Early in the morning, Gu Ningxing woke up at Gu's mother's shouting. Then he had a meal vaguely and got on the bus vaguely. He didn't wake up until he came to Lu Sicheng's company.

"The first day I went to work, I already missed the days when I didn't go to work. I missed sleeping in. My lazy sleep, lazy sleep..." Gu Ningxing came in.

Gu Ningxing walks into the company and the monkey is waiting there.

"Monkey brother!" Gu Ningxing's dogleg shouted.

"Well, the boss told me about you, and I'll take you later." the monkey smiled at him.

"Ha!" Gu Ningxing smiled bitterly. He foresaw his own bitter days in the future.


"Xing, give me the style..."

"A Xing, order takeout..."

"A Xing, coffee!"


Gu Ningxing is tired into a dog. On this day, he has been doing chores all day

Go home.

Gu's mother and father greeted him.

"A Xing, how was your first day at work?" Gu's mother immediately asked.

Gu Ningxing moved his arm and opened his mouth to complain, but then smiled: "very good. My brother-in-law takes good care of me."

Gu's mother nodded: "that's good, that's good. You should do a good job. Don't neglect your business. When, you should be down-to-earth and get along well with your sister and your brother-in-law. Your father and I can't accompany you for a few years. In the future, you and your sister will be the closest."

Gu Ningxing was warm when he saw Gu's mother nagging for the first time. Looking at her old face, he was sad: "well, I know, mom, I'm hungry. Get me something to eat, and then I'm going to bed. I can't be late tomorrow."

"The meal is ready. I'll bring it to you right away," Gu said immediately, and then turned to get the meal.

Gu Ningxing sat down after dinner, took a bath, went back to his room and fell asleep.

Gu's mother opened his door and looked at him tired. She wiped her tears painfully.

But without saying anything, he turned out and went back to his bedroom.

"How's it going? Asleep?" asked Gu Fu.

"Well, I really want to call and ask that dead girl. Isn't that her brother? She really treats her brother as a slave." Gu's mother said tearfully.

"What are you fighting for? Who are the employees of Sicheng company? Those who graduated from famous universities and have no social experience have to start from the front door. When a Xing goes, he will directly do the office. What else do you want?" Gu Fu said.

"Isn't it hard for me? When did my son get so tired?" Gu's mother wiped her tears.

"You just don't know how lucky you are in the midst of happiness! What does our a-xing look like? Even if the girl and her son-in-law give him a company now, can he manage it well? He can't hurt his brother-in-law until he can be alone!" Gu Fu advised.

Gu's mother sighed and said, "I understand what you said. I just love my son. Now it's all right. Hey, I know. I'm borrowing the girl's light now, otherwise it's the two of us. My son can't find a decent job."

"Love, it's right to think so. Look at Lu Mu. What kind of favoritism we have towards our own mother. Finally, pian'er doesn't work well. Her eldest son and youngest daughter don't have to rely on our son-in-law." Gu Fu said.

"Hum, it seems that you don't rely on our son-in-law." Gu said angrily.

"Ha ha, shit!" Gu Fu said with a smile.

Gu's mother looked at him and laughed. They talked for a while and rested.


A month later.

Seeing that Gu Ningxing had almost finished his odd jobs and had enough eyesight, the monkey began to change his working position, check the data, type all the data in the reference room into the computer, and then classify them.

Gu Ningxing's computer is limited to playing games, typing or single finger zen.

The monkey didn't worry about it, so he played slowly. Another half month passed. Gu Ningxing went home to work with computers and numbers all over his head. He didn't do it several times. The monkey looked at him and beat him without saying a word.

The beating is still very secret. It's useless to hurt outside. Gu Ningxing has no way but to recognize it.

The result of persistence is that Gu Ningxing's typing speed comes up, and many English brand names open their mouths.

The monkey nodded with satisfaction.

"What happened to Gu Ningxing?" the monkey and Lu Sicheng finished a contract. Lu Sicheng asked.

"It's stupid. I can't bear hardships. Anyway, I beat it up a few times. It's ok now. I'll catch up with the intern from the company." the monkey said with a smile.

Lu Sicheng was stunned, then nodded: "it's hard for you."

One and a half months is not enough for interns. Gu Ningxing is stupid to a new level, but fortunately, he can lower him and grind it slowly.

After saying goodbye to the monkey, Lu Sicheng went to Gu ningyue's Cafe.

Entering the cafe, I saw Gu ningyue introducing his coffee to the guests.

Lu Sicheng took a seat and waited for her quietly.

For a long time, Gu ningyue finished his introduction, turned around and saw him, came over with a smile: "when did you come!"

"I've just been here for a while. I see you're busy. How's business today?" Lu Sicheng asked.

"It's OK, not as good as our president Lu!" Gu ningyue said with a smile.

"Ha, what's so sweet." Lu Sicheng shaved her little nose.

"Wait, I'll be busy for a while and we'll go home together." Gu ningyue made a face at him and said.

"OK!" Lu Sicheng nodded.

Then watched Gu ningyue leave, and he was waiting.

He took out his cell phone and sent a video to Tian Tian.

"Baby, have you finished school now?" Lu Sicheng asked, looking at the little girl on his mobile phone.

He and Gu ningyue are very busy now. He found a special aunt and driver to pick up Tiantian. Now Tiantian has finished school at this time.

"Well, Dad, I've come out. Are you so happy with your mother?" asked Tian Tian.

"Yes, your mother will be busy soon, and we will go home soon." Lu Sicheng said with a smile.

"Well, I'll wait for you to eat anyway." sweet nodded.

"OK." Lu Sicheng promised.

Tiantian agrees to the request of others to pick her up, that is, Lu Sicheng and Gu ningyue must go home to eat with her.

Lu Sicheng and Gu ningyue agreed until the little girl had no sense of security and didn't think about it.

After closing the video, Gu ningyue was also busy. She asked the clerk to close the store door for a while, and then she and Lu Sicheng came out together and prepared to go home.

In the car.

"Tomorrow is Xiaoqiao's birthday. I don't know what she's going to do there." Gu ningyue said, looking at her mobile phone.

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