"─ Created by a rock squire (Creative Rock Servant)"

Exercising the spell, some of the rock formations that I was laying my hands on are magical.

And the part fell about a meter in diameter into a rock mass.

The rock mass changes shape.

Your arms form, your legs form, your head forms, and the rest becomes your torso.

A few seconds later, the rock mass had deformed into a sloppy human form.

"Heh...? Will, what is this? Made of rock... human?

Satsuki is surprised.

Mi had her eyes round too.

I'll explain it to them.

"Rock servant (rock savant) - you just have to think of it as some kind of golem. Send this guy in to gauge the power of the Mother Lockworm. I want Satsuki to observe carefully and see how strong the monster is."

"Oh, hey, okay."

Satsuki nods.

I'll give you an additional explanation.

"And to do so, Satsuki will need to have a sense of how strong this rock squire (Rocksavant) is"

"Well, maybe that's certainly easier to understand. But how are you supposed to feel?

Satsuki tilts her neck.

In contrast, while pointing to Satsuki, I give orders in magic (runeword) to the creator's squire.

"─ ─ Rock servant (rock savant), attack her"

Then the rock squire let the part that touched his eyes shine with the light of magic.

And toward Satsuki, one step, two steps and a walk away.

"Heh...? ─ ─ Wow!?"

Satsuki flew away from the fist waved down by the rock squire.

Then he turns to Satsuki, ahead of him, and once again the rock squire glances.

"Hey......! Will, what...!?"

A rock squire who keeps attacking, a satsuki who dodges it in a quick move.

I'll explain to Satsuki.

"As you can see, rock squire (rock savant) is not moving much faster. If it's about satsuki, you won't get a direct hit like that even in such a narrow place. But..."


Satsuki's hands took both hands of the rock squire trying to grab them.

Every single hand of a rock squire combines with Satsuki's luxurious looking hands, and a rock squire tries to push Satsuki in.

"Ngu......! You're lying...!? This guy has such stupid powers...!

A pressed satsuki kneels on the ground.

Satsuki looked luxurious, and because she could strengthen her muscles with an aura, she never lost her power to the muscle bragging guy there, but she still felt pushed.

But Satsuki also seems to have something called pride.

"Too much, just kidding.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Satsuki puts the aura together hard on the body and pushes the rock squire back.

Guru, push back a long time - eventually the two antagonized at the first combined position.

"─ and in this way, the Rock Servant (Rock Servant) is the owner of considerable suspicion. In addition, there is a high level of defense by the body of the rock, and the movement is dull but the overall combat power is rated Monster Rank E equivalent. Still, we may not be strong enough to gauge enemy power."

"Okay! All right, stop this guy!

As I kept explaining, a cry flew from Satsuki.

Well, surely it will be enough.

"Okay. ─ ─ Rock Servant, order lifted."

When I give instructions in magic, the rock squire stops moving.

The freed satsuki was breathing haha rough with her hands on her knees.

Mi, who sees him, asks how he pulled it off a little.

"Ugh, William, did you need to put it into practice now?

"Oh. Satsuki is a sensationalist. It's quicker and more accurate to get a sense of it than to explain it in words."

"... the sensationalists are hard too. I want to be a theorist."

Mi was looking at Satsuki with her eyes including pity somewhere.

Now, after that explanation of the force with a demonstration about the rock squire, Satsuki takes a break and decides to move on to practical action.

Instruct the stationary rock squire again in magic language.

"─ Rock squire (rock savant), attack those rockworm larvae. However, if someone attacks you, switch the target to that target."

At my command, the eyes of the rock squire shine again.

And the rock squire left the tunnel where we are and ran down the rind-potted underground space at a rate not too fast.

"Then watch closely, Satsuki, Mi"


Yes, sir.

Three of us, Satsuki and Mi, take just a few faces out of the tunnel exit to see how it goes.

It should be noted that once I turned around and checked Cyril's trends, she shook her head beside me with tears.

Cyril, with her expression and tricks like a child, I hope there's a gap between her appearance and her cuteness.

For one thing, I thought I'd stop worrying about her today.

