Lu Sicheng looked at Yaling and said, "Yaling, when will your teacher come back?"

"You say my uncle Mo Linfeng! I haven't contacted him yet. The last time I contacted him was three months ago. He said he would go to M state for exploration, and now I don't know if he can come back." Yaling frowned and said.

"Isn't your uncle the first hypnotist? How can he explore again?" the monkey asked puzzled.

Ya Ling held her mouth and said, "well, because my little aunt is an adventurer, she likes exploration, so my uncle is with her."

The monkey nodded clearly, then looked at Ya Ling: "little girl, you seem to be hiding a lot from me?"

Yaling smiled: "who's hiding it from you? It's because you don't ask me. However, if you ask me, I'll tell you everything."

The monkey was satisfied and nodded her nose: "that's strange."

Lu Sicheng was too lazy. These two people really showed their love to the sky.

"Monkey, you have found your Tathagata Buddha." a low voice rang, and a handsome and elegant man in his forties came in.

"Liu Guochao, why did you run home? Don't you care about everything abroad?" the monkey looked at the visitor and asked with a smile.

"I'm going back soon." Liu Guochao's eyes were sad.

The sadness was caught by the monkey. His eyes twinkled and didn't ask much.

Liu Guochao didn't want to say anything more to him. He turned and looked at Lu Sicheng: "Sicheng, I have something to tell you."

Hearing the speech, Lu Sicheng nodded, covered Gu ningyue with a quilt, got up and said to Yaling, "Yaling, please."

Yaling nodded: "well, we must finish the task!"

Lu Sicheng smiled, turned around and walked out with Liu Guochao.

After watching them leave, Yaling looked at the monkey: "Hey, it's so poor that she was abandoned by her brother."

The monkey raised his hand, nodded her forehead, and then went out with a smile.

"I'll fetch you some food and be your nanny."

Yaling nodded to him, "yes!"

The monkey lifted the corner of his mouth and turned away.


Lu Sicheng followed Liu Guochao out. He felt that Liu Guochao was very unhappy.

"Guochao, what's the matter with you? You look very unhappy."

Liu Guochao smiled and said, "Sicheng, there's nothing. He suddenly feels that what he insisted on before is not necessarily right. Therefore, he feels a little unacceptable."

Lu Sicheng was stunned and then said, "what's the matter?"

Liu Guochao smiled bitterly: "Jiujiu, she already has a lover."

Lu Sicheng was stunned. When did Yin Meijiu fall in love?

"No! Over the years, in addition to the part with Liangzi, I think she has the most contact with you. How can she suddenly have a lover."

Liu Guochao lowered his head, raised his head and said, "I saw it with my own eyes. She also took the man back for the night, and when she saw me in the morning, she turned against me for the man..."

Said, here Liu Guochao sighed: "forget it, since she has a loved one, if I pester her again, it may not be very good, so I'd better leave!"

Lu Sicheng looked at him and said, "Guochao, do you mean to give up?"

Liu Guochao nodded: "yes, in fact, to tell the truth, what am I? I'm a poor man who is worthless. It's not because of myself that I have today's status. Jiujiu she doesn't like me, so she should."

Lu Sicheng frowned when he heard the speech: "Liu Guochao, you don't mean anything like this. After all these years, what's the use of looking down on yourself?"

Liu Guochao smiled: "all right, don't be angry. I'll just say it."

After that, Liu Guochao was silent, and then said to Lu Sicheng, "Sicheng, I want to get married."

"Hmm?" Lu Sicheng was stunned.

"I'm 42 years old. I've been floating around since I was 20 and achieved nothing. Fortunately, I met you and went abroad with you. I can pick up my mother for happiness. However, I'm too tired these years and I want to have a home."

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