I was taking four people, Satsuki, Mi, Cyril, and Eileen, through the woods where the leaking sun fell.

Due to the rain that fell yesterday, the puffiness and droplets are still falling from the leaves of the surrounding trees.

"Still, you just look like a real oak"

Satsuki walking behind me leaks that feeling as she looks at me.

By the way, her body is wrapped around with rope, and so are the three behind it.

I'm holding the tip of the rope holding the girls in a lump sum, trying to take them and pulling them.

"That would be so. You're looking like an oak with a disguise (Disguyz) spell, otherwise you're in trouble"

"If I didn't know anything, I'd kill you by mistake"

"I see. Let's be careful not to"

I was using a disguise spell to turn myself into an oak.

I'm the one who looks like that oak, walking around with the girls tied up with ropes.

In other words, in the picture from the outside, what we look like now will be the "four girls captured by an orc" schematic.

Note that disguise (Disguyz) is a lower spell than transformation (Metamorphose), and not a spell that gains even the ability of a transformed creature.

It is the spell of Haribote's change of appearance, so to speak, and even if I look like an oak right now, I don't have the power of an oak.

However, you can use spells while you change your appearance, and sometimes you can change every piece of clothing and gear if you just look like it, and in some situations this one is more user-friendly.

"But Will, surely it's about time, isn't it? I think I look familiar around here."

Eileen, walking at the rear of the line, says, looking around for a moment.

Sure, this neighborhood is closer to where I met Eileen on my way home from reconnaissance.

"Right. It's time to fly your eyes."

I got Irene's word and once I stopped on the spot I cast a magical eye (wizard eye) spell.

When the spell is complete, an invisible "eye" appears right in front of me.

The "eye" floats about the same height as my gaze, and it is possible, at my will, for a person to move as fast as he walks.

"Do reconnaissance. Just give me a minute."

That's what I told my people, and I let "eyes" move on.

Then close your eyelids and align your vision channels with your eyes.

Then, the scenery reflected in the "eyes" is shown in my sight.

I kept my eyes going.

Moving on for a while, I saw a destination settlement.

In the settlement where the Finolas originally lived, it became a place where they thought the orcs were now in control.

And as if to prove it, a united oak stood as a watchdog at the entrance to the settlement.

Behind it, even if you look inside the settlement, you can see orcs walking wide everywhere.

The settlement is lined with tree houses with dwellings on top of the trees.

Until its dwelling, it is shaped to go up a ladder hung on a tree trunk, similar in shape to the elf settlement where the Lephanians live.

However, the number of dwellings was several times the number of settlements where Lefania lived, which was overwhelmingly large in size.

But the massive settlement is no longer dominated by the orcs, and it seems miserable.

While I checked that, I let my "eyes" pass by the oak on the lookout and proceeded to the settlement.

The phase remained the same, and the body of an elf lying everywhere was wild.

No, when it gets terrible, some of them are "scattered" near the burning trail.

I look at it and learn physiological disgust and anger.

And I also feel it is necessary to tell the four Satsuki that they are in these conditions beforehand.

If they see this without prior mindset, they will become emotional and act on the spot, which is likely to cause the operation to collapse.

Preliminary information for mindset is important.

And that would be the same with regard to "other sights".

As I proceeded with my "eyes," all over the settlement, I saw the sight of multiple orcs swarming one elf woman.

That sight unfolding in the falling of a clear morning sun due to a wooden leak was so unfit and miserable that I wondered what the joke was.

Is it to be said fortunate that the "eye" that sees it does not convey even audio?

That sight, which has no sense of reality, is, however, an unquestionable reality.

But I didn't use magical eye (wizard eye) spells to reaffirm these realities and amplify my anger emotions.

To acquire the critical information necessary to accomplish the mission.

I push the sight further up my ass, my eyes.

Then he scouted around the settlement.

I lost it so much, I found "the guy".

Among the tree houses in the settlement was a dwelling built on the most splendid great trees.

Probably the residence where the head of this elf settlement lived.

In the lower part of the great tree where the dwelling was erected, "the guy" sat in an impromptu "chair" made with the trunk of the tree on his back instead.

No, I don't want to call that a chair.

It was a substitute for stacking numerous elf corpses, cloth laying on them, and forcing them to look out in the chair.

The Lord sitting there does look like an oak.

He has green skin specific to oak and has a pork surface.

And a giant.

But the giant giant is not the ratio of other orcs.

Would it have a back length of about two and a half meters?

I'm also somewhat taller as a human adult male, but that's big enough for me to only treat children.

The size of what you can no longer call a giant.

Besides, it's not just the back length.

The obesity of the general oak is shaped like it has become immense as it is, and its weight and intimidation is a sagging word.

To the giant, aura.

All over your body, you can see the faint glow of the aura.

On its head, it has a cover that can neither be a helmet nor a crown, like that made from the bones of the head of some large beast.

Its presence sat with our faces so as to crush the body of the piled elf.

─ ─ Oak Emperor.

He is the general of the enemy and the culprit of this commotion.

Now he was carrying something into his mouth, like a comfort.

And see that it has become only bone, or dump it unconstitutionally, demanding "next".

Beside that emperor were two oak roads standing like sides and three common species of oak with their shoulders narrowed to frighten around them.

One of the oak loads gives instructions to the common species of oak at the request of the emperor.

One of the three common species of oak hastily took one arm from the body of the elf, which was loaded separately from the oak emperor's "chair".

and dedicate it to the Emperor.

Emperor receives it unconstitutionally and transports it to his own mouth...

─ ─ So I moved my eyes in a different direction.

I can't help but observe what is only offensive, crushing.

What matters is that there was an emperor there, plus two loads and usually three species.

The destination is there.

I use my "eyes" to look around the whole settlement.

The sight I saw there was no significant difference from what I had seen by then.

And then I cut my focus and exhaled one.

"... how was it?

When I opened my eyelids, Mi asked me that.

Satsuki, Cyril and Irene are also there.

There was no hell in my sight, just a peaceful view in the woods and some sweet friends.


I've lost my word.

Am I going to take these girls to that hell?


If we cut off the request with the elves here and decided not to see it...

Is there, in the first place, a subject to be saved?

Isn't it all too late already?

What do you fight for?

What do you risk my life for and mine?

"... I want you to confirm it here."

I looked over at my people and opened my mouth.

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