Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 579: Law weapon (41)

Verdant and icy.

Different from the cruel survival mode of plants in the underground world, which mostly rely on continuous harvesting of energy spar and bloodthirsty hunting, the surface plants of the star screen absorb the solar energy of stars and live on photosynthesis.

This is where the biological energy pursued by the evolutionary profound meaning.

The natural energy pursued by the laws of nature is also here.

They are all for the secondary use of the energy of the stars entering the star screen world and fusing the energy of this celestial body. In this way, after Antonio lifts his ice and releases the biological evolutionary power accumulated in his body for a thousand years, he devours the demon god. One feeling is this infinite greenness.

The powerful storm and the ripples shattered everything around.

The continuously exploding bubbles are forming a wind eye, expanding and spreading to all sides, drowning the Devouring Demon God.

For this kind of energy coverage, Devourer God has great experience in dealing with it.

Year-round battles, especially the dark creatures in the underground world, will always create a variety of institutional restrictions in an attempt to fight against the great demon gods everywhere. This kind of energy coverage attack is just one of the most conventional methods.

Let alone the far, it is the near future.

The radiation weapon explosion two days ago, in the eyes of the Devouring Demon God, was nothing but a weapon of another group of ‘dark creatures’ in the surface world.

in this way.

After being attacked by this suicidal energy spill at this moment, the Devouring Demon God did not panic.

After being affected by radiation weapons, it would take at least fifty years to resume dormancy after the war. Now, even if one or two decades are added, it is nothing, and it is completely within the acceptable range.

After all, for those supreme and great creatures, decades of dormancy time is almost like a sleep.

A weird scene happened!

The Devourer, who originally thought that he was about to suffer an energy attack, suddenly discovered that the energy containing huge biological energy not only did not harm him, but after sweeping his body surface, he was healing his wounds at an astonishing speed. !

not only.

Even if he had been attacked by Antonio's body and the broken limbs of the ghost claws left behind by the Ray Luo's meteorite technique, he was actually reborn under this energy.

Such a surprise scene is really incredible.

How could this be?

But there was no more time for the devourer **** to think.

After experiencing the initial baptism of strong pressure, it clearly knew that with the death of this surface creature, the wall shadow monsters who escaped and escaped without the icy **** on his body will surely come one after another. It does not want to spend money in this war period. Strength to deal with those ghosts that are immortal.

As a result, the Devourer, who was accidentally cured and healed, stared at the weakening pressure outside his body and walked out of the expanding bubble layer.

Boom, boom, boom...

Soon, the head of the behemoth rushed out of the realm that looked like a sticky candy, and saw the Gran Scholars who had been waiting outside for a long time and were ready to go.

These guys again! ! !


In the crowd, the Devouring Demon God saw the figure at a glance. The guy who was rescued after being swallowed by himself is now leading dozens of scholars to launch an overwhelming attack on him.

"Do not!!"

The Demon Devourer let out an angry roar, but had to retreat so as not to be submerged by domain bubbles again.

"[Solar Power], what should I do now, what special explanation can the pioneer have before he leaves?"

The person who questioned was [Sky Fortress] Ceratos.

In addition, [King of War] Fladik, [Nightmare Devourer] Nightmare, [Altar Communicator] Windsor, [Blood Mosquito Queen] Shirley Lax, [Panic and Wailing] Nicole, [Lei Wu Behemoth] More than ten famous Royal academicians including Dika gathered nearby and looked at Lei Luo.

"The master said that this will be the biological laboratory he will build for future scholars in the principality."

As he spoke, Lei Luo looked to the other side.

It was the Demon Kings who had previously retreated. At this moment, because of the roar of the Devouring Demon God, they were summoned again to gather here to help their Demon God escape the crisis.

"Damn, these lingering fellows."

Click, click, click, click.

[King of War] Fradik said: "Let my weapons of war go for a while, now Antonio is gone, no one in the Principality can confront this guy head-on. We must fight to the death and we must not let it escape !"

An amazing scene appeared.

In addition to the six nearby war weapons of the King of War, I saw the base of the distant metal sky fortress. With the sound of metal gears turning, after several heavy hatches slowly opened, nine metal giant coffins appeared one after another. Each giant coffin has a height of about ten meters.

Rumble rumbling.

After the lid of the metal giant coffin was lifted by the metal lever, the kings of war were sleeping inside.

The metal body of more than seven meters contains an indescribable aesthetic of violence. The automated mechanical arm on the chest is slowly inserting pieces of energy spar into the groove.


Crimson eyes lit up.

Accompanied by it, on the tower of the Sky Fortress, several extraordinary scholars who were in the mental radiation device were shocked. After they were completely in a state of combat, with the sound of the tail flames breaking through the air, the metal war weapons One after another, they left the metal giant coffin and flew to the distance.

After three hourglass time.

Boom! Boom! Boom! boom……

There was no end to the tragic battle, and it was even difficult to describe in detail.

But if a great historian tells people in the future, he will definitely add this passage.

"Tide-like monsters, as if endless, attacked Gran soldiers overwhelmingly, to save their demon gods, desperate oppression, shrouded every brave Gran soldier, everyone is praying for miracles, The sun waiting for the dawn."

