A person's behavior is reflected from his heart. Her husband left for two years, but she didn't give up her children. She was really brave.

Child, your grandfather's domestic industry, in order to compensate for my unintentional guilt for this woman, I gave it to him. After my mother left, she should raise you. You should be obedient and get along well with your mother.

When one day, you know the truth, you can hate your father because he is a scum man, but don't talk to this woman because she and her mother are victims.

Mother! Bai Weiwei, the last stroke!

It turned out that Bai Weiwei's death was not an accident, but suicide!

Lu Mu put down the letter in her hand. For a long time, she smiled and laughed loudly.

"Ha ha, ha ha... Bai Weiwei. I don't have your beauty. Without your family background, my husband loves you and I raise a son for you. However, in the end, I found that I lost. You don't want what I care about all my life. You've been relieved of what I've tangled all my life.

Hahaha, hahaha... "

Lu Mu laughed loudly, so sad.

"Mom, don't do this, I beg you, don't do this!" Lu Xinyu hugged her.

"Mom, calm down and don't get excited. Mom, you're like this. I'm afraid to tell you another thing." Lu Sicheng also said to her.

Lu Mu put away her laughter and looked at her with tears in her eyes: "what's the matter?"

"Mom, it's about Lu Yuchen. Do you remember that a few years ago, Lu Yuchen had an extramarital affair with a girl. The girl gave birth to a son, but Lu Yuchen pushed the girl and put pressure on the girl." Lu Sicheng said.

"I remember, it was also because of this that the girl's eldest brother bumped your eldest brother and made him infertile." Lu Mu said immediately.

"Yes, at that time, the girl really thought the child was dead, so she chose to commit suicide, but the real situation was that the child was not dead. Suddenly, Lu Yuchen was afraid of being seen by others, so he hugged the child and went to a small clinic. The doctor of the clinic was an unscrupulous man. There happened to be an infertile couple and asked him if he had any children that others didn't want to raise , they want to take care of them. When they become, they give the doctor 500 yuan.

The doctor saw that the relationship between Lu Yuchen and the girl was abnormal, so he lied that the child died. Later, the girl and Lu Yuchen were stupid. The girl beat and scolded like crazy and didn't care about the child. Then the girl committed suicide in a trance. Lu Yuchen wouldn't go to find the child.

So the child was secretly bought by the doctor. "

When Lu Sicheng finished, Lu's mother was stunned. She grabbed Lu Sicheng's hand: "Sicheng, you can't lie to me, you can't lie to me!"

"Mom, I didn't lie to you. The family that adopted the child was very kind to the child. Unfortunately, a car accident took their lives. The couple's family didn't want the child. Fortunately, people with good intentions wanted to help the child find their biological parents. They found the doctor as soon as they came and went, then found the girl's original address, and then found Lu Home.

The child I saw yesterday, and then I went to the prison and told Lu Yuchen about it. I did a paternity test for them, and I can get the results this afternoon. "

Lu Sicheng said.

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