nodded: "tell your friend, don't turn it on."

Then he looked down and thought, how could he drive to the outer ring?

"Well, no problem!" Lu Sicheng nodded, then called his and Gu ningyue's mobile phones into the hands of glasses.

"It's okay. Let's go. Go back and recharge. Don't peek."

Glasses looked down at the mobile phone and was pushed into the car by Lu Sicheng.

"Don't come tonight, come tomorrow morning." Lu Sicheng warned, and then closed the door.

Eyes are still messy, this urgent look, or the cold boss? No, he's going back to talk to the three of them.

Quickly started the car and left.

When Lu Sicheng saw him leave, he returned to the car again. Looking at Gu ningyue who was still thinking, he smiled helplessly.

"Yueyue, are you hungry? Eat something."

Gu ningyue looked back and nodded, "OK, I'm really hungry." then he took Lu Sicheng's lunch box and ate it.

The meal is good, but it's still hot.


Gu ningyue turned around and looked at Lu Sicheng's car.

"What's the matter? What are you looking for?"

"You can cook in this car. How is it hot?" Gu ningyue asked puzzled.


The daughter-in-law is so cute that she can't break it.

"Didn't you see someone coming just now?" asked Lu Sicheng.

"Ah? Someone is coming?"

"Yes, the meal was delivered, and our mobile phone was taken back to him to recharge." Lu Sicheng explained.

"Impressed." Gu ningyue suddenly.

"You haven't noticed what you think?" Lu Sicheng asked helplessly.

"I think..." it's better not to say. People's cars have driven to the outer ring. She hasn't thought of how to drive here. It's too cheap.

"Just think about something!"

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