"God, I saw someone wearing purple."

"Yes, since it's still on sale."

"Why my hand is slow."

"Is it just me thinking, who made the purple suit? I know only one person who can make the purple suit... Sweet!"

"Nonsense. After the dissolution, er Tian won the title."

Gu Tiantian's complexion still didn't change. He came to the boss lightly and said coldly, "get off the plane!"

The boss's eyes flashed some helplessness and nostalgia, but soon disappeared. He stood up and approached Gu Tiantian and said softly, "girl, come to sell purple clothes. I'm short of money."

"Talk a lot!" Gu Tiantian handed in her card and turned to leave. After taking two steps, she stopped and turned to look at him: "the madman asked. Do you know what to say?"

"Tell the truth!" the boss didn't care.

"Very good!" Gu Tiantian smiled at him beautifully.

The boss immediately became smart and hurriedly said, "I'm kidding, I said I don't know." the aunt was worried, so he stopped opening the Internet cafe. She could smoke all the machines in the Internet cafe in a minute.

Gu Tiantian is satisfied and walks out of the Internet cafe.

She looked at the mobile phone and received the information: 540000 yuan.

Fortunately, it can last for some time.

Also, she needs to change her residence. She's always bothered by shrimp.

Gu Tiantian left the Internet cafe in a battery car for less than five minutes. A battery car came quickly from a distance.

The cyclist was a man, wearing black pants and black leather clothes. After parking the car, he took off the helmet on his head and revealed a wild medium and long hair.

Got out of the car, hung his helmet on the car and walked into the Internet cafe with an eager stride.

After entering the Internet cafe, he went directly to the bar and looked at the boss eagerly.

Liu Feng reluctantly put down his mobile phone. He knew that the madman would come.

"Where is she?"

"Let's go," said the boss.

"Where have you been?"

"How do I know? Besides, do you think she will let me know?" the boss said helplessly.

LAN Zheyu narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and smashed it on the bar.


The bar cracked with a punch.

The boss raised his eyebrows and stared very wide.

LAN Zheyu raised his fist and the evil spirit smiled: "fat man, I know you're afraid she'll make your computer smoke, so believe it or not, I'll let everything fall apart here." then he waved his fist again.

The boss reluctantly rubbed his forehead and said, "please, don't pit me alone."

LAN Zheyu put away his fist and his face was full of helplessness: "Lu Sicheng is going crazy."

The boss sighed, "I really can't say."

LAN Zheyu narrowed his eyes.

The boss sat down and looked at LAN Zheyu: "it's no use for Lu Sicheng to find her. Let her find it by herself. You can rest assured that Maureen will take care of her."

LAN Zheyu was silent.

The boss saw that he was moved and said, "she is willing to come to me now because she believes me. If I sell her and she disappears again, you will never hear from her again."

LAN Zheyu's face flashed and he was obviously persuaded.

He was silent for a long time, stretched out his hand and nodded to the boss: "I don't ask, but if she comes again, you have to tell me."

"OK!" the boss agreed happily.

The girl knew for a long time that he would not come here in a short time. Who would he tell?

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