The King of the Seventeen Drivers’ metal weapons were dispatched one after another, and eleven were destroyed, leaving only six drivers, just struggling to support them.

[King of War] Vladic pioneer, fell.

[The Panic and Wailing] Academician Nicole has fallen.

[Leiwu Giant Beast] Academician Dika, has fallen...

From now on, the famous scholars will become the history of scholars exploring the knowledge of truth.

After this battle, the Gran academic circle will go back two hundred years!

But in contrast, the resistance to reforms of the older generation of academic oppression will also disappear.


The true cruel war between blood and fire, whether it is Gran’s scholars or the demon kings who broke through the underground world, is going forward and backward.

There is no retreat for both sides.

Unprecedented despair envelops everyone on both sides!


With a violent collision, this is the third Demon King that Lei Luo has dealt with, the apostle who masters the power of the Devouring Demon God, an elderly Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion Demon!

The smell of old age is almost decadent, similar to that of Antonio.

This means that it has stronger strength, richer experience, calmer spirit, more cunning wisdom, broader insight, more skilled combat, and the assistance of devouring divine power.

This is undoubtedly one of the top demon kings in the underground world.

The result is also very obvious. After defeating the two Demon Kings in succession, Lei Luo, facing the Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion Demon King, became extremely strenuous. Although there was no decline, it was only exhausted to deal with the opponent's absolute speed. Up.

call out.

Continuously transcending, Lei Luo's mental power state gradually began to weaken, but only in this state can he barely keep up with the opponent's speed, and will not produce crushing oppression.

"Yongyue Bingyan."

The fire of the verdant blue forest is fleeting.

The internal meaning of this academic is a sacrifice to the super body star, which should have been a forbidden technique that Lei Luo avoided using, but at this critical moment, he had to use it.

Silently, a strange fire gushed out of Lei Luo's moon pupil.

At this moment, Lei Luo seemed to be standing on a super body star, greedily peeping at the world.

The Cangmai Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion, the pair of dark red compound eyes full of years, seem to have seen all of this in their eyes, and they are all in the first place for the strange fire that can be avoided at their absolute speed and the parts that cannot be avoided. For a time, he got a conclusion with his combat instinct.

in this way.

Before the ice flame of Yongyue was enveloped, it shrouded a layer of mysterious black light in the area where it was about to be attacked, as if weaving the subtle divine power. The devouring demon divine power was like a layer of clothing, and the clothing was on the surface of its tail. .

"Such a subtle manipulation..."

It was Lei Luo, who couldn't help but lament that the other party's approach to artistic energy application almost achieved the absolute control that many natural law scholars have pursued throughout their lives!


At the moment when the Eternal Moon Ice Flame enveloped the tail of this Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion Demon King, it did not retreat but instead rushed towards Lei Luo. Its rich combat experience told it that it had used this level of attack. Lei Luo is undoubtedly in a relatively weak stage, at least a short period of blank period.

And the facts are as it expected, Lei Luo is indeed in a short period of relative weakness.

The stinging cold light, the piercing sound of stinging skin, the Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion, who almost thought he was about to succeed, suddenly stopped in the air. After a panic struggle, it has always been known for its absolute control. At this moment, it is called desperately. With the power of devouring, he swallowed the strange ice that was rapidly spreading from the tail.


It screamed, incredible.

No wonder it will be like this. The Demon Devouring God has reached the level of the middle Demon God, and it is so unbearable under these weird cold flames at this moment. Even without the support of the power of faith on the surface, the power of the Devouring Demon God will decline. At least an attack of this level is required. The supernatural power of the laws of the upper gods is possible.

This guy, is it a high-level divine envoy! ?


In the hysterical hissing and struggling, this Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion Demon finally died nine years ago, escaped from the spreading Eternal Moon Ice Flame, and no longer looked down on this mysterious and unknown surface human being.

Huh, huh, huh.

On the other side, Leiluo was panting and fighting continuously. This was already the third Demon King-level creature he faced. It was caused by his own eyes. It was this terrifying Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion Demon who sneaked on. King of War] Fladik caused a fatal blow, forcing the "pioneer" to blew himself up, involving the powerful demon he was fighting against, and perishing together, reducing the burden on others.

[Sky Fortress] Ceratos, who also witnessed this scene, was almost hysterical when he saw that his mentor died like this.

I thought it was just Vladick's carelessness.

From what it looks like now, this Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion Demon is really terrifying, and Lei Luo will fight against it. Even in its heyday, it may be difficult to gain any advantage.

"Horrible guy, ancient creatures are nothing more than that!"

In the past few days, I have seen terrifying Demon King-level underground creatures many times. While Leiluo has become dreaded by these incredible creatures while evolving for these killings, he has also unknowingly started to become fascinated.

As far as savage and killing are concerned, these underground creatures are indeed far better than humans.

If the two sides were just fighting and fighting like a beast, even if the number of humans expanded tenfold, it would only be a matter of time before they were extinct.

The battle between Lei Luo and this Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion Demon was just the tip of the nearby iceberg.

