Hu mai'er looked at Gu ningyue's house.

"Here, I can't even compare with my toilet," said humail.

Gu ningyue's eyes flashed a funny smile: "please go back to the bathroom, I didn't invite you!" then Gu ningyue wanted to close the door.

"Hey, why are you so impolite!" said humael angrily.

"I've seen it today. What's the meaning of stopping a thief and shouting to catch a thief? You come to my house and say some bad words. As a result, I'm impolite?" Gu ningyue asked jokingly.

"How can you compare with me!" humael raised his head proudly.

"Why should I compare with you?" Gu ningyue felt that there was something wrong with this woman.

"Gu ningyue, I tell you, don't be shameless. You robbed my man. Are you still reasonable?" Hu mai'er shouted angrily.

"You're a man? You're looking for a man to come to me? Don't you think it's funny?" Gu ningyue picked up his arm and said.

"I tell you, I'm Lu Sicheng's fiancee. In the future, stay away from him." Hu mai'er shouted loudly.

At this time, all of Gu ningyue's neighbors came out, heard Hu Maier's words and pointed to Gu ningyue.

Facing their ugly words, Gu ningyue just smiled and didn't care. She said to Hu Maier, "are you Lu Sicheng's fiancee?"

"Yes!" said humail proudly again.

"Good!" Gu ningyue didn't want to take out his mobile phone and got through the mobile phone number.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Hu Maier panicked. They just transferred Lu Sicheng, but didn't monitor his phone.

"What's the hurry? Stay with me." Gu ningyue turned away.


"Lu Sicheng, there's a fiancee in my family. Are you going to divorce me and marry your fiancee? Or do you want to make it clear with this crazy woman." Gu ningyue ordered hands-free.

"What fiancee do I have? What's her name?" Lu Sicheng's surprised voice came from his mobile phone.

"She, I don't know. By the way, what's your name?" Gu ningyue turned and asked.

Hu mai'er didn't dare to speak. Now she was afraid that Lu Sicheng would recognize her voice and embarrass her.

"Miss, don't you always say that you are my husband's fiancee? I'm calling my husband now. Why don't you talk!" Gu ningyue asked.

Hu mai'er frowned and looked very bad. It was even more uncomfortable to see the people around her pointing at her.

"Why don't you talk to my husband!" Gu ningyue gave Hu Maier his cell phone.

Hu mai'er retreated in fear. Then she covered her face with her bag and turned and ran away.

"Hey, Yueyue, what's the matter? I'll go back now..."

"No, people, they all ran away!" Gu ningyue said and hung up the phone.

Seeing Gu ningyue hang up the phone, the neighbors gathered around one after another and asked Gu ningyue when she got married and where her husband came from. Others scolded Hu Maier for being shameless. Xiao San dared to come to the door.

Gu ningyue answered correctly with a smile. After sending everyone away, he closed the door and entered the house.

Hu mai'er came out and trembled with anger. She had never been embarrassed. She felt like crying when she thought of the eyes of those people just now. Damn, what a Gu ningyue. Since you dare to say anything about her, wait for her. She can't spare her.

At this moment, she didn't think that she would rob her husband.

Lu Sicheng looked at his cell phone. He had a feeling that the little woman was angry.

He rubbed his head powerlessly. The little woman was jealous.

"Si Cheng, whose phone is this?" Jiang Yushan came over and asked with a smile.

"Yueyue's phone!" Lu Sicheng's words stunned Jiang Yushan. She really didn't expect Lu Sicheng to admit that Gu ningyue called since she would be in front of Lu's father and mother.

"Ha ha!" Jiang Yushan didn't know how to speak.

"What is Yue Yue?" said Lu Mu angrily.

"Mom, don't you know what Yueyue is? It's my current wife!" Lu Sicheng said with a smile, and then looked at the Hu family couple on one side. He looked directly at Jiang Yushan regardless of whether they were embarrassed or not.

"Hu mai'er goes to find Yue Yue. Does sister-in-law know?"

"I......" Jiang Yushan was stunned and said, "what? I, I don't understand!"

"Don't you understand? Then I'll tell you. Hu mai'er just came to my wife and said to my wife that she was my fiancee. I want to know when she was my fiancee? Sister-in-law, please explain for me?" Lu Sicheng's eyes flashed cold.

"Si Cheng, you misunderstood mai'er. How could she do such a thing?" Jiang Yushan said with a smile, but she scolded Lu Si Cheng all over in her heart.

"Lu Sicheng, what are you doing? Don't you see your uncle Hu and his wife here? I'll tell you today, that woman doesn't want to be our daughter-in-law. I don't recognize it. If you want her or your mother, go away and never come back." Lu mother stood up and shouted loudly.

"Mom, I'll only marry Gu ningyue in my life. I don't want any other women. If you force me, even if I don't marry Gu ningyue, I won't marry anyone else. I'll go to the hospital immediately and have a ligation! I'll tell my eldest brother about the family succession in the future!" Lu admitted.

"You, asshole!" this made Lu Fu anxious. He stood up, picked up the ashtray and threw it over.

"You son of a bitch, what do you want to do? Do ligation, why don't you just die!"

Lu Sicheng bowed his head and didn't speak, not because he had nothing to say, but because he didn't want to talk back, which made Lu's mother and father angry and went to the hospital again.

The Hu family is really embarrassed now. They want to go, but they think of the situation at home and have to sit down.

Jiang Yushan saw their appearance. After all, it was her aunt and uncle. She felt uncomfortable. She went over and said, "aunt and uncle, go back first."


"Don't worry, I'm here?" Jiang Yushan patted her aunt's hand.

"Hey! Let's go back first." the Hu family stood up and said goodbye to Lu's father and mother.

The Lu family immediately asked them to stay for a few words. Seeing that they were determined to go, they also wanted them to go. After all, the family's ugliness should not be publicized. After apologizing and seeing off the Hu family, Lu's father and mother sat back on the sofa, looking angry and brewing a prelude to the storm.

"Si Cheng, did you just go too far, even if my cousin did something? Did you have something to say in front of my aunt and father? Did you sincerely embarrass them?" Jiang Yushan didn't want to recognize her aunt and uncle after sending them away.

Originally, she was the eldest miss of the Chiang family. She was arrogant. She couldn't stand being humiliated by Lu Sicheng.

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