Gu ningyue leaned against Lu Sicheng's arms and felt his taste. The whole person was stiff and didn't know what to do.

"Lu, Lu Sicheng..."

Lu Sicheng felt her fear, but he didn't let her go, but hugged her harder.

"Sorry, I know I'm menglang, but I really don't have any way. You're like a hedgehog. You wrap yourself tightly. Often when I think you're close to you, you're farther and farther away from me. Gu ningyue, listen, I can't let you dodge this time. I love you! I really love you..."

Lu Sicheng's lips are in Gu ningyue's ears. He loves you one by one. Gu ningyue's brain is blank and loses the ability to think.

"Gu ningyue, can you hear me clearly this time? I take advantage of the danger of others, because I love you. I will be among your friends because I love you. Everything I have done is because I love you!"

Gu ningyue felt that her body was soft and finally found her thoughts. She suddenly pushed Lu Sicheng away. There was retreat and fear in his eyes.

"Gu ningyue..." Lu Sicheng pleaded in his voice.

"Sorry, sorry..." Gu ningyue shouted, and then turned to escape.

Looking at her back, Lu Sicheng froze.

She, is this a rejection?

He raised his head and forced back the feeling of crying. For a long time, he lowered his head and his eyes were red.

"Why, Gu ningyue, why..." he shouted with all his strength.

Why refuse him? Can't he compare with Xiao Feng?

His cry, Gu ningyue heard, her feet a meal, fists tightly clenched together, the next moment she ran out of the hospital.

I don't know how long she ran. She felt that there was a lot of traffic around her. She stopped.

She's so sick that she wants to get drunk. However, because of the last marriage, she dared not go.

Taking out her mobile phone, she dialed Yin Meijiu.

"Hello, dear, I'm so free today. Do you know how to call me?" soon, I answered there, and Yin Meijiu's voice came.

"Jiujiu, Jiujiu..." Gu ningyue's voice was crying.

"What's the matter, Yueyue, what's the matter with you? Tell me where you are, and I'll find you..."


After a while, Gu ningyue, sitting on the park bench, saw Yin Meijiu running over in a hurry.

Today, Yin Meijiu looks capable and heroic in a professional suit.

She ran to Gu ningyue, bent down and gasped.

"Aunt, what's the matter with you? I cried on the phone like the end of the world. I didn't finish my work and asked for leave!"

Gu ningyue got up and sat with her, then said, "I'm sorry, honey, I forgot you were at work."

"Oh, it's all right. Anyway, Zhou PI always asked me to work overtime these days. I'm tired to death. Just today, give me a chance to come out and have a rest." Yin Meijiu said indifferently.

Gu ningyue smiled and didn't speak.

"Hey, I said, honey, what's the matter with you? Why are you dying?" Yin Meijiu hit her shoulder and asked.

Gu ningyue raised her head in silence. There were bursts of confusion in her eyes. Then she looked at Yin Meijiu and said, "Jiujiu, it's over. I really want to be over. I seem... It seems..."

"What does it look like?" Yin Meijiu asked puzzled.

"I seem to love you!"

Yin Meijiu opened her eyes wide and held Gu ningyue's hand.

"God, honey, you've finally got an idea!"

Gu ningyue pushed her away: "go and be serious. I'm bored now."

"Hey, what's the trouble? Men and women love. It's a matter of course. It's just, who moved the jade girl of our family." Yin Meijiu asked jokingly.

"Yin Meijiu, if you do this again, I'll go." Gu ningyue was a little angry.

"OK, I won't say it! Just tell me who moved you?" Yin Meijiu asked.

"Oh, don't ask." Gu ningyue turned around.

"If you don't say it, I'll guess... It's Xiao Feng!" Yin Meijiu kept it and flashed naughty.

"Die, Xiao Feng? All the men in the world are dead, and I can't love him anymore." Gu ningyue retorted.

"Who is that? It can't be my brother," Yin Meijiu said again.

"No, I regard my brother as my brother. Don't insult the pure brotherhood between us." Gu ningyue said.

"Oh, it's not! I know." Yin Meijiu raised her finger with a clear look.

Gu ningyue immediately became nervous: "what do you know?"

"What you like is..." Yin Meijiu naughtily drew a circle in front of Gu ningyue with her fingers. Gu ningyue couldn't help rolling with her eyes.

"Uncle Zhang, the gatekeeper!"

It wasn't the man. Gu ningyue was relieved, but it was wrong for a moment.

"Yin Meijiu, please clean up. Uncle Zhang can be my grandfather." Gu ningyue shouted loudly, and then jumped at Yin Meijiu.

Yin Meijiu got up and ran.

The two girls soon played with each other, and Gu ningyue, with a frown, also hung a smile on her face.

A burst of madness came, and two girlfriends lay on the lawn, feeling the peace of the years.

"Hey, little thing, tell me the truth. What you like is Lu Sicheng." Yin Meijiu turned to look at her and asked.

Gu ningyue was stunned and turned to look at her: "you bad guy, since you have guessed, why do you say those no three no four people?"

"No three no four? I'll tell my brother when I get home and say you say he's no three no four!"

"Hey, you can!" Gu ningyue sat up and shouted.

"Ha ha!" Yin Meijiu got up with a smile, hugged Gu ningyue's shoulder and said, "honey, Lu Sicheng is a man who has too much thought to say a word, but I can see that he is very interested in you. If you like him, you can have a try."

"Honey, I can feel that he is very kind to me now, but how long can this feeling last, not like

I might as well be a heartless person all the time, "Gu ningyue said with a sad face.

"Well, well, don't think about these things. Let me tell you something. Tiantian and Xiaoqiao will be back soon." Yin Meijiu knew about feelings and couldn't persuade him, so she had to change the topic.

"Really, that little thing is crazy this time." Gu ningyue said with a smile.

"Yes, but ah, that little thing will be crazy when she comes back. You know, she doesn't like Xiao Feng all the time. She must be happy to know that you haven't married him." Yin Meijiu said.

"Hey, you say, am I the only one who is the stupidest? I don't know. Xiao Feng is such a person. Even Tian Tian is better than me."

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