Foreign Liangzi knew Gu ningyue's story for the first time.

"What's the matter? You didn't promise to call you for a long time!" Xiaoqiao asked with a smile.

"Ah! It's all right, where's Jiujiu?" Liangzi put away his mind and said.

"I've been practicing for a long time and have a rest," Xiaoqiao said.

Liangzi nodded, then thought about the news just sent by the monkey. Gu ningyue and the children are very dangerous now. Maybe Yin Meijiu's return can help them.

"Liangzi, what's on your mind?" Xiaoqiao asked.

Liangzi sighed and looked at Xiaoqiao: "Xiaoqiao, I have. I've thought about it for a long time. I'd better tell you."

"What's the matter? Does it have anything to do with me?" Xiaoqiao asked puzzled.

"Yes, your relationship is about Gu ningyue." Liangzi said.

"What? Yueyue, what's wrong with her." Xiaoxiao stood up excitedly.

"Jiang Yushan kidnapped Gu ningyue and Ou beat her to give birth prematurely and give birth to a six-month-old child by caesarean section. Now, there are two mothers and sons, one in the insulation room and the other in the serious illness room. It's very dangerous."

After listening, Xiaoxiao's eyes slowly turned red.

"How could this happen? Yueyue, she, she had a video with me the day before yesterday. We also talked a lot. We also said that after her child was born, we two went back. How could this happen!" Xiaoqiao said out of control.

Liangzi reached out and patted her on the shoulder: "small, don't get excited, calm down."

"How can I calm down? One of my sisters happened to be lying in the hospital, and her life and death are uncertain. Do we have a grudge against the Lu family? How can we be so unlucky when we meet them." Xiaoqiao was angry.

If it weren't for the Lu family, Jiang Yushan wouldn't stare at Gu ningyue.

Liangzi sighed. He couldn't explain.

For a long time, Xiaoxiao calmed down and said, "I'll go back right away."

"OK, just Jiujiu..."

"I'll go back too!" Yin Meijiu didn't know when she was standing behind them.


Xu Yingying knew about it. She was ten minutes later than Xiaoqiao and she called to tell her.

She and Yin Meijiu have to do some things and make planes, so it takes two days. She doesn't trust that these two days, so she called Xu Yingying in China.

After listening to Xu Yingying, the whole person was stupid.

She put down the phone, her eyes flashed cold, and she pressed the landline.

"Book me a ticket right away. I'm going..."

Fifteen minutes later, Xu Yingying boarded the plane with her luggage.

Fu Xiangkun, who had been paying close attention to her, learned Gu ningyue's news. After more than a year of calm, his heart began to throb again. He thought of the woman lying in the hospital bed, and his heart was so painful that he suffocated.

He covered his chest. He always thought he had forgotten and put it down. At this moment, he knew.

Gu ningyue has always been in his heart.

"Book me a ticket."

Fu Xiangkun picked up his bag and strode out.

Lu Sicheng, I let her once for her happiness, but you can't protect her. Don't blame me. This time, I won't let her again!


Lu Sicheng lay down outside the glass window and looked at Gu ningyue inside. His eyes were full of pity and pain.

"Yueyue, you must be strong!"

"Lu Sicheng, you son of a bitch..." a roar sounded, and then one pulled Lu Sicheng vigorously. The next moment, a fist hit him in the face.

"Lu Sicheng, you son of a bitch, is that how you protect Yueyue?"

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