When they separated, they had signed an instrument and gave up all the shares of Lu Group, thus transferring their former property in a disguised form. And Lu Mu's shares, he cheated the contract.

"Youye, you are so smart." Xiaomi said excitedly. All eyes are worship.

Lu Fu's face was more proud. He hugged her in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her cheek.

"Wait, I have something funnier to show you."

Lu Fu said, and the cold flashed in his eyes.

Lu Sicheng!

Originally, for his son's sake, he didn't want to be too extreme. After all, he was a tiny child, but now, he provoked himself first, so don't blame him.


Gu ningyue put down his job and sighed heavily.

"What's the matter? Still refuse to eat?" Lu Sicheng asked.

"Well, why do you think such a small child is so worried?" Gu ningyue said helplessly looking at the hill opposite.

Lu Sicheng is not the only child with a high eyebrow and a heavy heart. The girl Tiantian is a wonderful flower.

"Xiaoshan, tell us what you have!" Gu ningyue said softly.

Who knows, the hill trembled with fear, then turned and ran, ran to a corner and hid.

"This......" Gu ningyue really didn't know what to do.

"Let me see." Lu Sicheng comforted her. Then he came to the hill, and as a result

"Hey! This child!" Lu Sicheng walked over reluctantly. He was not afraid of communication. He was afraid of not talking.

Hill doesn't talk. What can he do.

"Xiaoshan hasn't eaten since yesterday. I'm really worried about him." Gu ningyue sighed.

"Don't worry!" Lu Sicheng said, and then looked at Gu ningyue: "maybe we can ask Tian Tian to have a look!"

Don't people say they meet little ghosts and look for big ghosts?

Since Xiaoshan can't understand the child's brain circuit, find something they can understand.

In the evening, when Tiantian came back from school, she saw her parents looking at her with shining eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Gu ningyue immediately took her hand: "sweet, can you talk to Xiaoshan?"

"Well, not bad." sweet nodded.

"Can you let the hill have some food?" Gu ningyue asked.

Tian Tian frowned and then looked at Lu Sicheng: "Dad, do you think so?"

"Yes, people are iron and rice is steel. We can't help but eat!" Lu Sicheng said solemnly.

Sweet little adult sighed: "you talk about yourself. You are so stupid. You don't understand how to be a father and mother. You have to be pregnant like a girl without children and adopt one outside..."

"Stop, little girl, you talk to me!" Gu ningyue said angrily.

Sweet toot mouth, people talk? What she said was not human.

"Hmm?" Gu ningyue narrowed his eyes.

Sweet swallowed and spit, and then said, "the people in the original family of the Hill said that the hill was a nemesis and killed his adoptive parents. Then after he came to our house, his grandmother died again. The hill felt that he died, so I'm afraid you don't want him. It's that simple."

Gu ningyue is stupid, since this is the reason.

Lu Sicheng was silent, and he didn't think of it.

"Well, what to say, I said, I'll go first, two!" said Tian Tian, turned and left, and then turned back and said, "if you really want to raise him, give him dessert!"

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