Lu Yuchen applied for a temporary release from prison to see off Lu's mother, but he didn't come to the funeral. He just kowtowed to Lu's mother far away, and then left.

What he said was: he was afraid that the sinner would discredit Lu Mu's funeral.

In the past, he was the eldest young master of Lu family. If it were good, maybe the Lu family wouldn't become like this. Unfortunately, he died at that time. Now he went in and was sentenced. Instead, he looked at it and became better.

But he lost the Lu family and his mother.

"Big brother, big brother..." Lu Xinyu cried.

Big brother, protecting her from childhood, seems to be back.

Gu Ningxing hugged her and comforted her softly.

After Lu's funeral, Lu Xinyu seemed to be dehydrated. There is no vitality.

"Xinyu, please don't do this. I don't think either Lu Yuchen or the dead Lu mother wants to see you like this." Gu Ningxing sat beside her and said.

Lu Xinyu burst into tears: "I don't want to, I don't want to, but I can't control myself! I really... My mother repented. She knew she regretted. She said that she would treat my second brother, my second sister-in-law and take good care of the hill with me in the future, but my mother can't realize it. Why is it so cruel, why..."

"Xinyu..." Gu Ningxing held her in his arms.

If Lu's mother is still so stubborn and leaves like this, maybe Lu Xinyu won't be so sad, but now it is

Lu Mu is getting better. She sees it open. She and her children reconciled, and each of them looked forward to the future. At this time, Lu Mu suddenly left. In this way, it's really more painful than what she did.

"Xinyu, I know you are very sad and reluctant to give up your aunt. However, you should also think about the good. I still remember the aunt I saw for the first time. Although she looked very fierce and fierce, I clearly saw the pain in her eyes. She was haggard by her former heart knot. She was hated by her own heart. The tortured people were not ghosts or ghosts, and even lost herself.

However, on the day my aunt left, I saw that she was so peaceful, she was understood, and my aunt left without any regret. I know you don't think you have filial piety to her, but since you have no filial piety to her, don't let her worry about you after she dies. I believe my aunt's greatest wish is that you and Xiaoshan can be well. "

In Gu Ningxing's persuasion, Lu Xinyu's cry was much lower.

For a long time, Lu Xinyu looked up at Gu Ningxing and smiled: "Gu Ningxing, I found for the first time that you really can comfort people now."

Gu Ningxing looked into her eyes and his face turned red.

"Ha ha, actually, I'm a person, that, actually... Me... Ha ha..."

Lu Xinyu smiled. She felt that Gu Ningxing didn't know what to say. She was a little cute.

"Gu Ningxing, thank you!"

"Ah? No! Xinyu, if you really want to thank me, let the former Lu Xinyu come back. Even if I'm beaten by you every day, I'm willing and don't want to see you in pain at this moment." Gu Ningxing couldn't help saying something.

Lu Xinyu was stunned. She looked up at Gu Ningxing and didn't know what to say.

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