Gu ningyue was really powerless to his brother.

"Gu Ningxing, I tell you, push your hair off me right away."

"I don't!" Gu Ningxing immediately replied.

"Gu Ningxing, if you dare not push, I'll let Lu Sicheng take back all the money he gave you." Gu ningyue shouted.

This... Caught Gu Ningxing's death. He gave Gu ningyue a cold hum: "hum, you want me to come to see my brother-in-law. Now you say I'm really a white eyed wolf. Bite the hand that feeds you."

"You..." Gu ningyue was a little angry and ashamed. She raised her hand and hit Gu Ningxing on the chest and said, "shave my hair right away, or don't blame me for being rude."

Gu Ningxing looked at her unconvinced. If he had slapped her before, he would have gone up, but now he didn't dare. He was afraid to offend his rich brother-in-law.

"Hum! I see." light is light, bald head is also fashionable. Angrily, he turned to go, took a few steps and stood down. He turned his head and looked at the monkey. They said, "first make it clear who you are and why you kidnapped my brother-in-law?"

Monkeys and others were stunned. Yes, they finally thought of their boss. This man is not without merit.

Why should they hide when Gu ningyue comes!

The monkey said, "we are friends and comrades of Lu Sicheng."

"What evidence?" Gu Ningxing asked.

The monkey shook his head reluctantly, took out his mobile phone, took out the previous photos of the five of them and showed them to Gu Ningxing.

"Trust us this time?" asked the monkey.

Seeing the real Comrade Lu Sicheng, Gu Ningxing held his mouth and said to Gu ningyue, "well, this is my brother-in-law's comrade! Really, call me without knowing anything. I don't know. My time is very precious."

With that, Gu Ningxing looked at Gu ningyue disdainfully, then turned and left.

"This smelly boy." Gu ningyue looked at him angrily and shouted, "Gu Ningxing, don't forget to shave your head."

"I see. It's wordy." Gu Ningxing waved his hand and strode away without looking back.

Gu ningyue shook her head reluctantly, turned her head and looked at the four monkeys. Then she saw Lu Sicheng.

"What's the matter with him?" Gu ningyue asked anxiously.

"Our boss drank too much because he was alone," said the monkey on one side.

"Because of a person?" Gu ningyue looked at him puzzled.

"Yes, sister-in-law, you know what? My boss fell out with his family today because of you." the monkey continued.

Because she fell out with her family?

Gu ningyue was stunned. For a long time, she smiled: "I think you made a mistake. Your boss won't be because of me."

"Why do you say that? Don't you believe us? Or don't you believe my boss?" the monkey asked again.

The other three looked at Gu ningyue in general.

Gu ningyue shook his head with a smile: "you don't know, your boss and I are married by contract. We are only married for one year. After one year, we parted ways. Your boss is not stupid. How can he fall out with his family for my temporary wife? So don't worry, your boss is fine."

Contractual couple? Temporary wife?

Monkeys, glasses, cockroaches and Liangzi sympathized with Lu Sicheng from their hearts.

Boss, boss, you wasted so much energy. In other people's hearts, you are just temporary husband and wife.

Lu Sicheng, who was in silence in his heart, was also in silence for himself at this time.

What a low EQ woman he fell in love with, he was like this! Since she is still struggling with temporary husband and wife.

At first, Lu Sicheng drank too much. Later, he was helped out by a cold wind. In addition, Gu Ningxing shouted and made trouble, he woke up. Until Gu ningyue appeared, he completely sobered up.

Originally, he heard that Gu Ningxing was called by Gu ningyue, and his heart was very beautiful. He felt that the little woman still had her own heart, but when he heard it, he felt that he might as well go to sleep.

What is this and what. He did so much for the little daughter. Finally, in her heart, they were just temporary husband and wife.

"You help him back. I'll go back so late," Gu ningyue said.

"Little sister-in-law, how can this be done? What if something happens to you so late? You'd better go back with us." glasses said gently.

"No, it's not convenient for me to go with you. Just call me Gu ningyue. Don't call me little sister-in-law. It's easy to be misunderstood. Take good care of him and I'll go!" Gu ningyue said, turned around and strode away without looking back.

"Hey..." the monkey and others looked at her back and sighed helplessly.

"Boss, boss, you're really nervous about your love. There was family opposition before, and then some other girls didn't care about you. You really have a wolf before and a tiger after!" Liangzi shook his head with a sigh.

Lu Sicheng was also oppressed at this moment. Why did he mix up like this.

However, looking at this, he must not take the little woman home first. This attitude of his family will make the little woman more reluctant to marry him. When his daughter-in-law runs away, who will he cry for.

Lu Sicheng never thought that he didn't want to take Gu ningyue home so quickly to face his parents, and his parents suddenly changed their mind and decided to meet Gu ningyue.

Lu Fu inquired that Gu ningyue was looking at her mother in the hospital, so he immediately took his wife to the hospital and felt that it was really good to have a good look at the girl who moved his son.

Although Lu Mu hated Gu ningyue, she still wanted to see Gu ningyue. What kind of fox spirit can hook away his son's soul!

When they entered the hospital gate, they rushed behind them. Two people almost knocked them down. Lu's father immediately held Lu's mother. After they stood up, they looked at the two people who had gone far in anger.

"Hum, what kind of person is this? It's too incompetent."

"Well, well, we don't have anything to do. Let them do it. 1 after all, this is a hospital. Maybe their family is seriously ill." Lu Fu comforted in a deep voice.

"Hum." Lu Mu listened, but she was still unconvinced and patted herself on the shoulder.

"Sure enough, the two people who don't agree with each other don't do well. I just wanted to see that woman, and something like this happened. I think this woman is not Wang Fu's, but Ke Fu's."

Lu Fu frowned when he heard the speech: "what do you say? At least you are also a college student. How can you be so feudal."

Lu's mother knew that her husband didn't want to hear this. Then she turned her head angrily.

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