Well, that's anyway.

The rock squire climbs up and down a bowl-shaped downhill and approaches the larvae of the rockworm.

Sounds like the larvae eventually noticed the presence of a rock squire.

Large larvae in large numbers turn to rock squire after rock squire.

In due course, it will not be possible to defeat that group of larvae alone.

Anyway, it seems that if you deal with all that number, they'll eat you up in no time at all.

If that happened, this experiment would end up in a mere waste of magic (mana) that would not be any validation.

To avoid that, I waited for that "raid", feeling like I was half praying.

And wait a few seconds...

As I wish, the moment has come.

It was when the rock squire approached the larvae to a distance of about twenty steps left.

Several tentacles stretched from the large tunnel near the larvae towards the rock squire.

The tentacle group wraps around their arms, legs, torso, neck, etc. one after the other without giving the rock squire any room to dodge them.

The most nowhere to avoid means that it is very impossible in the blunt motion of a rock squire, and I did not know for sure in my eyes, for example, if it were a satsuki.

But Satsuki herself speaks about it.

"It's not unscrupulous and fast, but those numbers of tentacles are troublesome. I'm not sure I can judge you. How's Mi?

"Mi won't do that either. Besides, if they catch you, they're going to make you look like a lustrous book. I don't like chastity pinches."

"... hey, no. You don't have that. You're a rock worm, aren't you? If they catch you, they'll eat you, and you're done, right?

"Perhaps so. But I'm sorry about both."

"That's not true."

When they were talking about it, things moved even further.

He was a rock squire assembled on a tentacle, but at first the force was antagonizing or more with the tentacle, pulling around the tentacle tangled in himself to get out of the tentacle restraint.

But there, yet another tentacle stretches from the same tunnel, until they are assembled into a rock squire.

Compared to the first, the rock squire, wrapped around a double or triple tentacle, finally lost his strength and was dragged by the inexorable exchange.

And eventually, the rock squire was dragged inside a tunnel with tentacles stretched out.

After that, no phonetics.

At this point in time, the rock squire should think he's been hit.

When we see it, we start an ops meeting with Satsuki on the skin.

"Uh... that's the end of it once it's assembled on the tentacles, isn't it? That sucks, huh?

"If we went down there, the tentacles came. Does that mean the tentacle range is around there? If it's a territory that far, even William's magic seems difficult to attack?

"Oh. Probably about the same range of attack as that tentacle, my range of attack magic. If it's just the larvae, there's a chance they'll be able to shoot from out of range somehow, but that's also where they'll be caught as soon as the body of the tentacles moves. ─ By the way, Satsuki, how much power do you see that monster as?

When I heard that again, Satsuki thought a little.

Then, express your views with a little caution.

"... I also think in conjunction with Will's story when I saw him with his magical eye earlier (Wizard Eye), I regret it, but I don't think I'm the one who can win right now. But - - If I could" that move "that my master taught me, maybe... I feel like I might grab it, somehow..."

That's what Satsuki says, and slowly, he starts making martial moves.

You can wave a knife without a hand, flip your body, cut it back...

It looked like it was trying to reflect some kind of image that was on my mind.

Forget that.

From Satsuki's point of view, Satsuki seemed to expect the opponent to be a monster of his current one rank - i.e., about B rank.

On the other hand, I also felt that even if it wasn't as sharp around here as Satsuki, it probably didn't seem like that was A-rank or anything more.

Of course, it is unlikely that the elements not yet visible will result in any further evaluation......

"By the way, Satsuki, do you take into account my magical support (buffs) right now?

"Oh, I didn't let that in. I don't know what kind of support (buffs) you'll get."

"So is that."

I nod convinced.

Then all you have to do is bridge the battle gap between Satsuki and Mother Lockworm, so that she can outrun them.

"Okay, let's just say we get to it. - Satsuki, take the power out of your body, let go of my magic, and embrace it."

"Ooh.... It's not porn, it's not porn -"

I turn my wand toward Satsuki and start chanting spells.

Satsuki, who still says things that don't make sense, decided to leave them alone.

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