Lu Sicheng sighed helplessly.

For a long time, he surprisingly found that he was the happiest at this moment. He was surrounded by sweet, a lovely girl like a ghost spirit, and a second wife. At this moment, it was like an ordinary family living an ordinary life. He was really very happy.

"Hoo, life is so beautiful, but I'm so grumpy. It's really bad, bad!" Gu ningyue came out, breathed and recovered his sweet appearance.

"Eh, why are you still there?" Gu ningyue found Lu Sicheng.

"Ah? Why am I not here?" the little woman looked confused. How could she be so - owe a kiss!

"This is my home!" Gu ningyue declared his ownership.

"Well, I know!" Lu Sicheng nodded to save face.

"Why don't you come home?" Gu ningyue pinched his waist and asked sternly.

Lu Sicheng felt his head ache again and asked, "have you forgotten?"

"Forget God's bad name?" Gu ningyue asked puzzled.

"You asked me to stay," said Lu Sicheng.

"Impossible!" Gu ningyue said immediately.

"It's true," said Lu Sicheng with a smile.

"This is absolutely impossible!" Gu ningyue stood up and joked? How is that possible?

"I don't believe you ask sweet!" Lu Si promised sweet.

Gu ningyue looked at Tian Tian and asked him clearly. Tian Tian looked like a landing secretary and lit her forehead with a headache.

"Mom, it's really what you said. Sometimes I'm really afraid. Will you be sold?" Tian Tian shook her head after saying that. It's not like a daughter, but like a mother worried about her children.

"I! I... I don't remember anyway." Gu ningyue didn't admit it.

Lu Sicheng blinked helplessly and looked at Tian Tian. There were some supplications inside.

Tian Tian blinked and said, "Mom, it's very dark now. Let your uncle go. What if he meets a bad man!"

"He met a bad man, that's bad luck," Gu ningyue said firmly to Lu Sicheng.

Is it necessary for Lu Si to straighten his waist.

"See? You're still worried about others. Hit your face." Gu ningyue rubbed Sweet's small head.

"But, uncle, it's not safe to drive!" Tian Tian made persistent efforts.

"He can take a taxi!" Gu ningyue said.

"Mom, there's no car now," sweet reminded.

"So maybe there's no car? Er... It's 12 o'clock! No, Gu Tiantian, you don't sleep at 12 o'clock. You want to rebel!" Gu ningyue pinched his waist again.

"Mom, it's not my fault. It's because you keep going crazy again." Tiantian said unconvinced.

"I'm crazy. It's impossible. I call it a complaint!"


Half an hour later, Lu Sicheng weakly rubbed his head. The two girls could not finish the quarrel.

"Yueyue, if you keep arguing, it will be tomorrow morning." Lu Sicheng reluctantly pulled them apart and reminded them.

"Er?" Gu ningyue looked at the time, stopped immediately and shouted to Gu Tiantian, "Gu Tiantian sleeps!"

"Hum, go to sleep!" Gu Tiantian snorted coldly, then walked into the room and closed the door to sleep.

"Little thing!" Gu ningyue said.

Lu Chengcheng shook his head: "you, how can you look like a mother!"

"Hey, I look like my mother all over!" Gu ningyue protested.

"Well, well, there are all!" Lu Sicheng shook his head helplessly.

"Just, why don't you go!" Gu ningyue looked at him and asked.

Lu Sicheng pointed to the clock: "Yueyue, it's almost 2 o'clock. I'll go now and pick you up tomorrow. It'll take you an hour to get to me. If I go back, I don't have to sleep."

Gu ningyue thought about it and thought so.

"Well, have a good rest."

"Hmm!" Lu Sicheng nodded.

Gu ningyue went in and found a quilt for Lu Sicheng and put it on the sofa. Lu Sicheng was satisfied to lie on it. He finally slept in his wife's home. Although it was only the living room, one day he would enter the master bedroom!

Gu ningyue returned to her bedroom and lay down. After a long time, she sat up. No! She and Tian Tian will have a holiday tomorrow. There's no need for Lu Si to undertake it! This man, lie to her! She angrily went down to the living room. Before she could speak, she saw that the man had fallen asleep.

Gu ningyue raised her hand and slowly put it down. After she covered the quilt for ou Hanlin, she turned and returned to the bedroom.

She still didn't have the heart to wake him up.

After she left, Lu Sicheng opened his eyes and smiled. This little woman, sometimes it's really cute to be slow!

The man who chased his wife knows! If you want a wife, you have to be shameless.

The monkey told him this sentence.

He Lu Sicheng must carry forward this sentence.

That night, Lu Sicheng slept soundly in the house full of Gu ningyue's breath, but Gu ningyue was restless because of the men outside the house and couldn't sleep. When she fell asleep, it was almost morning.


Lu Sicheng's sleep was very shallow. Hearing the call, he immediately sat up and looked at Tian Tian.

"What's the matter?"

"Uncle, Tiantian is hungry!" said Tiantian with her mouth.

Lu Sicheng was stunned and looked at his mobile phone: it's ten o'clock in the morning.

"Where's your mother?"

"Mom is still sleeping. I don't want to wake her up!" said Tian Tian.

"So good!" the child is really sensible. No wonder Yueyue loves her so much. She is smart, naughty, lovely and considerate.

"That uncle takes you to eat delicious food. Let's be gentle and don't wake up mom?" Lu Sicheng said gently.

"Yes." Tian Tian nodded immediately.

After Lu Sicheng put on his clothes, he put on his sweet clothes again, and then took her out.

"Uncle, you said you would take me to the amusement park today." in the car, Tiantian said.

"Is this weekend?" Lu Sicheng really forgot the time.


"Well, well, I'll send a text message to my mother first so that she can see it when she gets up, and then we'll have dinner and play after dinner!" Lu Sicheng quickly arranged it.

"OK!" said Tian Tian immediately.

Lu Sicheng touched her little head, then sent Gu ningyue a text message, and then took Tian Tian to the amusement park.

On weekends, Gu ningyue sleeps in because of fatigue.

So here, Gu ningyue will prepare breakfast on the first day. After getting sweet, he will skillfully eat a warm breakfast, and at noon, Xiaoqiao or Yin Meijiu will deliver dinner.

Today, they came together.

Both of them had the keys here. They opened the door and came in.

"Sweet!" they cried, but there was no sweet and cheerful voice in the past.

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