Lu Si promised not to care about other things. He quickly came to his car and started the car to go to city C.

"Boss..." the four monkeys chased out and saw a speeding car.

"Let's go and catch up!" said the monkey, and then ran quickly to the car. They didn't trust such a boss.

They came to the car, quickly did it, and then quickly caught up.

While driving the car, Lu Sicheng opened the message sent by Tiantian to him, began to speak sweetly, and then clicked on the recording on the monitor. When he heard what Mrs. Fu said, his hate teeth were itchy and hateful bastard. Since she sent Yueyue to prison, his Yueyue

Lu Sicheng's heart was aching, and his car drove quickly again.

"Ringbell!" the phone called. He looked at the display on the phone. It was a monkey!

He picked it up.

"Boss, what are you doing, what happened, how urgent you are!" the monkey asked excitedly.

Lu Sicheng opened his mouth and found that he was too nervous to speak. It took him a long time to find the way to speak: "monkey, I found Yueyue, no, it's not me, it's Tiantian who found Yueyue..."

The monkey over there was stunned: "boss, are you sick? My sister-in-law had been here ten years ago..."

"No, Yueyue didn't die in ten years. She was just taken away by Fu Xiangkun and later disappeared. After ten years, Tiantian found her. She was in city C. where was she? She was hurt by the old woman of the Fu family and entered the prison. I'm going to find her now. I'm going to find her..." Lu Sicheng was very excited and her voice was shaking.

The monkey listened in the back. He was very surprised and helpless.

"Don't worry, boss. We're right behind you. Stop the car first. Now that you've gone to City C, you can't find your sister-in-law. Stop first. Let's go to your car, and then we'll divide the work. Since we know where the sister-in-law is, we'll find the sister-in-law." the monkey said.

He is really afraid now. Lu Sicheng is not light or heavy. If something happens to his car, the gains will not be worth the losses.

Lu Sicheng listened to the monkey's words. He nodded: "OK!"

The car stopped at the side of the road. Soon, the monkey's car caught up.

The four monkeys got out of the car and got into Lu Sicheng's car.

"Boss, I'll drive." Liangzi said.

Lu Sicheng nodded and went to the back seat.

Liangzi started the car and drove.

"Liangzi, hurry up!"

"OK!" Liang Zi nodded.

Lu Sicheng closed his eyes and was surrounded by his best brothers. People found that his hands were shaking.

"Boss, be quiet and tell us what's going on!"

"Sweet..." Lu Sicheng gave the mobile phone to the monkey.

The monkey opened it knowingly. After seeing Sweet's message, he opened the image left by the monitor, and finally saw Gu Yue's information in the prison.

"Really little sister-in-law, my mother! What happened to the boss ten years ago, why did the little sister-in-law disappear ten years ago, and why did you say that the little sister-in-law was dead?" the monkey asked.

Lu Sicheng closed his eyes and slowly said about his deal with Fu Xiangkun ten years ago.

"I complied with the deal and announced Gu ningyue's death, but three months later, I received an email from Xu Yingying. She told me about his deal with Fu Xiangkun and that Fu Xiangkun disappeared, and Gu ningyue also disappeared. At that time, I began to look for Gu ningyue. Unfortunately, I didn't find it. Xu Yingying didn't find it. Although none of you believed me, it's not true They helped me find it, but ten years ago, there was no clue. No one knew. It turned out that ten years ago, Yueyue was sent to prison by the old woman because of Fu Xiangkun's disappearance.

How can I take care of Yueyue in prison relative to Fu Xiangkun? I didn't expect that Yueyue had anything to do with the prison! "

Lu Sicheng's whole person is not getting better. He keeps saying.

The monkey and the other three looked at each other, not to mention Lu Sicheng. Even they couldn't think of this. How could they think that the little sister-in-law they had been looking for went to prison.

"Boss, now that we know the whereabouts of my sister-in-law, we don't worry. City C is not big and can't be found. Now I want to find more people to help, because city C is the place of the Fu family after all. The old woman in the monitor just said that she wants the dog to jump off the wall." glasses said with worry.

Lu Si thought about it, too.

"Who are we looking for?"

"Find Xinyu first and let her find LAN Zheyu. Boss, Xinyu has been hard these years!" said the monkey.

Lu Si thought about it and nodded, "OK!"

The monkey thought for a moment, took out the phone and called Lu Xinyu. Lu Sicheng also picked up the phone and called Xu Yingying. Now Lin Yulin called.


Lu Xinyu incredibly put down the phone.

Her tears kept falling. Her sister-in-law was still alive and her sister-in-law was still alive.

No, brother monkey said, sister-in-law is in danger now.

Fu family

Lu Xinyu stood up and asked the servant to look at Lanxi and Zhiwen (Lu Yuchen's son), and she ran out quickly.

She called Yin Meijiu in the car, but no one answered for a long time.

She was very anxious and silent for a long time. She got through to the person she least wanted to see.

The phone was connected in almost a few seconds.

"Hello!" there came LAN Zheyu's voice.

Lu Xinyu trembled in her heart. For so many years, whenever her head made her think she had forgotten this man, she would feel uncomfortable when she saw him again or heard his news and voice.

She didn't speak, nor did LAN Zheyu over there.

"Lan Zheyu, where are you?"

"I'm at home, where are you? What's the matter with you? You're crying?" Lan Zheyu's tone was fast and eager.

"Lan Zheyu, can you help me?"

"Yes," he answered in a moment.

"Why don't you ask me?"

"Whatever you say, I'll help you!" Lan Zheyu said immediately.

The mountain in Lu Xinyu's heart was moved away. Her strength seemed to be gone. She cried on the steering wheel and said

It was intermittent. Fortunately, the content was clear. LAN Zheyu understood what was going on.

"Where are you now?" Lan Zheyu asked.

"At my door." Lu Xinyu asked.

"Where are you waiting for me now? I'll go right away. Do you hear me?" Lan Zheyu said.

"HMM." Lu Xin nodded.

LAN Zheyu didn't trust her and didn't hang up. Lu Xinyu heard it here. He asked fat man and Lin Lishang for help!

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