Xiaoxiao smiled at the speech.

"Ying... Er... Maureen, I really don't need to bother you. I can do it myself."

Seeing that she always wanted to be rich, Maureen raised her mouth: "it doesn't matter. What's our relationship? I'll take care of your aunts and uncles. What's wrong, or do you want to be a stranger to me?"

Xiaoxiao gave him a white look: "don't you know me? How can I be an outsider with you? I just feel so bad."

"Small, what's wrong? You didn't help me at the beginning. Even if I helped you this time, what's the matter?" Maureen said gently.

Xiaoxiao blinked, then nodded: "well, please."

"What's the trouble?" Maureen smiled. "Xiaoxiao, when can you go to see Yueyue!"

Xiaoxiao knew that Maureen was worried about Gu ningyue. Moreover, she hadn't seen Yueyue for a long time, so she said, "I'll go right away. You can tell my parents for me at that time!"

Maureen nodded, "OK."

After paying the bill, Xiaoqiao takes a taxi to Gu ningyue, while Maureen stays to settle Xiaoqiao's father and mother. Maureen looked at the small taxi leaving and raised his mouth.

It's a good feeling to come back. Many things have changed, but the things he cherishes most have not changed. He is as kind and considerate as ever, and Jiujiu

Thinking of Yin Meijiu who was watching in the dark that day, she was still so arrogant, capricious, but attached importance to friendship.

She was angry with Xiaoqiao. She could not see Xiaoqiao for ten years, but she learned again that when Xiaoqiao was bullied, she took Xiaoqiao on her back to vent her anger.

There are four old people in Xiaoqiao's family. Her work is so easy and her salary is so high, which is really the credit of Yin Meijiu.

"The sisters haven't changed. I feel really good," Maureen said faintly,

Then he turned and went to his small home.

The four old people at home were worried about Xiaoqiao when they heard that she was on a business trip. Then Maureen found a new house for them, but the four old people said no. finally, Maureen called Xiaoqiao. Xiaoqiao didn't know how to be persuaded by him, and told the four old people to accept the arrangement. In this way, the four old people went with Maureen and came to the house arranged by Maureen for them.


In the hospital.

Yin Meijiu carefully wiped Gu ningyue's face. Gu ningyue's eyes moved and slowly opened them.

"You..." Gu ningyue looked at Yin Meijiu's face. She always had a familiar feeling, but she couldn't remember who she was.

"Yueyue, do you still have a headache?" Yin Meijiu asked with a smile.

"It doesn't hurt. What's wrong with me? How can I suddenly feel so painful?" Gu ningyue was surprised.

Yin Meijiu smiled and said, "Yue Yue, as long as you don't think about these things first, there will be no pain. Lu Sicheng is already thinking of a way, and he will think of a way." Yin Meijiu said with a smile.

"Lu Sicheng!" Gu ningyue frowned and knew her name very well, but she couldn't remember who it was. As Yin Meijiu said, now she didn't dare to think about one thing, because she would feel very painful and painful. Therefore, she can only suppress her curiosity.

"Yueyue, you believe us, we will try to make you remember the past. Oh, by the way, although we don't want you to remember, I have a lot of photos we used to have. Do you want to have a look!" Yin Meijiu asked.

Gu ningyue nodded: "OK!"

Yin Meijiu immediately smiled when she heard the speech. She found out their photos from her mobile phone and showed them to Gu ningyue one by one. Gu ningyue frowned and kept looking at them. She refused to let go of any of them.

"How do you feel?" Yin Meijiu asked with a smile.

"I, I really don't know how to describe this feeling. Looking at these photos, I feel like looking at another person. Although the person above is very similar to me and I seem to know that this is me, there is a feeling that this person is another person," Gu ningyue said.

"Really?" Yin Meijiu was also surprised.

"Yes, it's really strange. Why do I have different feelings when I see each of you, but I can't feel that feeling when I see these photos. It's really strange." Gu ningyue said puzzled.

"That's not strange!" a foreign voice came, and then a foreigner followed Lu Sicheng in.

"This is!" Yin Meijiu stood up and looked at Lu Sicheng and asked.

"This is a psychologist, William," said Lu Sicheng.

"Hello, two beautiful ladies. This lady's condition is very normal. When she is hypnotized, she is hinted. One is that she will have a headache when she meets the previous people and wants to sound the previous things. Another hint is that seeing the previous things or photos, that is, these static things, will make her feel that the person above is not him.

These are two psychological cues. It seems that the person who hypnotized the lady doesn't want her to think of the past, "William said.

"It's all my fault. I made her suffer like this." Lu said reproachfully.

Yin Meijiu and Gu ningyue didn't speak, but Yin Meijiu asked, "excuse me, can this situation be treated?"

William said: "I can try to hypnotize, so that I can know what happened, and maybe I can solve the hint!"

Lu Sicheng nodded: "then what shall we do!"

"Anytime," said William.

Lu Sicheng looked at Gu ningyue, then walked up to her and gently said to her, "don't be afraid, I will accompany you."

Gu ningyue winked at him, then looked at Yin Meijiu. Yin Meijiu was the same, and grabbed her hand: "it's okay, don't be afraid."

Lu Sicheng patted her again, then got up and said to William, "William, please."

"No problem!" William nodded, and then he came to Gu ningyue.

"Don't worry, beautiful lady. You won't have anything. You're like sleeping!" William said with a smile.

With that, William took out a pocket watch and sat in front of Gu ningyue, ready to start.

"Wait a minute." at this time, someone suddenly appeared and disturbed him.

Everyone looked, and Tiantian ran in eagerly from the outside.

"Wait a minute!"

"Tian Tian, what's the matter with you? This is a psychologist. He can save your mother!" Yin Meijiu said.

Gu Tiantian smiled: "Jiujiu mother, I heard it, but I'm curious. My mother's hypnosis has been given two hints. Is it possible that the third hint will be given."

"What? The third hint?" Yin Meijiu was surprised.

"Yes, the third hint, don't repeat hypnosis. If it's this hint and Dr. William is hypnotizing, will it hurt my mother?" Gu Tiantian asked.

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