Lu Si was relieved.

He was really glad that Gu ningyue didn't ask, because he didn't want to tell the inside story. He was afraid that Gu ningyue would be angry and ignore himself! But if he didn't tell the truth, he didn't want to lie to her, so he was very tangled.

Now she doesn't ask. It's the best result.

When the aunt was hired to prepare the meal, Gu ningyue pulled the landing Secretary downstairs for dinner without worrying about the original problem.

At 3 p.m., Lu Sicheng drove back to Lu's house with Gu ningyue.

Only Lu's father and mother are in the Lu family.

Lu Fu saw the two of them standing up happily: "how did you come back?"

"Uncle!" Gu ningyue shouted.

"Love, come and sit down." Lu's father asked them to sit on the sofa. Lu's mother didn't get up, her face was not very good, and she didn't smile.

"Aunt!" Gu ningyue ignored her smelly face. When she came, she thought that Lu Mu would not welcome her. As long as she is impolite, even if the other party makes trouble again, it's just before and after the wedding. If it doesn't look good, don't come and go.

Lu Mu said coldly and agreed.

"Miss Gu, don't be shy when you come to our house for the first time." Lu Fu said with a smile.

"Thank you, uncle Lu. I didn't know what you and aunt liked when I came here for the first time, so I bought two gifts casually. I hope you don't dislike it." Gu ningyue said with a smile.

"Ha ha, you have a heart," said Lu Fu with a smile, and then took Gu ningyue's gift.

Lu Mu's face was still bad, but she didn't prick. She calmly took the gift.

"What do you think of the wedding?" Lu Fu put down his gift and went back to business.

Gu ningyue smiled and then looked at Lu Sicheng.

"Dad, it's better for parents of both sides to talk about it when they meet in laws," Lu Sicheng said.

Lu Fu smiled: "yes, I was negligent. When do you think you will be in laws? When are you going to have a wedding?"

"When I will be in laws, I have to ask Yueyue's parents about the wedding. I want to wait until the end of this month," Lu Sicheng said.

"The end of this month? It's only a few days. How can we catch up with the time? Will we not pay enough attention?" Lu Fu frowned and said.

"Dad, don't worry. It's not good! Yueyue and I have been handling the certificate for half a year. Now we don't rush to hold the wedding at all." Lu Sicheng said.

If he can, he hopes to have a wedding tomorrow, but he knows it's impossible. The end of the month is the last bottom line. He wants to let everyone know that Gu ningyue is his bride.

"Well, now that you've decided, let's do it, Si Cheng. When you get married, you'll be an adult. You should take good care of your wife." Lu Fu asked with a smile.

"I will." the sweetness in Lu Sicheng's eyes is hard to hide.

Lu's mother looked dazzling, but when she thought of what Lu's father had said to her, she turned her head and held her tongue, but her face became more hostile.

Because it was the first time to come to the door, Lu Fu left the dinner.

Although Lu's mother and Gu ningyue didn't want to eat together, they had no way. They quietly ate the most uncomfortable meal Gu ningyue felt, and then told Lu's father and Lu's mother that Gu ningyue really felt the pain of the rest of his life after coming out of Lu's house.

She wanted to take a deep breath, but she held back for fear that Lu Sicheng was unhappy.

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