Gu Tiantian looked at Zhong Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, I doubt that the secret your father knew three years ago is the existence of my mother."

"What do you mean?" Zhong Xiaoxiao frowned.

"Well, that's what I mean. My mother's existence is the biggest threat to that woman. As long as my mother appears, whether your grandfather admits it or not, and as long as your father insists on a thorough investigation, your grandfather has no objection. Things in those years can only be turned out and thoroughly investigated. In this way, everything about her will be lost," Gu Tiantian said.

Zhong Xiaoxiao made it clear: "so, she won't let your mother appear. Your mother didn't appear. Even if more people guessed that she was a fake, but as long as Grandpa protected her, she would have no fear. But your mother appeared. That's the iron evidence. My father and my grandfather have the right to ask for a new investigation."

Gu Tiantian nodded: "well, that's what I mean. So it didn't happen until three years ago. Your father had a car accident and my mother had an accident!"

Zhong Xiaoxiao sighed: "if so, this woman is really terrible."

"Naturally, she is terrible. Decades ago, she could kill her sister for prosperity. Now she can't do anything." Gu Tiantian said disdainfully, and then narrowed her eyes: "I'm just curious about a person. Why does Master Zhong protect that woman so much? Even if she has to, she should be a stranger."

Zhong Xiaoxiao nodded: "sweet, what you said is right. I should have thought of it earlier. Why should I think of it now? I'm really stupid."

Gu Tiantian smiled and said, "Xiaoxiao, your concern is chaos. After all, your grandfather who made things."

Zhong Xiaoxiao sighed, "yes, it's always the spectators who are in the game." speaking of this, Zhong Xiaoxiao paused and said, "sweet, what are you going to do next?"

"I'll keep checking. No matter who hurt my mother, I won't make them feel better." Gu Tiantian's eyes flashed cold.

Zhong Xiaoxiao saw her firm appearance and raised the corners of her mouth.

"Well, I like your character. I support you and must cheer." Zhong Xiaoxiao said immediately.

"Well, naturally, I will try my best." Gu Tiantian said immediately, then looked at Zhong Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, what about you? What do you do next?"

Zhong Xiaoxiao was stunned and then said, "like you, I won't let go of those who hurt my father. Tian Tian, there is a saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Here we are two cousins, or we can join hands?"

Gu Tiantian came to Zhong Xiaoxiao just to join hands with her. Besides, she still agrees with her appetite. Naturally, this cousin wants to recognize her.


"Xiaoxiao, I like to join hands with you very much. After all, we are cousins. However, my mother's affairs are more serious than the internal struggle of Zhong family. I'm afraid I'll hurt you if I promise you."

Zhong Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered: "what's the matter? What's so serious?"

"It's really serious. It's like this." Gu Tiantian said everything. Zhong Xiaoxiao was silent. Since so many things happened three years ago.

For a moment, Zhong Xiaoxiao said, "don't look down on people, sweet. I've never been afraid of danger."

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