Gu ningyue, who cheated away his good friend, was not happy for a while, so he sank his face.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm going to stay here tonight." Lu Chengyang smiled.

"Stay here? Lu Sicheng, what do you think I am here? Is it a hotel?" Gu ningyue asked loudly.

"No! I think this is home!" Lu Sicheng put the word in her ear. Then she looked at her red earlobe and raised a satisfied smile.

"Don't be so close!" Gu ningyue's face flushed.

"We are still closer. Have you forgotten?" Lu Sicheng approached her. Gu ningyue kept retreating. Finally, he couldn't retreat and leaned against the wall.

Gu ningyue felt that the parts all over his body were not his own. It seemed that they were all equipped later, or all of them were in disrepair.

"Yueyue, your body is much more honest than your people?" Lu Si stretched out his hand and touched her hair and face. His eyes were addicted and fell slowly.

Gu ningyue's chest, up and down, she felt that she was going to explode.

"Yueyue, I love you!" Lu Sicheng's low voice, like a magic sound, made the bell sink.

Lu Sicheng slowly approached and stuck it on her lips. At this moment, they each other, only each other breathing

"Mom, uncle, what are you doing?" an untimely voice sounded.

Gu ningyue suddenly pushed Lu Sicheng away, and the latter fell to the ground unexpectedly, looking embarrassed.

"Mom, uncle, are you fighting? Or are you biting?" Tian Tian's face was confused.

Gu ningyue's face turned red and waited for landing Secretary Cheng mercilessly. The latter said he was suffering. He stopped at the back of his tail. It hurt!

"It's strange that there's something wrong with my face. Wow, it won't be smoking. No, I'll call 119, no, 110, no, 140... Forget it, I'd better call three mothers." Tian Tian kept saying.

... first aid is 120! Lu Sicheng sighed powerlessly!

"Hey, don't fight!" Gu ningyue stopped her after she saw someone.

"Do you still fight?" sweet asked seriously.

... Hoo! Lu Sicheng & Gu ningyue can't speak. No wonder people say that children are not only angels given to you by God, but also demons given to you by God.

That night, Lu Sicheng stayed. Although the process was not very good and the ending was not perfect, he still slept in a room with a beloved woman. That's enough.


Lu Jia.

In the living room, Lu's face was heavy enough to come out of the water.

Lu Xinyu sat beside her, a little bored, turning around with his mobile phone.

Jiang Yushan and Lu Yuchen sat aside and dared not speak.

"Pa!" Lu Fu patted the contract on the table.

"Lu Yuchen, do you want to defeat the whole Lu family?"

Lu Yuchen trembled, lowered his head and said, "Dad, I'm sorry, I really didn't think that since the other party is such a person!"

"What kind of person? Ah? Didn't you have a brain when you signed the contract?" said Lu Fu, who hated iron and steel.

Lu Yuchen's head hangs lower. He really hates it. How can he cheat him? He always wanted to win Lu Sicheng, but he didn't expect the result to be like this.

"Dad, things have happened. It's no use getting angry. Let's think about what to do now." Jiang Yushan defended her husband.

"What should we do? We can't find a third party for this contract at all. Now that people have run away, we can only admit compensation. This compensation has included one-third of Lu's family property. Lu Yuchen, you are really... Ah!" Lu's father was too excited and his heart couldn't stand it. He hurried to hold it down.

"What's the matter?" Lu's mother helped him, and Lu Xinyu stopped playing and helped Lu's father together.

"You, you two..." Lu Fu pointed to Yuchen and Jiang Yushan, and fainted without a word.

All the people of the Lu family were shocked and rushed Lu Fu to the hospital.

After receiving the call, Lu rushed to the hospital.

"Mom, where's my father?"

"Hey, I'm still in first aid. What evil have I done?" Lu mother leaned against Lu Xinyu and cried silently.

"Mom, don't worry, dad will be fine. What happened and dad suddenly fainted?" Lu Sicheng asked.

Lu Yuchen and Jiang Yushan looked at other places when they heard the speech. They were embarrassed to say, but Lu's mother was in love with her eldest son and didn't say it, and Lu Xinyu didn't care about it.

"It's not the eldest brother. He signed a contract without a third party. The other party ran away. Now we have to lose money. Dad said to compensate one-third of Lu's family. Then Dad fainted when he couldn't stand it."

After Lu Xinyu finished, Lu Yuchen's face became bad. He had been competing with Lu Sicheng, but he didn't want to lose such a big man in front of him.

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