Extremely tragic.

In a short period of time, since the Grand Duchy has fallen so many famous scholars and academicians, it goes without saying that these demon kings have also experienced unprecedented heavy blows since they invaded the surface world, and they have truly begun to attach importance to these humans.

Especially these mutant humans called scholars!


No one thought that it was not the sun that the Gran scholars were waiting for, nor any accident, but the Demon Devouring God desperately saved by the underground monsters.

"Why, why, my power..."

The unprecedented sense of weakness continued and continued, spreading from every cell of the Devouring Demon God.

Weak gasps.

This is almost unimaginable for a fourth-level creature with a divine body, which means that while its power of faith is exhausted, the consumption of divine power stored in its body has reached its true limit, and it is about to fall into endless dormancy. The edge of death.

Demon Devourer felt an unprecedented powerlessness and fear.

It roared, the millions of **** ghost claws on its body opened its palms, revealing the hideous eyes in the palm of the hand, looking for the culprit, looking for the enemy, except for the fleeting moments that are almost hard to damage its divine body. Shadow, there is no life in this nascent wind eye.

It was weak, unable to even pulsate, and could only fall weakly, gasping for breath.


Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something.


That is a green bud.

Shoots can be seen everywhere on the surface of the world.

It is too small, only less than one millimeter, and it is growing tenaciously from the nails of a devil's claw. Upon closer inspection, it surprisingly found that the hideous and abrupt blood vessels of the devil's claw are also turning green. .

Then, it exclaimed.

Because it discovered that not only this palm, but also its whole body, every time the cracks of the weaker skin have grown such emerald green shoots, they seem to have grown out of its own body!

Could it be...

It suddenly remembered something.

It's the **** healing vitality! !

In the ancient war tens of thousands of years ago, the star screen world suffered huge catastrophes, and hundreds of millions of creatures were extinct in units of civilization. The yellow sand swept by the death storm flooded the entire world. No creature can avoid it.

In that catastrophe that wiped out 99% of life in a short period of time, all creatures that survived the star screen world would have an extra ability, the power of adaptive evolution.

A catastrophe, a catastrophe.

Perhaps in a short time, an advanced and complex creature at the top of the food chain will be destroyed, but at least it will never be able to completely destroy all life in an area without exceeding the intensity of the Alpha Death Storm catastrophe.

Because those lower creatures with simpler structure tend to have incredible mutation adaptability, gradually adapt to the new living space, and then use time to evolve new higher creatures.

The whale-falling Antonio, as it disperses in the pursuit of evolution in his life, the cells of his body spread to every inch of this brand-new eye in the form of spores that outsiders cannot understand.

They are like three-phase rats on Lei Luo, like the mother's nest in the land of night, the wheat in the land of star.

If it is an ordinary creature, even if it suffers from the parasitism of these spores, it will not produce such fatal consequences.

But Devourer is different.

It suffered severe damage after the war. After losing the support of the power of faith, it instinctively absorbed the life energy of nature to recover. After Antonio's disintegration, the most abundant life energy in the shrouded area is these new generation spores. Up.

The demon **** greedily swallowed these spores, restored his power, and nearly swallowed most of Antonio's cells.

And the consequences...

But it was the first generation of lower beings who were supposed to adapt to Antonio's creation of a new style, and used the weak divine body of the Devouring Demon God as the world created by the whales!

In this way, an adaptability evolution begins.

There is no doubt that even the Devourer Devil, after losing the power of faith, facing the potential of the creatures of this world engraved in the deepest part of the cell memory, it is impossible to achieve a complete victory. After a large number of spores are absorbed by it, there will still be Some of the divine kingdom spaces that have adapted to it are growing up quickly and savagely.

They make their first lives and must fill this empty world as soon as possible.


The Devouring Demon God can feel that his body is like a huge vessel.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the world was born. The first lives were the simplest single-celled organisms. Until some cells began to have souls, they began to cooperate with other cells, established subordinate symbiosis, evolved hands, feet, trunk, brain, eyes, and mouth. The formation of multi-cell complex organisms has created the complex and beautiful world today.

This is a great miracle of life created by billions of cells.

But at the moment.

The things in its body are attacking this great miracle of life from the most basic cellular level, adapting and symbiosis to this world, and transforming itself into a huge plant.

In addition.

The icy cold behind the green soon followed.

Those are silent ghosts. They are walking in the dark. Their manifestations in the surface world are only visible shadows. Other than that, there is almost no physical form. They are a group of wandering microcosms. The strange life in the particle crack!

The Devourer God, who is transforming into a huge plant library, has already been transformed into plant parts. It seems that these strange shadows are harmless. Not only do they ignore them, they even use these parts as their nests.

But for those animal cell parts that have not been infected, they ruthlessly tore off the pieces, perfectly inlaid into the body of the plant, and even the soil on the ground is in the stone!

This is simply a fossil specimen beyond nature!

"Do not……"

Endless despair spread in the soul of the Devouring Demon God. He seemed to see his own death and the terrifying existence in his body, gradually gaining a new life in accordance with the previous devil contract.

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