In the evening, a couple of children of the Gao family came back.

The son is a brother named Gao Lin, who is 30 years old and works in Lu Sicheng's company, while his sister Gao Shan is 26 years old and also works in Lu Sicheng's company.

The two companies in LSC belong to the technical core and rarely appear, so few people know that they are employees of LSC. Their brother and sister, like the Gao family, are loyal to Lu Si.

The reason is that ten years ago.

Ten years ago, Gao Lin was only 20 and Gao Shan was 16.

Their parents are teachers and live a full life, so they are happy.

Unfortunately, fate always likes to joke with people. Happy people often become unhappy because of some things.

Gao Lin's father, uncle Gao, was ill. It was a kind of cancer. The operation needed a lot of money. The whole family almost broke down and died for the money. At that time, Lu Sicheng came forward to rescue them.

Since then, Gao Lin and Gao Shan have followed Lu Sicheng. Over the years, they are very loyal to Lu Sicheng, and Lu Sicheng is also very good to them. Their feelings are complementary, because they complement each other, and their feelings are more reliable. Now, the relationship between Lu Sicheng and them is similar to that between Lu Sicheng and monkeys.

"You are the lady." Gao Cui combed her short hair, as capable as a boy, but her eyes were beautiful, with some aura of her daughter's house.

"Yes." Gu ningyue nodded.

"More beautiful than the picture," Gao Shan said with a smile.

"Hmm?" Gu ningyue was puzzled.

"Our boss didn't tell you." Gao Shan looked at her up and down.

"No? What's the matter?" Gu ningyue asked.

"Ha ha, our boss is really useless. It's really interesting. Since our boss has such a time, it's really good."

"In the end, what's the matter?" Gu ningyue was still in a fog.

Gao Shan put away her smile, then looked at her up and down, and finally smiled: "we'd better wait for our boss to tell you this. It must be a very romantic thing." Gao Shan smiled very evil.

Gu ningyue frowned. Gao Shan

At first glance, she felt that this woman was very tall, cold and capable. But after getting along, her character is like a child.

"Shanshan." Gao Lin scolded his sister, then went to Gu ningyue and said with a smile, "madam, don't care. My sister is like this. She has the courage to know that she has no bad heart. She's just curious about the way you get along with the boss."

"Curious?" Gu ningyue was puzzled.

Gao Lin smiled and said, "madam, you don't know. Our boss has a black face every day in the company and doesn't even have a smile, but... To tell you the truth, our boss has a picture of you. He used to look at it every day. When he looked at your picture, it really makes us tremble!"

"Ah?" shivering? Gu ningyue looked at Gao Lin puzzled.

Gao Lin touched his nose and didn't want to say. He was afraid of being killed, and Gao Shan on one side opened his mouth: "it's stupid, stupid can!"

"Ah..." Gu ningyue was stunned, silly?

Gao Lin smiled: "this is true. Once the boss saw your picture, he felt that this man was so stupid!"

Gu ningyue was speechless, and she lowered her head silently.

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