Liu Liu smiled when she heard the speech. Then her eyes flashed contempt. She thought she was so powerful. It turned out that she was just a milk doll.

As time passed, a burst of footsteps came.

"Who called the police?" several people's policemen came in.

"It's me, comrade police. I'll sue him and recover the money." Gu ningyue came forward and pointed to Gu Ningxing.

Gu Ningxing was silly, and the interest flashed in Liu Liu's eyes around him, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"Is it him?" the leader pointed to Gu Ningxing.

"Yes, that's him." Gu ningyue nodded.

"OK, you go back to take notes and take them away!" the head policeman waved his hand, and the remaining people came forward, grabbed Gu Ningxing and walked out.

"I'll go, Gu ningyue, your mother's, you really dare to call the police. Wait, I can't spare you..."

Gu Ningxing's curse never stopped. But Gu ningyue didn't care at all.


Out of the police station, Gu ningyue looked at the card in his hand and frowned slightly.

For so many years, Gu Ningxing's character is clear. She entered the police station. Before people asked, he said it all. Although the amount of fraud is relatively large, because she and Gu Ningxing are sister and brother, if she doesn't investigate, it can be handled as a civil dispute.

Gu ningyue naturally won't really send Gu Ningxing in, so he adjusted it.

However, Gu Ningxing was so bad that he took 48 hours of education in the detention center.

"Hey!" Gu ningyue is really worried now. She's not for Gu Ningxing, because he should get some education. What she's worried about now is the 150000 yuan that Cary doesn't have.

She had a check of $2 million from Lu Mu in her hand, but in Gu ningyue's heart, it was never her money.

"Hey, what should I do now?"

The cockroach looked at her behind her: "where are you going now? I'll see you off!"

Gu ningyue thought for a moment and said, "no, I'll go home by myself..."

"Although it's early morning, there are still few people. I can't let you go alone." the cockroach said firmly.

"OK, I'll go home!" Gu ningyue said.

"Yes, I'll give you a ride!" the cockroach said, took a taxi, then sat up with Gu ningyue, and went to Gu ningyue's community. The cockroach watched her enter the house before leaving.

Gu ningyue sat on the sofa, smiled and shook his head. Lu Sicheng's friends were really good, like cockroaches. They hated her very much, but they sent her home for her safety. Their character passed the customs.


There are so many good people, why does her brother and mother

Forget it, the son didn't tell his mother, but now how can she repay 150000? And her mother knows that she sent Gu Ningxing to the police station. Maybe she's going to make trouble with her! Thinking of Gu's mother's ability to mess around, Gu ningyue felt that there was no love in life.

"Ah! Forget it. The most important thing now is to pay back the money first. It seems that they will be bothered this time."

Gu ningyue sighed helplessly. She has been sitting at dawn, just hastily wash, change clothes, and then go out again.

On the bus, Gu ningyue sent wechat.

"Jiujiu, Xiaoqiao, are you there?"

Not long ago, Xiaoxiao replied first: "yes, miss, it's rare for you to send messages so early."

"Yueyue, you appeared. I just sent Tiantian to school!" Yin Meijiu also replied.

"Is Tian Tian still good?" Gu ningyue immediately replied.

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