Gu Tiantian walks into the building. Everything here makes her feel familiar.

However, in her confused memory, she seemed unable to grasp anything.

"Boss, is that you? Are you back?" a man with black jeans and purple hair came out. He was about eighteen or nine years old and looked very sunny. Seeing Gu Tiantian, the whole person's eyes lit up.

"You, you are..."

Gu Tiantian frowns and looks at the young man puzzled.

"Boss, what's the matter with you? Are you kidding me?" the boy asked with a smile.

Gu Tiantian frowned and then shook her head: "sorry, I really don't remember who you are. Are we really familiar?"

The young man was stunned and looked up and down at Gu Tiantian. Seeing that her confusion was not pretended, the whole person became positive.

"Boss, what's the matter with you? Have you lost your memory?"

Gu Tiantian was stunned, then nodded: "well, amnesia. Although my parents hid it from me very well, I'm not a fool. I can feel that in my mind, a memory has disappeared. Every time I touch that memory, I feel very sad. Therefore, I want to find it back."

The boy was completely stunned. He snored his face and said, "how did you do it, boss? Don't worry. I'll take you to our office. We'll find a way to do the rest slowly."

Gu Tiantian doesn't promise, and then looks at the boy.

The boy was puzzled: "boss..." why don't you go?

The words haven't been said yet, but the boy saw the surprise in Gu Tiantian's eyes and understood that the boss didn't trust him.

"Boss, since you can find here, it proves that there is something in your heart. Moreover, you can think of it when you lose your memory, which proves that it is closely related to you. This is the dark night. You created it by the boss. My name is Liu Zi and my nickname is purple fox. You supported it by the boss.

I'm a hacker. On the Internet, my technology is very good, otherwise the boss won't come to me. "

After the purple fox finished, he looked at Gu Tiantian to see if she believed his words.

But Gu Tiantian doesn't believe it or not, only confused.


It seems that Gu Tiantian can hardly trust anyone now.

Even if it makes her feel familiar.

”Boss, let's go first. "Said the purple fox.

Gu Tiantian thought for a while, then shook her head: "no, no, I can't go back now. Listen to me."

"What's the matter, boss? Don't you want to find your memory?" said the purple fox.

"I have something to do today."

Gu Tiantian finished, turned and ran away.

In fact, she didn't know what she was counseling, but at this moment, she was counseling.

I don't want to retrieve that memory.

"Sweet, mom didn't tell you, but that memory. Since you chose to forget, why do you have to ring? Why don't you know that life is what you want now?"

Her mother Gu ningyue's words were always in her ears.

She had to listen.

My mother is the person who loves her most in the world. My mother's words will not be wrong.

The purple fox looked at Gu Tiantian who ran away, and there was no choice in his eyes.

What happened to the boss? Why did he suddenly lose his memory? He wants to contact others.

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