Lu's mother peeled the apple and gave it to Lu's father: "have some fruit."

"How can I eat? I don't know how Lu is now. Tomorrow is the deadline. Alas!" Lu's father is really worried about his white hair.

"Don't worry too much, don't you? He said he had a way." Lu Mu comforted.

"Method? You think I don't know. Si Cheng was afraid I was worried. He said that specially. I've read the contract. What can be done to solve it unless I find the first party, but since people sincerely corrected Lu Shi, how can you find it?" Lu Fu shook his head reluctantly.

Lu's mother was not in the mood when she heard the speech.

"Lu Yuchen, I used to think that this son was a little mediocre. I didn't think that since, ah!" Lu Fu shook his head.

Lu's mother was dissatisfied when her husband scolded her son. She said, "don't you know what kind of person the big boy is? I think it's all Jiang Yushan. If she hadn't provoked it, the boss and Sicheng wouldn't be like this."

"Hum!" Lu Fu hummed lightly, and then said, "you, since you know it in your heart, why should you turn to Jiang Yushan and blame Si Cheng everywhere."

"I......" Lu Mu was stunned, and then said, "I'm not, and I can't help it. Si Cheng has the ability to let him know what's wrong with his eldest brother."

Lu Fu shook his head reluctantly. Maybe it was the thought of their husband and wife that made Yuchen and his wife have no fear. It also made Sicheng's heart farther and farther away from them.

"Dad, mom!" when the couple were chatting, their little daughter Lu Xinyu ran in.

"How old, so unstable!" Lu Fu said in a deep voice.

"Oh, Dad, don't talk about others! They are here to bring you good news." Lu Xinyu said coyly.

"Hum, look, it's like not growing up every day." Lu Fu still taught her a lesson, but he smiled in his eyes and spoiled her very much.

"Dad, you know what! The second brother is really powerful. Since the second brother untied such a knot, and the second brother beat Ma Ma's mouth hard, let them have a hard time to say it!" Lu Xinyu sat on the top of the closed door and said with a smile.

"What?" Lu Fu looked at her puzzled.

"Dad, didn't the eldest brother sign a contract and the first party disappeared, which put Lu in a dilemma? As a result, the second brother found a great game in one day's time. In the contract signed by the eldest brother, the third party only had the right of use and no ownership. Therefore, the second brother hit Mahalanobis hard in terms of ownership, which made them have a hard time." Lu Xin said simply.

Lu Fu was stunned and then asked, "do you mean that your second brother solved Lu's crisis with one blow?"

"Yes! Oh, this is the details. The second brother knows that I must come to the hospital. I'm afraid I don't understand. Let me bring this. The second brother said that he still hasn't done some finishing work. When he finished, he came to see his father. He asked his father to have a good rest." Lu Xinyu said and handed a document to Lu Fu.

Lu Fu hurriedly took it and looked at it carefully.

For a long time, he put it down and was silent.

"My boss Lu, what's going on?" Lu's mother couldn't help asking.

Lu Fu looked up at her and smiled: "Hey, our second son is not simple. He can solve the crisis in a short time and beat each other in the mouth.

Hey, see? This is the gap. Yuchen will only cause trouble, and Si Cheng can really stir up the beam. Won't you help me this time? "

"It's really solved." Lu Mu hurriedly took the document and looked at it.

After reading the contract signed by Lu Yuchen, it was almost impossible to solve it. She didn't expect that her second son would solve it so easily.

Even if she is partial to the eldest son, she has to admit that the second son is better than the eldest son.

"Anyway, Lu's crisis has been solved. You don't have to worry about it like this." Lu's mother avoided the important and took the light.

"Hum!" Lu Fu snorted coldly again, and then said, "I knew you wanted to say that. You can't get used to the eldest couple. This time they made such a big mistake and must be punished."

"Ah? You have to be punished. You don't know. The boss has a thin skin. If you punish him for this matter, I'm afraid he even hates Si Cheng."

Lu Fu agreed with Lu Mu's words, but there was no way. His eldest son was so narrow-minded.

But this time it's too big. If he doesn't punish, let alone what will happen to Si Cheng, it's the board of Directors

"Hey, it's really difficult!" Lu Fu was reluctant to give up his eldest son.

"What's hard to do? Lu belongs to our Lu family, and the eldest is our Lu family's son. Even if we lose this time, it's also our Lu family's industry. We don't punish them. What's the relationship with them? I think the older you are, the more you think." Lu's mother said impatiently.

Lu Fu turned over and ignored her when he heard the speech. This woman is becoming more and more unreasonable. It's better if it's so simple. Hey, what can I do?

"Dad, you don't have to worry about the eldest brother. The second brother said, let the eldest brother and sister-in-law accept the rest of the contract, and they will make up for the mistakes." Lu Xinyu said again.

"Really!" Lu Fu sat up and asked.

"Yes." Lu Xin nodded.

"Ha ha." Lu Fu smiled, with a relaxed look between his eyebrows and eyes: "Sicheng still cares about his brother's friendship with his eldest brother."

Lu Mu also smiled: "that's right. You don't know who Si Cheng is."

In the ward, the three were very happy. Outside the ward, Lu Sicheng had already arrived, smiled bitterly, and then turned and left.

He knew that mom and dad would not have the heart to blame big brother and Jiang Yushan, so he directly gave a punishment that was not punishment. In fact, in his heart, he still had some hope that mom and Dad could wake up and punish Lu Yuchen and Jiang Yushan.

It's not that he is too narrow-minded to accommodate his big brother, but that the mall is like a battlefield. His big brother has always lived under the wings of his parents. Sooner or later, something will happen. He can help once, but he can't help for a lifetime.

However, he couldn't say these words, because he knew that it was useless for him to say them. Moreover, in the view of Lu's father and mother, he was still unreasonable, because Lu's father and mother were his idea to take care of Lu Yuchen all his life.

Lu Sicheng knew their plans for a long time, but in the past, he thought they were close brothers, and there was nothing to take care of them all his life. Just in the past two years, his eldest brother became more and more different because of Jiang Yushan's provocation. He also alienated himself. It doesn't matter. What matters is that he has been touching his bottom line.

"Brother, I hope you will force me to deal with you one day."

Lu Sicheng reluctantly said a word, opened the door and sat on it.

Lu's crisis has been lifted. The only person he wants to see most now is Gu ningyue.

He returned to her home. At this time, Gu ningyue was really wearing an apron and cooking for Tian Tian. When he saw him coming, he smiled and asked if he wanted to eat together.

Lu Si nodded hurriedly, yes, of course!

Love dinner, who doesn't want to eat it.

He sat on the sofa and saw sweet, who was usually cheerful, sitting quietly on the sofa today.

"What's wrong with my little sweet?" Lu Sicheng sat beside her.

"Uncle, I broke up with my best friend." Tian Tian said sadly.

"Why?" asked Lu Sicheng, puzzled.

"Because I ran out of money, let my best friend invite me to dinner for about ten days. My best friend told me, sweetie, there is no free lunch in the world," sweetie said.

Mr. Lu accepted the news and made it clear that this was the child's pocket money and there was no money left.

"I know there is no free lunch, so I asked her to buy breakfast! Why should I return..." Tian said confidently.

... Lu Sicheng feels speechless!

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