Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 576: Law weapon (38)


In the scorching heat, Lei Luo in the laboratory plastic isolation suit looked up, and it was a glimmer of light in the sky.

At the beginning, it was only a small spot of light, it seemed to be affected by the power of this space, and it continued to collapse. The next moment, this brilliance appeared in front of Lei Luo accompanied by the overwhelming heat wave.

The oncoming heat wave gradually softened Lei Luo's isolation suit.

Among the flames, it was Antonio!

It's just that at this moment, his body is already covered with weird black ice crystals, overflowing with bursts of cold air, which is in sharp contrast with the real body of the flame giant.

Once sneaked into the abyss of death, met [Frost Sorcerer], Leiluo recognized the black ice on Antonio at the moment, it was the black ice with the aura of the wall shadow demon!

Sure enough, he had been contaminated by the Wall Shadow Demon, only relying on layers of snake skin.

"Master! You..."

Although I have learned from [Frost Witcher] that Antonio had entered the abyss of death, and even guessed that he was hiding under layers of snakeskin, the secret there is probably hidden there, but the facts are in front of him, Lei Luo still has some incredible.

The flames around Antonio were transformed by an ancient snakehead real body, but in this mysterious space, even the real body of Antonio's law is constantly breaking down, being swallowed, and becoming the most basic of this space. energy.


Leiluo noticed that the horns on the head of the flame giant in front of the seemingly mighty and mighty real body flame giant, the real body conductor carefully crafted by the fusion of mithril and some unknown high-level magical materials, is like a foil paper-like real body structure. The speed of evaporation is visible to the naked eye.

In this way, looking at the entire giant snake, it is the scene of continuous melting and collapse in this space!

Even these high-level magical materials cannot withstand the power of this space.

In other words, even if Lei Luo's astral body entered this space, the result might not be much better.

of course.

The premise is that the other party can really swallow that terrifying celestial body that has a diameter of more than two hundred meters and exudes amazing light and heat.

"Go out!"

In the roar of Antonio, he ingested Lei Luo into the real body of the fire snake that was constantly collapsing. It was like a world of flames that was constantly collapsing under the influence of external pressure, and was using the last energy to protect the two of them and escape from the outside that swallowed everything. The darkness.

At this time.

Quack quack quack, quack quack quack quack quack.

In all directions, there were countless frogs calling.

"Master, be careful, these are the war slaves of the kingdom of God, similar to the war machine like the Holy See's Angel of Light!"

Leiluo didn't say that this was a slave to the rotten kingdom of God.

Antonio, who was spreading black ice, looked quite embarrassed at the moment, and fierce that Lei Luo had never seen before.

The Kingdom of God, the centralized storage place for the beliefs of the gods, is also the mysterious space used by the gods to get rid of the shackles of cell life.

The gods who are different from the human beings in the surface world are used to building the kingdom of God on the edge of the atmosphere, relying on the rule faults caused by ancient wars to survive, these underground creatures actually built the kingdom of God in their bodies!

With the crowd of frogs calling from far to near, frogs with human heads on their backs appeared.

The irritating "quack" cry, like a noise that is close to the soul.

Even though Lei Luo completed the transphysicalization in the first time, and the body surface was coated with a mental film, he saw that this layer of materialized mental film was covered with dense ripples, which might break at any time.

Zi Zi Zi...

The disintegration speed of the flame giant's body was suddenly increased ten times in an instant. Antonio, who led Lei Luo to escape from this swallowed land along the body, was also affected, and his body couldn't help but shake.

I saw Antonio move his wand fiercely, and as the orb on the top of the wand eclipsed, with a "whoop", a group of mysterious purple flames ignited in his high left hand, condensing and converging, and following " With a snap of his fingers, the purple flame disappeared.

this is?

Leiluo's pupils flickered, and there was a look in the depths of the pupils.

This flame, which was originally only a few hundred degrees long, was concentrated on one point at the moment when Antonio snapped his fingers, forming a soy-sized energy body that had an energy rating of almost 3000 degrees, which even Reello could not accurately assess.

"The Art of Heart Fire!"

Along with this condensed soya-sized energy body, it turned into an invisible wave mark, and there was silence in all directions, and the croaking sound disappeared.


Following the energy body of the Flame Serpent, Antonio led Lei Luo one after another, through the real body, flying higher, and the power of sucking and swallowing in all directions was constantly offset by the real body.

I do not know how long it has been.

With the sudden lightening of his body, Lei Luo left this extremely dark space of the kingdom of God in a daze, and appeared in a mass of electric current.

Crackling, crackling, crackling.

Static electricity intertwined, electricity light intertwined, here is another giant snake body of Antonio's ancient Hydra, inside the body of the Thunder Giant Serpent.

A touch of relief emerged on Antonio's suffocating face.

"Your Majesty has already succeeded."

the other side.

Surrounded by the head of the thunder giant snake of Antonio’s ancient eight-headed snake body, Lei Luo is constantly suffering from electrostatic attacks from all directions. Fortunately, under Antonio’s control, these electrostatic powers are only between 30 degrees, 50 degrees, and 70 degrees. The appearance is not strong.

At this moment, his eyes noticed the battle between the **** of devouring and the ancient eight-headed snake.

Antonio has already turned on his full body, turning into an ancient hydra!

The ancient Hydra, eight of the heads are like wild beasts, fighting with the devouring demon god, only the flame head got into the dark crack of the devouring god’s **** claws, relying on the strength of the real body to rescue themselves from it .


The head of the giant flame snake that had penetrated into the dark crack of the Devouring Demon God was gradually fading, becoming the food for the opponent, and was swallowed up.


Lei Luo's gaze looked in the other direction.

His eyes could no longer move away.

One, two, three, four.

At the end of the horizon, there are four small suns scrambling to shine, and the strong light emitted almost illuminates the entire Dubite province.

People in the lesser half of the Grand Duchy can see the dark red light at the end of the horizon in this dark night sky.

Antonio said in a low voice: "Although I don't know what happened over there, his Majesty released four fission-level radiation law weapons in one breath, not to mention the decaying temple there. Even if it is Dubite province, there will be a few in the future. Within a month, it will also be reduced to a deserted and inaccessible wasteland. I can clearly feel that its power of faith is weakening. You see, its divine body is already breaking down!"

Just like last night, the monsters attacked Gran’s rear.

Today, His Majesty King Chen also surprised the opponent's rear and achieved a natural success.

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