After typing the last word, Lu Sicheng closed the computer.

He stretched out, then stood up and stood at the window.

It's another day. When he used to work, he was like a desperate Saburo. Sometimes, he wanted to be in the company for a month, but he hasn't been like this since he met that little woman.

When he didn't get her, he sat in the coffee shop not far from the company on time at three hours in the morning, noon and evening every day, waiting quietly, just to see her.

At that time, every time he saw her running back, he was happy all day.

After he was with her, he began to count the time every day, hoping to get off work early, go home with her, or don't go to work, just sit next to her at home and do nothing. Just look at her.

Lu looked at his watch and said, "it's off duty."

He picked up his coat and strode out of the office. His little woman, he's going back.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he felt someone following behind him. After he stood down, he looked back and saw three dodgy figures.

Lu Sicheng glanced, then walked over and saw three monkeys behind a pillar.

"What are you three doing? Stealing with me?" Lu Sicheng asked.

The three monkeys looked at each other, and then they all stood up with a smile.

"We didn't, this is the way," said the monkey.

"Yes, by the way, boss. If there's nothing wrong, we'll go first," said the cockroach.

Glasses didn't speak, just nodded, and then the three crossed Lu Sicheng to leave.

Lu Sicheng looked at them and frowned: "what are you three hiding from me? You'd better say it right away."

The glasses three stopped and looked at each other. Then they turned around and looked at Lu Sicheng. The three frowned and looked at the way they wanted to talk and stopped. It was very difficult.

"You three just say what you have." Lu Sicheng was a little impatient. Why did all three become hesitant?

The three monkeys sighed, and finally the monkey stood up: "boss, we're not unhappy, but it's hard to talk. We saw Gu ningyue and a man enter the hotel."

Lu Sicheng was listening carefully. After listening to the last sentence, his head buzzed: "what are you talking about? Do you know what you're talking about?"

Gu ningyue, the little woman goes to the hotel with others?

"Boss, we did see it, but maybe it's not what we think, maybe she just has something," said the glasses.

Lu Sicheng's eyes turned red and his whole body burst into anger.

The three monkeys looked at each other and were a little afraid of Lu Sicheng. They seem to have forgotten that as soon as they meet Gu ningyue, the boss will become Shura. Did they do something wrong.

"Boss, you..."

"Address!" Lu Sicheng's voice was very cold.

The monkey and the glasses look at each other again. Here you are?

"Give it to me!" Lu Sicheng coldly interrupted their eyes, as if they were about to explode.

"At the Moon bend, 1015..." before the monkey finished, Lu Sicheng left with a big step.

The monkey looked at Lu Sicheng's back. He looked at the two men through glasses.

"The boss's appearance is too terrible. Will something happen? Why don't we go and have a look."

Glasses and cockroaches looked at him like an idiot.

"In this case, of course!"

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