"She gave me two million yuan to leave you!" Gu ningyue continued.


"Then she fainted because I took two million yuan and said I wanted to share your property. She fainted if I didn't leave you." Gu ningyue said again.

This made Lu Sicheng silent. Should he be happy or cry!

"Well, that's it. I'll hang up first." Gu ningyue hung up her cell phone, then sat back at her desk and continued to work.

The other comrades in the office were all face to face and silent.

Today's cute erha, how domineering it leaked.

They endured it quietly for a long time before they accepted the fact and were ready to work normally. Suddenly, they shouted.

"Ah! God, what happened just now?" Gu ningyue stood up.

Everyone else looked at her.

"Is it Lu Sicheng's mother who came here and was stunned by my anger? God, how could this happen? Gu ningyue, Gu ningyue, what did you think about the eight o'clock Korean drama at that time? God, Cinderella was subverted by me, but I stunned my mother-in-law. Who will subvert my life!

God! "

Gu ningyue's head suddenly knocked on the table.

Other people face each other. For a long time, they came to the conclusion that it was not Er ha's arrogance that leaked, but that they were making two mistakes from time to time

Lu Sicheng put down his mobile phone and rubbed his forehead.

"Boss, who's calling?" the monkey asked.

"My wife," said Lu Sicheng with a bitter smile.

"No, the boss was smiling when his sister-in-law called. What happened this time?" the monkey asked.

Lu Si sighed: "my mother went to find her."

"Ah!" the four monkeys were shocked. They were getting to know Lu Mu. Their combat effectiveness was too strong.

"Sister-in-law is frightened?" asked glasses.

"No! My mother was stunned with anger," said Lu Sicheng.

"Ah?" surprised again. "Sister-in-law, how angry?" the cockroach wanted to kneel down.

"My mother gave her two million yuan, but she accepted it, but refused to leave me. She said she would divide my general family property, so my mother was stunned." Lu Sicheng said, and she couldn't help laughing.

"Fierce!" the four monkeys thumbed up together, but the next moment, the four people blinked helplessly: "boss, in that case, your love road will be bumpy again."

"Yes, my mother hates her now." Lu Sicheng rubbed his forehead helplessly.

"But it's OK, at least the little sister-in-law didn't leave you directly like the women in the TV series!" the cockroach patted him on the shoulder and said.

Lu Sicheng nodded. Now he can only think like this. Otherwise, he really has a dead heart.

"I'm going home to see my mother. You say, is this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law naturally so hostile!"

The three monkeys looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. They couldn't answer this question.


Lu Sicheng was standing at the door of his house. He felt timid about his hometown. He really didn't know whether to go in or not.

Finally, worry was better than headache. He strode into the house.

There was no one in the living room. He asked the servant and learned that his mother was in her bedroom now. He sighed and went to Lu's bedroom.

Lu Mu's bedroom is very lively now.

Lu Yuchen, his wife and Lu Xinyu are here.

"Mom!" Lu Sicheng called softly after he came in.

Then, before he could react, a water cup flew over. Because Lu Sicheng had not reacted, he didn't hide and was severely hit on his head.

Lu Sicheng gave a cry of pain, touched his forehead and looked angrily.

It was Lu Mu who threw the water cup. At this moment, Lu Mu stared round and looked very angry.

"Lu Sicheng, look at what you've done. What's the good woman you're looking for? I tell you, she said to me today that she's with you because of your money. You still take her as a baby. Are you stupid and stunned? Oh, I'm so angry!"

Lu Mu covered her chest and scolded loudly.

"Si Cheng, what's going on? Why is mom so angry when she comes back from the outside?" Lu Yuchen said angrily.

His excitement is not really related to Lu's injury, but because he can finally openly grasp Lu Sicheng's shortcomings.

Hum, Lu Sicheng, it's up to you to do this time!

Lu Sicheng knew his brother very well. He didn't bother to worry about him. He went to Lu's mother and said.

"Mom, I'm sorry about today, but I can assure you that Yueyue is not the kind of girl who is greedy for money. The reason why she said that today is all because she wants to be angry with you!"

"Angry with me? Why is she angry with me? I don't know her. Why should I be angry with her?" Lu Mu shouted angrily.

"Mom, didn't you contact her? What happened this time? Did Gu ningyue come to our Lu family to find you? The news I got seems to be that you went to other people's trouble." Lu Sicheng said without saving face.

"What? Your wings are hard, aren't you? Do you know if you talked back to me? I tell you, you were born to me. I told you what to do, and you'll do what to do. You'll break up with that woman right away. Tomorrow, no, now, right away." Lu Mu shouted loudly. The whole person was like a bitch.

Of course, what she said, Lu Sicheng didn't care. Some things, things that care too much, are bad.

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