Miko smiled.

"No, it's because his bride can't put one of her sisters in her heart."

Yin Meijiu was stunned for a long time. She smiled: "what do you want to tell me? Do you want to tell me that Yueyue is worried about me? Although she doesn't marry Lu Sicheng? What's the purpose of telling me? Do you want me to know that I'm a burden? Ha ha! Yes, I'm a burden!"

Yin Meijiu finished with tears.

Maike waited until she finished saying, "Yin Meijiu, a sentence has many meanings, but you choose to look down on others and your own understanding."

Yin Meijiu looked at him: "my understanding is not wrong. I know that I am a burden to many people now, so I want to go home. Is it wrong?"

"Go home? Where are you going?" Micah asked with a smile.

Before he came, he had received all the details of the matter promised to him by Lu Si, as well as all the personal information of Yin Meijiu, and the current situation.

His words were really cruel. Yin's parents could ignore her for money. Yin Meijiu didn't know what to say.

"This gentleman..." Xiaoxiao was distressed by Yin Meijiu's instant vulnerability. She came forward to speak and was held by Zhang Liang.

Xiaoqiao looked at him puzzled. Zhang Liang shook her head and told her to wait. When you see this, you can only stop what you want to do and watch it change.

When Maike saw this question, Yin Meijiu thought for a long time, but she couldn't answer it. Her performance was very sad and fragile. It was hard to bear to look at, but Miko didn't retreat at all.

He approached Yin Meijiu and said, "Miss Yin, you are homeless, aren't you? Your parents have long planned to send you to the sanatorium. Now you give up treatment and you can only spend your next life in the sanatorium."

The tears in Yin Meijiu's eyes kept falling. She looked up at Miko.

"Yes, I'm homeless? Is that why you laugh at me?"

Miko sighed: "as I said, a sentence has a lot of understanding, but you choose to look down on others and your own understanding."

Yin Meijiu sneered and ignored him.

Miko didn't care about her attitude at all. He walked up to her and said to her, "Miss Yin, you say you are a burden, but you know what? If a person wants to be a burden to others, it doesn't lie in yourself, but in others.

It may be realistic to say so, but what you need most now is to face reality.

After something happens to you, your biological parents and close family members choose money to send you to a nursing home in order not to be implicated by you. Even if you can't stand up all your life, who will you be a burden? Who will be a burden to you at the beginning. "

"Ah!" Yin Meijiu covered her head with pain: "don't say, don't say..."

Yes, like her parents, she is still a burden.

"If I don't tell you, the truth doesn't exist. Miss Yin, you've been making trouble all the time. In fact, you're afraid that you'll add trouble to your only warmth, so that they will leave you and abandon you like their parents one day! So you keep experimenting. In fact, every time you make a noise, you watch them coax you quietly and firmly want to treat you, which is also your stability and self-confidence A way to feel uneasy, "mico added.

Yin Meijiu stopped crying. She raised her head and looked at Miko with tearful eyes.

Miko was already sitting next to her, reaching out and regulating her messy hair.

"Miss Yin, your friends really care about you! It's really unnecessary for them to dislike you if you're afraid that your legs won't be good. Even if you really can't stand up, they won't leave you alone.

Miss Yin, do you know that a person's physical disability is not really terrible, as long as her heart is strong. "

Miko whispered.

Yin Meijiu kept silent. She listened quietly, but she was not crying.

She didn't make trouble when the doctor gave her an injection.

Looking at her quiet sleep, Liangzi and Xiaoxiao were relieved.

"Thank you, Miko," liangko said to Miko.

Maike shook his head: "it doesn't matter. What I said today is only on the one hand. On the other hand, her performance is not very obvious, but it does exist in her heart. She blames Gu ningyue in her heart."

"It's impossible," Xiaoqiao said at once.

Miko looked at her, Xiaoqiao was stunned, and then said, "it's impossible. You don't know our sister's feelings. She won't please anything."

Maike was silent for a long time and said, "Miss Xiaoxiao, I am also very moved by the sisterhood between you, but it is the sisterhood between you that leads to miss Yin's manic state of mind.

A normal person suddenly can't stand up. That kind of pain is unacceptable to anyone.

She resents and can't accept it. It's a normal feeling.

However, because of her feelings for Miss Gu, she suppressed herself from resentment and blame, and even let her think for Miss Gu. However, a normal person becomes disabled and only bears the pleasure of Chinese medicine in the face of an unknown future. How can she have no resentment in her heart.

If she can express it, she may be relieved, but she has been repressed all the time, so it becomes bigger and bigger in her heart. Now she doesn't know what to do. I'm afraid if this situation is not handled properly, at a certain time, this repression will turn into hate. "

Xiaoxiao was stunned. She didn't expect Yin Meijiu's psychological symptoms to be so serious.

However, I believe it is not difficult to understand that a girl in love is suddenly bedridden. How not to hate or injustice, her psychology will not be good.

"Are you a psychologist?" Xiaoqiao asked, looking at mico.

"Yes, I am! Lu Sicheng and I are brothers. He called me three days ago and told me about Miss Yin and entrusted me to come. In fact, the most important thing for Miss Yin now is not the treatment and rehabilitation of her legs, but her psychology.

During this period of time, each of you showed that you were eager to treat her leg injury, which also created an illusion for her. You urgently wanted to stand up, which was an invisible pressure. After the initial moving and motivation, she would feel that you were so urgent to let her stand up because you despised her. And she was even more afraid that she couldn't stand up. "

Miko's words left Xiaoqiao and Liangzi speechless.

Indeed, both of them have been actively treating Yin Meijiu's legs. It seems that their goals are on her legs. It seems that they don't care about anything except her legs.

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