On the way out of Sky Island.

The Golden Merli was moving slowly.

On the boat, it was deathly quiet.

Sanji was completely seriously injured this time, lying motionless on the boat.

Usopp was even worse, his eyes were still white.

Zoro was okay, leaning on the mast.

It’s just that his face doesn’t look very good.

It was such a shock.

The other party’s simple aura made him feel desperate.

Is this the real strong man in the world?

Chopper bandaged and examined the three of them one after another.

It faints quickly and wakes up quickly.

In fact, Nanaya did not target Chopper and Usopp.

The two of them were not injured at all.

Usopp’s behavior was purely caused by being scared by himself.

“Hey, Luffy, are you okay?”

Seeing that Luffy remained silent, Zoro was a little worried.

“I’m fine!”

Luffy didn’t look back, his voice was hoarse. But Zoro noticed that something was very wrong with Luffy now.

But he didn’t speak again.

Because he didn’t know how to comfort Luffy.

At this moment, Luffy Fei’s heart was very gloomy.

Qiye’s last words woke him up.

Taking Nami as a bet, how could this be like a captain’s behavior?

But even so, Nami couldn’t betray him!

And if it wasn’t Nami, How could he say something like that after betraying him?

Yes, in Luffy’s opinion.

This may be Nami’s fault.

Luffy didn’t even notice it, he was caught up in some weird emotional thoughts I’m guilty.

Defeat at the hands of Qiye… maybe it can be considered a defeat.

Rang is extremely unwilling and filled with anger.

Qiye, just wait for me.

One day, I will defeat you.

Same as you, Nami.

I’m on my way. Fei will make you regret betraying me.

Zoro didn’t know what Luffy was thinking at the moment. He thought that Luffy was depressed because of this failure.

If he knew what Luffy was thinking at the moment, he would probably be shocked.

Luffy, who was like sunshine, was already covered with a layer of gloom


High in the sky!

After leaving Sky Island, Qiye did not take the three girls directly back to the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Well, now the Kingdom of Alabasta has become a stronghold for him.

It’s also very beautiful from high in the sky.

At the request of the three women, Qiye agreed.

Just fly all the way to the sky above the Kingdom of Alabasta, and then back again.

However, Princess Weiwei and Nami were the only ones chattering along the way, their faces full of excitement.

Nanaya covered the two women with spiritual pressure, giving them the ability to float temporarily.

But you can’t leave him too far.

Robin has been quietly following Qiye.

At this moment, Qiye was observing something in his hand.

A special fruit!

Devil Fruit!

And it’s also a Thunder Fruit.

Yes, after killing Enelu, the Thunder Fruit appeared again.

Not only did he appear on Sky Island again, but he was also on Angel Island.

Qiye noticed it immediately.

Because the moment the Thunder Fruit appeared again, he felt a strange power.

Birth from scratch.

This made him a little concerned, so he went to check it out.

But he didn’t realize that it was actually the Thunder Fruit.

So how to deal with this thunder fruit? eat?

It’s impossible to eat.

Although the thunder fruit is good, it is completely unnecessary for Qiye.

Even after eating it, it gave myself a weakness

“Your Majesty, what do you plan to do with this Devil Fruit?”

Robin couldn’t help but ask.

She also felt in her heart that Qiye didn’t need this thunder fruit at all.

“Well, give it to Nami!”

Qiye pondered for a moment and directly decided on the ownership of the Thunder Fruit.


A trace of surprise flashed in Robin’s eyes.

Although Qiye does not need the Thunder Fruit, in her opinion, it will definitely be rewarded to one of his subordinates to increase the number of soldiers around him. Power.

Can it be given to Nami…

What kind of operation is this?

Is His Majesty Qiye intending to train Nami to become a warrior?

This… is impossible!

Even she can see that Nami has no talent to become a warrior..

Even if he uses the Thunder Fruit, he may not be able to reach the realm of Eniru.

But Robin doesn’t know that Qiye intends to give the Thunder Fruit to Nami.

He doesn’t expect the other party to exert much power.

The reason why He did this simply because… the Thunder Fruit was really useless to him.

However, before giving it to Nami, Qiye also planned to experiment with the Thunder Fruit for a while.

But now he does not have the ability to do experiments.

Tsk, say After all, we have to upgrade the system level first.

We have to get that character card first.

Well, it’s time to go back and prepare.

However, at this moment, there was no one in the sky.

Suddenly there was a laugh.

“Jie hahahaha, I found you!”

A golden figure appeared.


Thank you all for the flowers and comments!

Thank you very much for your support!!!

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